What puts me off is the way people are asking for it and [aircraft no one else but you cares about] in general.
Kinda sounds like a semi-polite "F-you" from Bjoern.
Any "wish list" aircraft I put up here are not because I solely want them for myself, nor do I expect anyone - anyone - to develop them. Anytime I've listed anything here its an aircraft that I think others might find interesting, looks interesting, or is under-represented. Never any begging, never any arm twisting involved. And how many developers out there in either FS9 or FSX just may have read someone's wish list and said to themselves, "Hey, I'd like to try a Dominie/Beech 18/Ercoupe/YMF-5/AgTruck", got inspired to do it, and now the sim community is much richer for it?
Oh, and there are, BTW, people here interested in more than just mil-jets, airliners, warbirds, and helo's; some of us would like to see a few more ultralights, GA classics, homebuilt/kitplane, and LSA's - high performance and otherwise, which, of course, any designer/developer can choose to design - or not - at their pleasure. It's both our right and privilege to fly what we like, just as your preferences are yours. To imply that someone is attempting to dictate the content of your experience merely by offhandedly expressing their own desire strikes me as somewhat ridiculous.