Must admit i'm been put off by the new shaders and not willing to get in too deep because of other interests . Have several sims for the "hard core" enthusiast such as RoF,OFF BhaH,Falcon 4.0 BMS,CFS3(9 installs), Il-2 '46 (updated version,VP modpack and BAT),BoB WoV, Flaming Cliffs 2 and a few others. Of all CFS3 is close to my heart because of the gameplay and mods. Years ago there was much more interest and growth was great. Now when i get to discussions there are only a few of us around.Mostly guest and very few users. CFS3 got a bad rap in the beginning and has had that cloud over us every since. Felt the same with Il-2 '46 until i realized just how much had been done to it over the years. Now i love it. CFS3 still has life to it so talk about it everywhere you can and spread the word. I'm only good at installing expansions, planes and other small stuff . Put off with the shaders because iv'e read a lot of problems here and there with it and can live with the way it is for now.Regards,Scott ps Thanks guys for all you have done for us. You're the greatest.