What I have been working on; Extreme Poly Models in FS9


Hey all,

Here are some screenshots of the Boeing Blended Wing B-797 that I have been working on lately. For those that do not know, this will be a basic freeware. What I have been learning to do is create high poly count models that can be compiled into FS9 format 'and' they brake the 4MM weld limit/over-ride.

On this fictional concept plane, I have created a VC, and filled it with knobs and toggles I would normally only put in a FSX plane model. The toggle switches (round little metal/chrome things with the ball like top ends) are 'extreme' in poly counts. There are a ton of these knobs all through out the model. Also, the models exterior and interior are 'identicle', meaning that if you go outside when in the VC model and walk around the plane, all parts of the exterior plane are on the interior plane as well, so no loss of detail parts there either.

Oddly, in the past, the largest files I had in my biggest FS9 projects were about 6,400 megs. This plane, presently, is at about 13,100+ megs. The plane flies smoothly in FS with no frame rates lag at all, something other people have talked about which I cannot get to occur in this model.

It took a long 2 weeks to get the system working for Gmax. The guys that do FSDS modelling had this figured out already, but the Gmax version X files are a different system slightly, different naming, scaling procedure, etc. At one point, it just wasnt working 100% for me and I feared it wouldnt work for Gmax'rs, but I finally figured out a small stumbling block and now it all seems to be compiling nicely.

I should now have this girl done very soon.

The cockpit uses stock FS9 Boeing 747 gauges, as you can see. They are easily replaceable as I am using giant floating instrument poly's so people can move everything all around. I will offer a version that has area's cleared out of switches so people can add diff panels of gauges instead of my static fake switches and knobblies.

A closeup of the small chrome Toggle. See if you can count the sides. :d Stock FS planes were 5 sided to keep from being welded. The new limit with this system, so far, appears to be 1.3 million polygons.

Thank you LORD!!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
A couple of more....

The overhead panel required to be a seperate compile pack alone from all the polygons. The rest of the cabin are a complete LOD compile pack.

Total X files so far, (probably no more now), is 11. Total MDL file size presently, 13,100+ megs.

:jawdrop::jawdrop: I Better fire up Fs9 and blow the dust of Yellowknife's runway and build a hanger for this beauty. Very nice VC LH.
...and also, thank you, Lionheart!

I was a little bit disappointed, when I expanded the attached screenshot and clicked on those beautiful multipoly switches, that the lights didn't go on :d

Is there an icon or a smiley somewhere for "speechless"... ?
Thanks guys.

Just a note though. This is a very 'basic' VC. Most all of those switches are non-functioning. This is just a proof of concept for making a high poly plane. Please dont be disappointed about the VC not having more functionality in it. I am so far behind in getting scheduled work done that its crazy.
THAMK YOU LIONHEART!!!! I hope.....and pray....that this could lead.....maybe....to an Epic VLJ or some other LHC project....coming to FS9! Looking forward to the WT9 also!
Looks great Lionheart. Even though the Boeing Wide Body or whatever it's called isn't my cup of tea, I will download it and install it when it is available. I want to see what a 13+ meg MDL with a gazillion polygons does to my poor old 3gig P4, 2gig PC3200 RAM, 512meg Nvidia GeForce 7600GS system with 6 leaking capacitors on the MOBO. If the plane still yields respectable frame rates on this system, then it passes the test for sure.

I did not realize this is how BIG it is....
(♫♫ outro... drums and cymbals ♫♫)

Get going Lionheart!
I can not wait to see the finish product!

... I have to purchase a humongous hangar!
yeah, speechless....dude you really knocked this outta the park

this level of detail seems, as the Corsican puts it, In-con-CEIV-able!

Looks like the modeling biz just took a quantum leap. Looking forward to testing this out on my low-rent rig, too. I wonder if my capacitors are leaking? Didnt see any silicon on the floor, but you never know.

Great work Lionheart, and congrats on some great research and lateral thinking!!

Looks great Lionheart. Even though the Boeing Wide Body or whatever it's called isn't my cup of tea, I will download it and install it when it is available. I want to see what a 13+ meg MDL with a gazillion polygons does to my poor old 3gig P4, 2gig PC3200 RAM, 512meg Nvidia GeForce 7600GS system with 6 leaking capacitors on the MOBO. If the plane still yields respectable frame rates on this system, then it passes the test for sure.


higher spec than my rig ;) 2.79Ghz P4, 3Gb RAM, 256Mb Radeon X300/600/1050 series.... mines a piece of junk but i can't afford to replace the darn thing....
My rig;
Apple iMac
2.79 GHz Core 2 Duo E8235
3 Gigs DDR Ram (4, but WinXP, it can only see 3)
ATI Radeon 2600 XT

Thank the Lord, capacitors do not appear to be leaking.

Great that this option can be used! For the time being I have enough polys to go!


I want to see what a 13+ meg MDL with a gazillion polygons does to my poor old 3gig P4, 2gig PC3200 RAM, 512meg Nvidia GeForce 7600GS system with 6 leaking capacitors on the MOBO. If the plane still yields respectable frame rates on this system, then it passes the test for sure.

Tom 'Gnoopey' Kohler's (Whatever happened to him??) Boeing RB-50F's model is 12,491 kB is size, which seems to be 3-4 times bigger than the average Fs9 model. Still runs great even when using the optional 32-bit textures.

Ya know, I have never installed Gnoopey's B-29s in FS9. I used his CFS2 B-29 and it was great for an unfinished model....he lost the source files in a HD crash before he could finish it. Will have to grab those planes and install them.

Some new WIP screenshots...

New Boeing paint scheme.

If you can imagine how many polygons are in those people standing around on the ground that appear after the engine was shut down a few min's prior, you will then gather how much of a gain this is. I have wanted good looking passengers on planes for ages. I wanted a lady passenger on my planes, nicely done, as a co-pilot (two people) for ages now in the FS9 planes. Now I can do this... Its a very nice thing.
Couple more.

Check the 'roundedness' of things like the backs of the seats, the buttons on the joysticks, the AC ball-swivel vent. Note that the 'notchy-ness' of the polygons is almost non-existent.