What is your Default Flight setup?


Hey guys,

Just wondering what everyone has for their default flight setups?

I realise some still have their original boot up screen with the Cessna. But some select alternative boot points, and/or to go directly into the default flight instead of the introduction screen panel.

Presently, mine is the stock boot screen with the 172. (New computer still, havent got everything customised on it yet).

Mine is KUKT Quakertown, PA(my home airport)with Jim Cooks scenery update. the a/c is Mr.Ito's Ercoupe in the paint scheme of the one I owned done by John Humphries.
Home airport Gibson Co, TN (KTGC) with Milton's Beech 18 in a Merc Air paint. It don't get much better than that. (at least for me :d)
mine is at Wake Island with the Ford Tri-Motor (the only default plane i kept)...

this way scenery/plane are all tiny, reducing the initial load...

KMFD (Mansfield Lahm Regional Airport) which is just a few miles (as the crow flies) from my house. Airplane is the Lockheed Electra L-10A by Flight Sim Design Berlin...one of my favorite all time aircraft.

KFWN My home field in a Cessna 150 tail number N6676S ( the plane I trained in):wavey:
:wavey:In FS9 it is Offutt(KOFF) with the IRIS F-15, In FSX it is Eielson with the Aerosoft F-16.
--Just Flight Mosquito,
--cold start,
--parked at my local airport just off the main runway,
--real time,
--real weather.

Default Flight Setup

WoP B-29 "Docs Deadly Dose" Pyote Army Air Field, Pyote, Texas,next to Interstate Highway 20(KPYO my designation microsoft didn't have the ramps and runways that still exist) also referred to as Rattlesnake Bomber Base
Mine changes almost every few days. If I'm checking scenery I'm doing, a new aircraft livery I'm working on, flying a hop, etc. Whatever the last flight of the day was, then that's my default until I fly again, then that one takes over.
mine is GTMO, McCalla field Cuba, the airfield on the windward side. AC is anything with a Coast guard paint.
In FS2004, the default flight is the Howard 500 sitting on the runway marked with an "X" facing into the southerly prevailing winds at DDJ in Frisco, Texas. The airport closed down in real life a few years ago.
My default setup is the standard boot screen, then LilSki's Aeronca 7BCM Champ at Riverview Airport (08C) which is a few miles from home. Scenery is by Jim Bosworth but IIRC his site no longer offers Michigan scenery. Got real weather and time set; the plane is shut off but primed and ready to go, parked next to the big hangar. Oddly enough I rarely ever fly the Aeronca nowadays; my current favorite is a slightly modded Lockheed Vega.
My default flight starts on Rwy 34 at Palwaukee Municipal Airport (KPWK) in Wheeling, IL. Default aircraft is Oldliner52's Koolhoven FK58, a beautiful little plane (available here at SOH) that flies very smooth even on my old computer. :)
My default flight starts on Rwy 34 at Palwaukee Municipal Airport (KPWK) in Wheeling, IL. Default aircraft is Oldliner52's Koolhoven FK58, a beautiful little plane (available here at SOH) that flies very smooth even on my old computer. :)

kool, I took flight lessons there as well as Lansing muni.
My imagination had me find a new home a few days back. Always wanted a place in the country w/strip. My new start up base is on the S. side of the Wateree Lake that is situated about 7 mi. west of Camden, S.C.

Flying the lake I saw a house with a red barn and a grain bin pack house grouped together and was secluded and right beside the large beautifuly fingered lake. I said that looks like Dave's place! The start up plane is Bill Lyons Goose, cold, with Heather sherman's nice weathered bare aluminum paint, sitting on shore facing the lake, engine off and ready for trips to the various surrounding airports for business or supplies.

Some how I find this imaginable homestead very satisfying when making runs to the other city airports and then head back to my own private ranch. You got to be a good navigator when the weather's bad or at night returning home. Fun to put the tower view on the shore and watch the Goose head out and do touch and go's or wheel landings on the wide shoreline. Can't fly airliners out of it though. :wiggle:
I still fly out of the default airfield. I have muliple installs. I tried once to change the default in one install and it changed the other installs also, ...so, if anyone knows how to set up multi installs to fly out of different airfields without affecting each other, I would appreciate learning how to do this.

