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Vautour 11N's iron-curtain contemporary?

Little off topic, but since I have all the Vautour versions filling my hanger, wondered if anyone knows of a good version of the Vautour's Iron-Curtain Contemporary..the YAK-28 Brewer/Firebar??? Has been on my 'wish-list' for many moons and very surprised it has never appeared in FS9 or FSX...so many variants and 'gah-zillion' possible repaints! Just wondrering.

Fly High..Punch Holes in the Sky
wondered if anyone knows of a good version of the Vautour's Iron-Curtain Contemporary..the YAK-28 Brewer/Firebar???

I would like to see a Yak-28 also. However there are two Il-28's for FS9, a fine one by Ralph Kreibich (no VC), and a very nice one from Jan Moravec with VC, navigators position and a simple tail gunners position. Mr. Moravec's version also includes RATO assist take off and the trainer version with two cockpits. I could not quickly locate a link for Kreibich's, but Mr. Moravec's Ilya can be found here...


Just hit the download button. Various language translations at top right.
Thanks Hurricane91..!

Thanks Hurricane91...unfortunate that we are still missing the Cold War Yak-28 but have just picked up the Il-28 as you suggested.... will get her tested later tonight. Thanks for the heads up.

Fly High...Punch Holes in the Sky
I really should read the entire post before posting.....I went looking for a jet that was found 2 years ago. Some detective I would make...NOT!
