"What's that red and blue thing?"

I like the subscription idea.

And in stead of allowing even limited ads, I would support limiting the rights/downloads and what not of people who don't contribute. If only because it saves in bandwidth. Just a thought.


Hear, hear!

Having ads is something that has long been said will never happen here, and I'm in favor of that concept. Besides, having seen some of the borderline inappropriate ads that have been displayed on flightsim.to, I would hope to have some sort of vetting/screening system in place to make sure only approved ads get through. Another thing to consider is that this site may have several thousand enrolled members, but only a small percentage of that number is active. Advertisers don't want to spend anything unless they can be assured of having enough traffic to make it worth their money.

I would be in favor of a monthly subscription service ($5.00/month) in return for more/faster downloads from the library, but even that would come with headaches. We'd probably have to switch forum platforms in order to accommodate the financials.
$25.00 more going out in the post this morning. If more is need, more will be sent. Best informative Flight Sim forum out there, can't begin to tell you how much I have learned from the experts here on liveries and scenery.

Given that it was a bit of a struggle this time round, what measures can be taken to reduce costs before this time next year ?