What's the way to get the most out of this game..



Turn yer back for a minute and look what happens..:kilroy:

Hey ho guys/gals etc.. er bad news?.. BUT mine is good...
Everything in my Phase II is installed and working wonderfully and I've been quick flighting and now I want to play etc.. :jump:

I've found out that I prefer the German planes especially the later ones.. they remind me more of 'normal' even real aeroplanes.. and, in my hands, they've killed less of their pilots and more of the enemy's than the English and French planes.. BUT I'm prepared to make sacrifices..

So I would appreciate a little advice/prejudice.. Whats the way to get the most out of this 'game' ? I can fly (oh yeah?) well take off and land and do the housekeeping stuff ok..
so whats the best way to get into it? Do I sign on for the duration and just let attrition and the squadron leader(?) take charge? There's only one first day at school :redf: and I dont want to spoil it? :173go1:
Well, there are several philosophies throughout us players. I've been playing OFF since it came out, flight simulators since 1980's and a private pilot in real life. There are many of us like this. I'm also what one might call a 'purist' so take what I suggest with a grain of salt.

The best way to enjoy the immersion of this sim is to fly campaign.
You don't need to start in 1915, just whenever suits your interests.

First of all, I suggest the same attitude to use if you fly model airplanes. Don't do it unless you're prepared to crash. You will lose pilots; either through enemy action, AA fire or your own mistakes. The goal in OFF is to survive 17 hours flight time. You'll soon discover why.

Flying: I fly with all aids off. No tac display, no labels, no map. I use paper maps and landmarks, roads and railroads to navigate by. I do have buttons on my joystick to turn the tac and labesl on and off, strictly so I can find particular ground targets when the mission calls for it. I use my Mark I eyeballs to search for other planes. Some allow themselves to use the aids because the monitor resolution cannot adequately display small, distant targets. It is exciting to see three brown shapes zipping across the lines a few thousand feet below you and deciding whether to dive on them not knowing who they are. For the best immersion, you should have joystick, throttle, rudder pedals and TrackIr. Once you have these in flight simulator, you'll never settle for anything less. I also never use warp or autopilot and fly the full mission manually. If I don't have time to do so, I don't play or fly a quick combat mission.

Game: Your computer must dictate how much detail you can specify and still get acceptable frame rates. The higher the numbers, the more you'll get, but the harder your machine has to work. There's also some speculation that the higher your numbers, the better the AI behaves. There are some spectacular sceney and effects to behold as you fly over France. Artillery barrages, red poppy fields, highly detailed steam engines, etc. The forests and mountains in the Vosges are beautiful.

Missions: OFF doesn't keep track of whether you hit the waypoints, or complete the mission objectives. As in real life, you're up there, you decide what to do balancing your survival versus the importance of the mission and the lives of your comerades. Whether and how you fulfill your mission objectives is up to you and you have to live with yourself. So, completing your objective to the best of your ability and returning home is your job. Most of us set death on die roll in the workshop as dead is dead gives you no chance of surviving even the weakest crash due to CFS3 yet obviously unsurvivable events do kill you. Also, if you go down behind enemy lines OFF doesn't know this and so you're back for the next mission. For my part, if my pilot goes down behing enemy lines, he's captured. This is remedied in P3 BTW. How you handle it is up to you. I also use the gun jam utility to keep the frustation level higher.

The immersion in this sim is incredible. The scenery, all going on around you, the tedium, the terror, the thrill, all pull you in. I vivdly remember a balloon busting mission where I looked back to check the position of my wingman just as an AA burst caught him square in the middle and he fell apart and went down. I genuinely was shocked and saddened. As in real life, one instant he was there, the next, he was gone. If you let it, this sim will pull you as close to the experience as you can get. It still has some limitation from the CFS3 engine, but P3 has almost all of that taken care of. Also, you'll find, as in real life, as you accumulate flight hours, your skill increases. I mean yours, not your pilot's. Your reactions will get better, your aircraft handling, your spotting ability, your gunnery, all of it. Also, if you fly in an area long enough, you'll get to know it as well, the names of the towns, the landmarks, just as if you flew over where you live. Some missions may find you actually, landing, shutting off your engine and finding yourself in a sweat.

There was a myriad of useful information on the forum, I could point you to, but it's gone now, so it'll have to accumulate again, but the fellows here are superb, knowledgeable and friendly. Except Gimpy, but he is helpful. You'll learn things as you go and what suits your tastes best. No one here will seriously deride you if you want to use warp or keep labels on, etc. Whatever gives you the most enjoyment from OFF is most important. And remember, as good as P2 is, P3 purports to be even so much better. If you want to know more, just ask. At least you can't be jumped on now, for not having read the stickies or searched the forum.:ernae:
Thanks for the response.. Cpirrmann.. (superman?) I've just done a 'training mission' .. really good fun.. Archie got me in the end! But I got them the next time! oh dear this might become another addiction..
I can see where you're coming from.. but I'm going to use all the aids (help) I can get until I get better a lot better.. :ernae: maybe I should start at then beginning and take what plane they give me..
Fly with no gauges on the bottom. Also, print the maps of flanders that can be found on polovski's site (i cant seem to find them now sorry :isadizzy:).
I used to fly with tactical display on 2NM on aircraft only mode when in patrol area. I had that, to simulate the scanning of the area by my pilot. I dont have TrackIR so I use that to "find" enemy aircraft. I dont see the reason why the AI can spot me from 2NM away and me being helpless with no TAC display. I got bionicle eyes too jerries!::d.Turn on the display for 10 seconds (this is like scanning) and off for a while. This is a little better i think. No labels of course. And use a fan (i got one that connects with USB) to simulate air flow onto your head. If you buy a REALLY big fan you can activate it and generate winds of 100mph just like back then! Be sure to empty all the room before though :kilroy:. And get your family outta there :costumes: if yo do the last thing i proposed :running:.
And try the se5a !
Look for unused or irrelevant key commands and change them.

If I remember rightly one or two keys crash you out of 3D, F2 does this I think.
Mine is now re set to Idle cut off so as to avoid unintentional mishaps on the landing field.
I set F1 to Float view for the same reason, I don't really use outside views though, so I set Virtual Cockpit to V so I can make sure of being in cockpit quickly at takeoff.

It's going to take me a while to get a good key layout but it is all too important IMHO as CFS3 was terrible in this respect.

Don't write off allied aircraft too soon, the mostly do at least one thing far better than their opponents and that makes them better if you get to know them.

SPADs are useless but that will be sorted in P3 so I hear.
I am not going to get a bloody fan (I said that in my Michael Caine voice).. :icon_lol:

However I do go with the idea of getting maps (I havent seen those on P's site? where?) ... and getting to know the areas.. I have dont see how you can tell the difference between the different airfields and planes lorries etc without the labels besides which I havent found out how to turn them off yet.. I need a manual.. Is there a printout of the key code list or is this another something to absorb?? :kilroy:
I should add that others have said everything I could and will ever say on this subject before but the Great Library of Alexandria burned down.
Just as a little side note: Mostly the German planes, all have twin machine guns, exception being the EIII( the wing-warper)

However the Good Guys, can load out with bombs or rockets, some it's a fielders choice

The rockets belong on a P47, but it makes the game more enjoyable, if not very realistic

The "realism monger" can alter the amount of Fuel carried on a mission to be lighter, thus faster. I always thought the only time I had too much fuel onboard was during a Fire

If you wish to become a tourist. Go Quick Combat>FreeFlight, you have your choice of country, and airfield. A highly detailed London and Paris
awaits visit. :kilroy:
Ctrl+Shift+L labels.
Shift+T TAC on/off
Ctrl+Shift+T TAC fields of view
T TAC mode.
Here are 2 maps:One huge and one big. Dont shrink them to A4 or A3. Find a print shop and print one of them. In one large piece of paper. I would suggest that you dont shrink them at all. If you have a plotter you can do it by yourself!
Thanks to the guys who sent me the maps. Too bad I cant remember their names since we lost our old database...
Most of those commands are available when you hit escape during play and pull down that menu in the screens upper right corner.... under controls or commands if you poke at it you will find commands you need.

I am new too all this with 2 pilots dead at 16+ hours... so by no means am I qualified to tell people how too get the most out of this.

It does seem that the 'real men' play the game without labels, all realism settings on hard, no warping and no target cone... for those of us without Tracker or Free track systems I recommend a target cone but....if you go down in enemy territory you retire the pilot and you never re fly.

Aside from that I set my spread to tight and I have been putting big holes in English airplanes ever since.

There are some dull sections in the Sim, 20 -30 mile flights without any action at all. But the thing is as you get further into the sim... as your pilot gets to 10 hours, 11 hours... you find a sense of relief when there is no contact. When staying alive in the sim is more important than chasing the kill I think you have reached OFF Nirvana...
Because, the kills will come, if you live long enough.

In the beginning you go up looking for the thrill of the fight.. later your more calculating, you hunt, you hide behiend clouds and avoid combat untill you can engage under the best possible conditions... when you reach the point where the hunt is as important as the fight then you really have it.
Labels . . Ctrl+Shft+L, but a pain in the butt as 3 Keystrokes, much easier when you reprograme to a single button in Control Options.
I agree that 7 British trucks in a row, can ruin the view, but sometimes labels can be of great assistance, IDing Enemy Aircraft, Before he shoots at you.

Another Candidate for making a single keystroke is .. Idle Mixture Cutoff ( engine kill ) .. Ctrl+Shft+F6

Virtual Cockpit is unassigned upon installation . . assign it

There are 14 Single Key Commands, not used in OFF
Brakes . . . . . . . B
Flaps Up, Down . . F, V

All info that has Vanished with the crash :banghead:
Hey guys thanks for info.. I go out to buy an onion (duty 'chef' and its spag bol tonight) and .... responses..:173go1:
I've done another mission.. a WWI moment? the wingman crashed and burnt in the trees at the end of the runway on take off.. up and onwards I go alone.. and bravely try to protect 5/6 camels from a dozen of Fokkers with ACE after their name..while trying to work out which way is home.. I died of course! May I suggest we dont fly bravely 15 miles into the jaws of death again until my wingman has passed his basic flying test and I've taken my qualifying cross country!
Right .. its time to sort this keyboard out.. M for map you say!:jump:

weyham did you install the patches and hot fixes? I noticed my wingmen would fly into the ground more often than not then realized I hadn't installed the hot fix. ( to eager perhapse?) I have only flown a few missions since as the sun was out and the wife made do work around the sted, but no crashes. also make sure you add the warp fix if you use warp.

Just got mine and have found that the community is as good as the sim. (salute)
Flanders maps

Fly with no gauges on the bottom. Also, print the maps of flanders that can be found on polovski's site (i cant seem to find them now sorry :isadizzy:).

Hi Gousgounis,

I've also looked for the Flanders maps, on Polovski's website, but can't find them either, Do you have them in a file format that you could perhaps e-mail to me if possible?

I dont want to fly using the in-game map, & would prefer to use the paper maps for added realism

If any one could help with this, i'd appreciate it :applause:

weyham did you install the patches and hot fixes? also make sure you add the warp fix if you use warp.

I did the patches etc.. .. but I'm a bit wary of the warp fix....:kilroy: seems you have to fiddle with a file.. er butter fingers..
anyway i've got flaccid stick problems which I'm trying to sort..
Legion. Follow the link on my previous post man :jump:. (Post #9)
Personaly WarpZap is No Homerun, a standup triple perhaps. The DH2 can be coaxed to 130mph, by starting your decent at 2000 feet, you'll hit 130 at around 1100 feet.

Never Liked Warpzap, I like the 65mph part. But if you engage it, as soon as you hit 65, you'll ONLY have a few Hundred feet of Altitude.

We don't have any mountains, but we DO have Hills

Too easy to hit a house, or a tree around an airfield

If you voluntarily impose a 500 foot minimum, you're pretty safe

But most just take-off then Warp

there''s another post here about maps and someone, I don't remember who, posted a nice one.

but, I've posted this numerous times. Might make it a sticky request. The maps on Plovski's sight are good but inaccurate. The best ones are from MS Encarta's web site. The roads, rivers, railroads and towns are 99.9% accurate with WM's scenery. In campaign, your area of operations can usually be covered by 4 8 1/2 x 11 pages printed from the site. Also, this is the only way I've found to get COMPLETE coverage of the Vosges/Alsace region which will be important for the French and the U.S. in 1918.

I take fine point markers and enhance the details. Orange for roads, green for rivers, and black for RR's. I keep them in plastic sleeves and use grease pencils to mark landmarks, airfields, army bases, balloons etc, as I spot them. If you fly the region long enough, you'll get to know it like the back of your hand. IRL, we fly with accurate charts that we mark up.

Also, in the briefings, the location on the briefing map is usually about 4 or 5 miles southwest from it's position in the game. Accurate maps will help this become evident as you fly missions.

I know many don't have the time to fly the missions in real time but if you use warp and /or autopilot, it's a moot point, and you'll miss a lot.
AH.. Thanks for that Cpirrmann..
I dont feel I'm really lost unless I have a map on my knee!.. :173go1:
Then I can tell.. yep.. I really am lost.... However I have learnt some 'get home' strategies. I guess the best one (for Brits) in this game is fly west and land on a blue one..
That'll be harder as in real life in P3 as the winds are modelled and they prevail from the west.