when changing position crash to desktop


Charter Member
Hallo all,

one of my instals (almost modded into extinction) developed a flaw:

when I try to change position in quick combat the game inevitably crashes to desktop after a few seconds delay. After deleting the uisel-file it remains the same. When manually changing the position in the uisel file, I am relocated to the new airfield but I cannot change it from there.

I did not mess with the global layer or anything, and other instals work fine. So what on earth can that be (win7, 64)?
I had this problem when I first started making new GSL files with WM SceneryDB program..
I discovered that if you are missing facilities or changed names of these or the items(buildings, vehicles, aircraft) called for in the facility files.. my set ups would crash..
And I was unable to change location in QC unless like you changed the uisel file by hand..

And I also have found not every item uploaded Facilities, and vehicles always work well together conflicts happen often..
Check the last changes to this, if you can remember what they are..

A corrupted GSL is a pain to sort out at times..
I always keep CFS3, ETO, PTO, GSL files backed up in case I mess up my set ups..
problem solved

I found a back up copy of my current gsl.lib file and put that in place of the defect one:
all works perfectly now, no crashes, all airfields I tested appear as they should

Thanks for putting me in the right direction!
well....not quite solved

it is not as simple as it seems (as usual)

the crashes came back again, although I did not change a single file and just started a few QCs. Replacing the gsl.lib has no effect this time. I try to recreate the lib file with the global layer file and see what happens.......
no luck, the new lib file has some difference compared to the old, but it doesn't work:

crashes to desktop whenever I select "position" in the menu.......

would be grateful for some advice (has it to do with the win7, 64 bit instal??)
maybe solved

now it seems to work after:

deleting the line "version 3.0...." at the bottom of the global layer.csv file
the funny part: when I used the old file with the line again, it still worked

I really don't know what what all that means......
same as before

after another few QCs, but NO messing with files, it just relapsed into the old state with crash to desktop when selecting the menu for change of position. What I described does not work anymore. All measures to rectify this seem to work only once and then the old problem is there again.......:pop4:.

what a funny sort of game :isadizzy:
It's important that the gsl.lib and the qclocations.xml (in the CFS3 root folder) are corresponding. Having entries in the qclocations without corresponding entries in the gsl.lib will produce a CTD.

Might be best to restore the whole global_layer folder as well the qclocations.xml from a backup. If you haven't backed up before, PM me and I will send you some unchanged files if I have them.

thanks, good idea, I did not check the qclocations file because I have not edited it recently.
It is obviously not the original file and I will check it against the global layer file.....
qclocations adjusted

italflyer, I think you were right!

It seems, I had added new versions of various airfields with other code names and sometimes slightly different locations and did not delete the old versions. After adjusting the qclocations file to the active global layer file by deleting the double entries etc. - it works.

Thanks again