Where 's Tom?


Tom has boarded a plane with a SOH delegation and was off to an Arab country.
See if you can spot him boarding the aircraft and having a drink with the Arabs at the party later..
You will laugh your head off with this utube video::adoration::adoration:


Make sure you see the video from the very start. British humor at its BEST! :wavey:

I never tire of rewatching this and other episodes of the same BBC series...

Nick, Athens, Greece
I'm still alive! But... Due to some changes in my life, I haven't been able to get in here nearly as often as this board deserves, even when I was still active. I've just tendered my resignation to the rest of the admins. I know that whoever they pick to replace me will have an easy time of things, since this board is probably the most peaceful of any of the flight sections. I can't even remember the last time I had to close a thread for arguing.

I'd like to thank everyone here for over a decade of friendship and sharing! I'll stop by from time to time just to make sure this place ain't going to crap without me! :biggrin-new:

I never tire of rewatching this and other episodes of the same BBC series...

Nick, Athens, Greece

Wonderful series which reveals more about who actually runs things than governments would actually like to admit.
Well that's a shame Tom, but a man's gotta do.....

Many thanks for all your moderation/admin work, agreed this Fs9 forum is very chilled and friendly, which shows what a great job you've done! ;)


Hey Tom, sorry to hear this, but then again, like the man says....
I have had a few health issues too, despite my fitness levels. Those of which have taken a bit of a toll on my flight simming ventures, as well as my presence in the SOH Forum. (Maybe that in itself is a good thing for some, as I seem to be a thread killer...lol!).
Always enjoyed reading and responding to your posts, Tom... even when you have scolded me on numerous occasions. Take care of what matters, and thanks for many years of a job well done.

Hey Tom,

I too am sorry to see you go, but I understand. I come on here several times a day (I must have no life) and I have never seen a thread go sideways or things get ugly. Thank for helping to bring some quiet and peace to a part of the Internet I truly cherish.

Tom, thank you for your contributions to SOH. I am sorry to see you go, but I fully understand the pressures and responsibilities of real life must be addressed. Take care and drop in when you can.


Best of luck to you. If you ever need to vent, you know where to find me. A friendly ear is always offered by me...
Best of luck on your future endeavors Tom, and a tip of my hat to you for all you have done for the FS community. I remember you from the early days of Mike Stones forums so i am sure a break from all of us is much deserved.:ernaehrung004:
Thank for all your efforts and stay safe Tom. Make sure to visit the place once in a while :encouragement:

As some of you might already have noticed, I have currently taken over Tom's role as moderator. We had several offers of people who wanted to assist in maintaining this forum. And I would like to thank those who did. It is nice to know you are all concerned about the future of this forum and want to participate in running it.

In consultation with the other admins it was decided not to go for a new moderator (yet). The FS2002/FS2004 forum is friendly and peaceful, and we all know each other pretty well, so we expected that the forum would be more or less "self-moderating".

Kind regards,
thanks huub vink, congrats on the move up in status here and sad to see him go but if you really liked him you do have a chance to keep being in touch, he has a facebook you should add him or just follow him in a sense, but if yo do, send a message beforeyou send him the frind request cause he may know huub vink and lot of other forum names but no know you peresoll. so you dont have to i took the liberty to do that and i havent heard much of a weel keep in touch kind of thing...

but cvontas huub vink for that leap forward