Parky, you've obviously earned a reputation here for being good with computers - but I'm afraid your math in this case is flawed.
You see, you can't add up *your* costs Canadian, and still use *mine* in USD. You can convert one or the other, but you can't do the conversion on half the math. I was actually aware that this might be where the error in your figures were...but, as I pointed out: If *I* bought the card, it would cost me $469 - bringing the total I've spent (in USD) to over $900.
(Or, if you wish, take the $600+ I spent here and 'up-convert' to your having spent $600+ for a card I can buy for $469 - 469:600, that's hardware - with the two cards I bought, not yours - in your dollars now costs $775+ - a good bit more than the $600 you spent on your card alone. If I bought the card you did, *and* the rest of my hardware, at your price, then my cost is now roughly $1151.00)
And I didn't add taxes to the "over $600" I cited as what I paid for my current CPU, RAM, and video cards, where you were considering taxes.
Apples and apples, if you please
On the SLI question: I also realize OFF doesn't necessarily benefit from SLI - but then again, OFF isn't by far the only thing I do with my machine. I play several other (newer) games that clearly *do* benefit from SLI..and I occasionally do some work on here too

And I think it's not really accurate to say that what I'm running is "the equivalent of a single 8800GS".
For one, in the right circumstances, these cards will hold their own against a single 8800GT. (Note it obviously wouldn't apply in an environment - like OFF - that doesn't benefit much from SLI). You may recall I did say that the system performs admirably in every other circumstance I've thrown at it. I have *no* complaints with the system's performance.
It might be more accurate to say that where OFF is concerned I don't benefit much from 2 cards...but I didn't build an SLI machine just to play OFF, either. Again, there are several games I play - CoH among them - which runs better (particularly at higher resolutions) in SLI than otherwise.
What troubles me is this system does well elsewhere, but seems to be "Not exactly a real speed-demon by today's standards" only where OFF is concerned. This would be why I asked, in my first post, what exactly *is* required to run this, without the graphic issues?
All that being said, I think your advice about finding out how optimized P3 is, is well taken. Trouble is, I don't want to find out *after* it's too late that P3 still requires a grossly disproportionate rig (now having paid $50 for OFF that could've gone toward a new video card and simply played P2 better - assuming it requires no *less* than P3). Not to put too fine a point on it, but unless there's a big difference in graphics performance, I'm not sure P3 is for me.
(Before anyone here gets all in an uproar, again, I think OFF's great...and do please remember it wasn't my decision to make P1&2 free, nor to make P3 cost $50 - I think it's fine the way it was offered. I think the $50 is a fair price for what it brings. But if the additional hardware costs are necessary to enjoy it, then you have to count the additional hardware costs as part of the deal. Again, my system's fine for me as is. I wouldn't be looking to buy more video cards, except to run OFF better.)
I can't make anyone else's decisions for them...I came here to ask help in making my decisions, from those who would be in the best position to help. If you think about it - you might conclude that this very concern would be why I'm here, now - asking the very questions I've asked.