White Cliffs Of Dover

I wish there was a way to import these cliffs......





thanks, installed it and had a flight from Lydd to Manston, but found nothing. Am I missing a texture? Nothing particualr installed in that area except for Rhumbaflappys mesh.

Best regards,


same mesh as me. Just slightly NE of Manston there is the chain low on the coast (small mast and tower), they are hard to spot. Follow the coast north then Westerly and you'll come across a chain home several miles later, slightly inland from the coast. Those are the ones in the pics. They are spread far and wide, another chain home can be found at Ventnor along the south coast.

I haven't extensively toured them as I'm not overly familiar with the place names of the files, living at the other end of the UK and all. I think they stretch right up the East coast of the UK.

happy hunting,
Chain Home Recon

I installed the Chain Home yesterday and after reading this today, figure I'd better go see if I could find 'em. So I hopped in a new favorite of mine (photo-recon version of course) at Merc Air HQ in SE England and flew over to Manston and started searching the coast. I did find one of them and got a couple of shots of it and then turned around and headed back to base before the locals got alarmed. Couldn't resist snapping a few other local pics on the way back.

This one was on on the NE end of the peninsula that Manston is on.
ok Cliffs might be a no go.... BUT i do like the idea of a new Chain Low / Home system..... be good to have 'Darky and Sandra' too....

"If an aeroplane was in an emergency situation regarding it’s position to the airfield it is due to land at the pilot could use the basic life-saver “ DARKY, “ which was a system where the pilot could call for a ‘ Homing ‘ using the call-sign Darky. Most R.A.F. Stations operated a permanent Darky Watch on a common frequency with a transmitter / receiver of limited range to avoid possible overlap with other stations. By taking bearings and comparing them by telephone they could rapidly fix a lost aircrafts position."

This system comprised three search lights positioned around an airfield which could be directed skywards to form a cone. In the case of low cloud-base a glow could be seen from above.

the latter could easilly be done i think, using a basic searchlight object that on entering a set NAV frequency would activate the beams (a scenery object with conditional variables set, and with a transparency....)

there is LOADS of things that could be good fun to have in sim....

Hi Jamie and Willie,

thanks for pointing me to the stations! Just made another trip and I found them. I don't think the difference was in the fact that I was flying Spitfire instead of a He-111 airliner. Don't think camo nets are animated and triggered by the aircraft's country of origin.

Best regards,
in theory we just need to locate someone who can do their mesh if we can do that we can get our beautiful chalk cliffs in... let's get hunting guys, we know it's do-able.... if we cannot locate someone, while i'm in Greece i'll brush up on Mesh creation see if we can't do it... that is if we can't find someone to make a 'white cliffs' mesh :salute:
I think it has rather to do with texture, rather than mesh, unless somebody includes a new one! :running:
Tried replacing all 'cliff' textures I have, but still no success!
This is a real bummer...!