Who have you encountered so far?

while flying a Bristol scout in 1916, I encountered about 8 fokker eindekkers, two of them were flown by Leutnants Otto parschau & Gustav Leffers,

I managed to put a good few bursts into Gustav Leffers machine, but I collided with another Eindekker & had to force land behind our lines it was quite a hornets nest.

Unfortunately in the heat of the fighting i forgot to take any screen shots!!:redface:
You could just turn on labels momentarily and see who it is....just an idea..

Nope, I have them disabled completely via the Config tool. Besides it makes me that much better to have to seek out my prey, at least more engaging to me. Amazing how easy it is to get lost from the crowd so quickly and be all alone, or so I think, in the sky...
I started this thread and haven't posted any screenshots yet... changing that now:

This is a shot from Llewellyn Rhys' SE5, just breaking away from setting Rudolph Windisch of Jasta 32 afire after the *******s attacked No. 56 Squadron's base at Vert-Galand in May '17. The debris still coming off him is my wingman Oliver Tepes adding insult to injury... Tepes'd just shot another off my tail so he was welcome to get in on the act. Kill went to me though :jump:.
Flew a balloon patrol yesterday. Spotted a group of seven enemy aircraft about 2000' higher going away, started to climb and shadow them when another group showed up more at our alt. Turned to engage as they had seen us and were attacking. Got into a fight with the second group and sure enough the first groups comes back and joins in. Man I wish I could have made a video of it. There were planes everywhere from 8000' to the deck and 360 degrees around. The only thing I could do was take a short burst, turn and clear six, take a short burst at another, turn and clear six. This went on for about 5 minutes, I swear I was thinking "I'll never survive this" but slowly the fight started spreading out enough I could focus on one aircraft and get some really good hits in. Managed finally to shoot down three, the last being Harald Auffarth of Jasta 29. Here's a screen shot though not a good one.

mud,...dirt, and stones! And a whole lot of lead! Nevermind, during that scramble mission, I mentioned yesterday, I came across a british ace in a red tripehound. But I was down to fast to recon any name.

have fun!
Well, I shot down Roy Brown yesterday, so if the rest of you guys can go strafe the Australian ground positions a bit, Manfred should be safe now!! :)

Well, I shot down Roy Brown yesterday, so if the rest of you guys can go strafe the Australian ground positions a bit, Manfred should be safe now!! :)


Your post persuaded me to change my avatar.

You may or may not understand this, depending on which country you are from.

PS/.. I have the same accent as the fat b****** as well! :jump:
Shot down Raul Luffberry <sp> the other day during a scramble mission.

Hey, DEJ
Are you saying, that you can get a kill even, when someone else has fired at the same target later? So, it may count, who did the most severe damage?
That would be great...

Hi, Davy
Being German, I don't get it (must be some joke for Blightey boys).
But to mention your avatar: that sure is the most outstanding flying suit I have ever seen. Almost a secret weapon - the opponents aircrews situational awareness might get completely lost, when they see you in that jacket. (Lol!)
Hey, DEJ
Are you saying, that you can get a kill even, when someone else has fired at the same target later? So, it may count, who did the most severe damage?
That would be great...

I don't know to be honest. Been thinking about that since I posted the shot. I had one kill in that mission and I don't recall knocking down anyone else although I did chase a couple off earlier while my wingies got a kill each... suppose one of those may have crashed later.
Olham, I guess Davys outfit is a reference to the colourful birds these days, meaning especially the "flying circus". But probably I´m wrong.
Davy, maybe you can enlighten us, mate:friday:.

Love the avatar Davy. Most amusing. : )

Others I've gunned down..

Stan Meeks ? never heard of him.

Arthur D. Payne. again ??

An ace with the last name Hilton..any relation to Paris? If so perhaps I've done everyone a favor by preventing an unfortunate future offspring.

Some guy last named Birkbeck?

And about eight other both British and French aces who's names escape me now.

But don't feel bad, after I got tired of mowing through inferior Brit and French planes for a bit, I decided to try some time in an English squad. Got attacked by Max Immelmann while I was flying a DOG of a Bristol Scout.. ( I believe thats what it was) and barely escaped with my life, not to mention quite a few holes in my crate. Youch

ZZ. : )
Yon multi-coloured fellow is Roy 'Chubby' Brown - a British comedian notorious for crude, vulgar and politically incorrect humour.

The clownish outfit and the flying helmet are a trademark although I don't know whether he adopted the latter because of his name or not.
I ran into this one today. Albert Ball. I shot him down shortly after I took this screen shot although his friends took care of me shortly afterwards.

Ran into these Aces....
Collishaw is the tri-Plane...
I think Konnecke is 1 of them...I'm sure somebody could tell me the rest..
Who is the 1 with the mad Face on the side...I like that 1..
Ran into these Aces....
Collishaw is the tri-Plane...
I think Konnecke is 1 of them...I'm sure somebody could tell me the rest..
Who is the 1 with the mad Face on the side...I like that 1..

Yes the demon head is Rumey´s, red dragon is von Hippel´s and green tros is Konnecke´s. All 3 was jasta 5 aces. Thanks for sharing those with us.

Hey, that opens a new perspective for flying the Allied side - I would meet all these individually designed ace planes!
Hey, that opens a new perspective for flying the Allied side - I would meet all these individually designed ace planes!

You will meet an 'Individually designed Ace Plane' soon enough!!!!