Who's flying what these days?

Seems no matter what new stuff comes out I always end up back in DM's 1-11's or Tridents or Milton Shupe's aircraft. and PMDG 737's of course. Like an old pair of slippers they are. :icon_lol:
During our nightly online flights, lately it's been Milton's Twin Beech on floats. Going to switch to the Shagbat soon though.

Other than that, Seafire, Boeing 307 Stratoliner, Spitfire XIX and been flirting with some early jets today (Me 262, P-80 & F9F Panther).
Been flying the MD500E (by Mike Nemeth ands a lot of other talented people) a lot lately. After seeing too many posts from folks giving up on helos because of quirky flight characteristics, I thought I'd take a crack at deciphering the hieroglyphics of helicopter air and cfg files. I'm darn close to sharing this one to get feedback from real pilots as well as everyone who really wants to take one of these things up and set it down in one piece for a change. I didn't see a conflict with permissions but if anyone finds one let me know.
Since our very own Stalin (SteveB) has been splashing paint on Flight Replicas Bf-109G models, I've been flying around in them lately. I have also found the Alphasim He-111H6 to be a comfortable cruiser for those long hops that I otherwise would have to pack up the "Winnebago" for. If I want to get somewhere fast and do it in style, it's Aerial Foundry's (Dean Reimer) F-18C Hornet in RAAF colours. And the ultimate trouble maker, Milton's A-28 and XA-38 "Grizzly". "No, that big thing sticking out of the nose isn't for collecting air samples, Johnnie". :icon_lol:

I prefer the Lear 45 or my the ones I have downloaded that actually work and look good: B-52, F/A-18E and the C-130. I am looking for a good US Navy P-3 Orion or an S-3. I did download the P-3 from Fly Away simulations but it will not load.....
If you want an excellent FREEWARE P-3 Orion, look no further than Team FS KBT. The models are excellent, nicely detailed with superb 2D and VC. Great sounds too! I prefer the EP-3E Aires that they did... There are also ALOT of repaints for their Orion series. Over at Flightsim just search P-3C, KBT.

In between painting 109's too escape the paint fumes I have been going for spins in this old thing.
The Japanese Defense force model not not load on my computer...something to do with with iot being a 32 bit something or other...All other planes however I download work to a point
The aircraft I have spent the most time in over the past few years are the MiG 21MF, MiG 23, Aero L39c , Mi 8, and Mi 6
The only heavy I fly on a regular basis is the An-12.
In between painting 109's too escape the paint fumes I have been going for spins in this old thing.

A Viggen?? That one looks suspiciously like the venerable ol' Alphasim JA-37. I used to have a really sweet bare metal scheme for that plane. Hmmm... reckon I'll have to dig up my copy of the Alpha Viggen and take another look at her. I also have Alpha's JAS-39C Gripen. That's a 'sexy fast' ride too. :icon30:

I just setup Golden Wings 3. So I'm flying old crates. Piper Cub, Stearman, Stinson, Travel Air, Waco, Tri-Motor, Puss Moth, Tiger Moth, Beech 17, Fairchild, Goose...... I'll soon be setting up flights for military aircraft. B-25, TBD, P-38, P-51, Do-335, Fokker. So many airplanes. So little time.
For the last month and a half it's been a combination of Swingman's Grumman Duck and the Virtavia Martin Mars. That and wrestling with the FSrealWX lite proggy since the default real weather in FS9 has been kaput of late.
I've been playing around low and slow using FS 9, tinkering with my Navion and changing the Panel layout. Also been flying the Rutan Boomerang around quite a bit lately, practicing my fast twin skills. Would like to try a non stop flight from SFO to Honolulu in the near future, to see how my navigation skills are. I sure do like the Panel in this airplane; one of the more unique examples out there.

For the past week, along with the Flightreplicas 109, with Steve's paints, ive been flying Yan Tao's Mig 19, its the only plane in my hanger that has no VC, but its still one of my fav's, there's some great Romanian af paints at Flightsim that ive been using----and because its a quite basic model with only 4 texture sheet's, you can have fun using it as ai traffic
cheers ian

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