Who's flying what these days?

I am trying the new Yak-40, available at avsim.su
A massive download with over 100MB and only one texture, but well worth it.
This must be the best detailed, useable, functional, clickable and realistic 3D panel I have ever encountered. Simply stunning!
I hope to see some repaints soon.

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That looks like the old payware Suprunov Design Yak-40. I guess it must've been released as freeware now (?), after the unforunate passing of Igor Suprunov last year. Nice to see the old model is still available. It really is a masterpiece....although a decent computer is definitely needed to run it.
I just finished installing and configuring FS9 after a catastrophic computer failure two months ago.

FS9 – check
9.l patch – check
(That other thing...) – check
Configure controllers - check
FSIUPC - check
FSGlobal2008 – check
Pablo Diaz clouds and sky – check
FSRealWXLite – check

And this was the very first addon plane I installed, as usual. Ok, first I installed the one with the wheels, then this one. Went out for my first FS9 spin this afternoon around Whidbey Island, WA.

Milton's Twin Beech is a hard one to stay away from. It's my default aircraft.
That looks like the old payware Suprunov Design Yak-40. I guess it must've been released as freeware now (?), after the unforunate passing of Igor Suprunov last year. Nice to see the old model is still available. It really is a masterpiece....although a decent computer is definitely needed to run it.

I think you are right Mark.
It is the payware Suprunov Design Yak-40!
Better be careful, as it comes from avsim.su!
I thought it was too good to be true! How do they get away with it? There was just an incident last week with the payware Alphasim Helix!
I am trying the new Yak-40, available at avsim.su
A massive download with over 100MB and only one texture, but well worth it.
This must be the best detailed, useable, functional, clickable and realistic 3D panel I have ever encountered. Simply stunning!
I hope to see some repaints soon.

View attachment 90813 View attachment 90814


My Cyrillic is non existent and Google's translation is NOT good enough. Thus, I can't figure out how to DL from avsim.su. Any body got any clues?
I think you are right Mark.
It is the payware Suprunov Design Yak-40!
Better be careful, as it comes from avsim.su!
I thought it was too good to be true! How do they get away with it? There was just an incident last week with the payware Alphasim Helix!

:icon_lol: I wouldn't toss it in the bin just yet, Stuart. It might've been released as freeware and I just missed the announcement. It was always sort of a niche product, so I don't know if it was announced as such on any Russian-language sites...and word just never made it's way here to SOH? *shrugs*

Pity, really. I bought it when v2 was originally released. Top-notch in all respects. Very tragic how the developer met a sudden end. Igor was a very friendly and helpful fellow.
Nothing else than the olé Dh88 Comet. My first flying for a while, purely testing repaints that I should have finished eons ago. No pics though, sorry. Will be uploading another tonight.

One in progress isa scheme for my son, inspired by Disney Pixars follow-up to Cars, Bulldog from 'Planes'.


View attachment 90827
Thanks for the PROD !

..Thanks for the PROD there Dave..saw your screens and dug out my E E Lightning and after smacking into the North Sea a few times, leaving a series of wave rings , finally got her under semi-control.View attachment 91071 Hot aircraft (Sex-with-Wings)

Fly High...Punch Holes in the Sky
Nothing else than the olé Dh88 Comet. My first flying for a while, purely testing repaints that I should have finished eons ago. No pics though, sorry. Will be uploading another tonight.

One in progress isa scheme for my son, inspired by Disney Pixars follow-up to Cars, Bulldog from 'Planes'.


View attachment 90827

For the 35 or so folks that looked at the picture, here's progress so far.....

View attachment 91134View attachment 91135

damage textures (all my Dh88 texs have custom damage textures BTW) and VC textures and he's ready to upload.

Looking good Jamie!

A lot of FS aircraft I couldn't use on my old comp as it would make them a slideshow. So, every now and then I play catch up with something I never tried before. Downloaded the SectionF8 F-86 last night and have been having a blast with it. So far, I've crashed it a few times, had a flame out on short final and bent the wheels a couple of times. In other words, I'm having a grand ol' time in it. Lots of features on this one to discover. I've never been that big on the kerosine burning shop heaters, but I'm starting to really like this one. The only other jet I have that I really like is the Flight Replicas Me 262 and it doesn't have all the features this one does.

Just hit the usual suspects (AvSim & FlightSim) and downloaded some more paints for it. I'll try to get some screenshots later next time I'm up for a crash and smash. I will​ get the hang of this one.

As a final note, the old Kirk Olsen F-86 just got replaced in the hanger.
Thank you so much for that tip! I found Rob's Gauge and installed it into my whirlybirds, and now I can control them much better, and landings are much easier! That gauge, and the Blade Slap gauge made my rotary world, too!!

:applause: :running: :redfire:

After a couple of disastrous attempts at flying choppers, I am encouraged to try again after reading your post. Can I trouble you for a link to the "Blade Slap Gauge"?

- H52