Why I like CFS3
I learned about computers through the love of CFS1. Windows 98 and the days before Auto-Installers were the Golden Era of sim flight for me. I was an AH-1 mechanic for a time and that spilt into me reading then rewriting countless "Read-Me" files written by developers and modders from all over the world, firstly for myself, so that I could install their wonderful contraptions despite their "hyroglyphic like instructions", and then sharing that information with the hundreds of sim-pilots I came into contact with.
One fine September day whilst posting a single webpage of links relating to CFS some motherless sons of goatherders flew a couple planes into my beloved New York... there is still out there somewhere on the internet a copy of the MSN Zone CFS chat of that day which I helped make... and from that event I created a CFS enthusiast's website that was well over 70 pages of tutorials and explainations with some of my own modifieds for download, etc. which was dedicated to the Heroes and Victims of 911.
From what I remember about the guestbook I helped to open the virtual skies further for many people and somehow I like to feel I replaced some of the loss, hurt, and anger in the world by positively contributing to other people's happiness in a way that I seemed to excell at naturally.
Sadly, I could not maintain the website beyond last year, which is just as well, as change is the nature of the universe, for me at least. Life got busy and I all but skipped the years of CFS2 and IL-2, and even CFS3, which I've only had for the last month, it being the first program I bought for my new Win7 machine. So I dusted off my virtual wrenches and with the help of my fellow "hyroglyphic transcribers" here at Sim-Outhouse have it running functionally and join into the CFS3 furballs posted here.
I had to include this bit not out of pride, but in sharing, we were amongst the first, if not the first people, to Tailgunner Patch submarines and tanks for use in multiplayer gaming back in the days... if you haven't guessed by now I was once "JK_Jupiter"... aka J.John DesChenes, and seeing this sim is still being added to by other innovators, and still enjoyed by true flight sim enthusiasts like myself, has me contemplating learning "GMAX".
So my reasons for liking CFS3 really do boil down to the people involved with it and the generosity of their time concerning all things. Guys like Martin Wright, Bill Potvin, Neil Park, and Ralf Trieble lead the way for me in CFS and there are hundreds, if not thousands, of others whom deserve the credit they never get to hear. A huge thanks to all of you!
Sorry for the "wall of text", but you did ask. Long May We Fly ~S~!
P/S - The graphics are markedly better than CFS1 or 2 also.