win 10 .bat compatibility for ETO 1.50


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Following hairyspin's instructions and sixstring's download links I've got ETO 1.40 hotfix running fine, spent an hour mucking about with an alfa romeo at some RAF pasture to great delight. But I can't seem to follow the instructions for 1.50... In the "Installation guides for ETO and Rising Sun" thread someone mentioned back in 2018 that
When installing 1.50, after putting the file remover bat into the main ETO Expantion folder, it says "If using Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1, you will then need to right-click on the CFS3 ETO Expansion Update Rev 1.50 File Remover.bat and set Compatibility under Properties to XP (Service Pack 3)." However, cant find that in properties. The tabs only have "General, Security, Details, and Previous versions."

Is this necessary for Win 10? Because when I run the .bat, (running as admin) in the dos box that pops up, a few lines says "The system cannot find the path specified" then it shuts down real quick.
and I have the exact same issue. then they posted that they had got past the issue but not how. I figure it's a windows issue rather than strictly speaking cfs3 but parhaps some generous soul can point me in the right direction?

ps aiee! it CTDs in campaign missions :'''''( ds
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I posted this just now elsewhere

AFAIK one doesn't do the compatibility settings on the batch file, but on it's target; for instance, the masterstartup batch file refers to the cfs3.exe file, and that's the one to change the compatibility. Look in the batch file by using the edit mode to fine the target. Now I don't see CFS3 ETO Expansion Update Rev 1.50 File Remover.bat in my set up, now win 11, but the same idea applies that it's not the actual batch file's compatibility that's the issue.

But with win 10 as with win 11, change all the exe files compatibilities to XP (Service Pack 3), inc. the cfg and other exe files. Works for me!
I just checked and I've been running in Win 11 for years without any of my installs being in compatibility mode. Go figure...
I posted this just now elsewhere

AFAIK one doesn't do the compatibility settings on the batch file, but on it's target; for instance, the masterstartup batch file refers to the cfs3.exe file, and that's the one to change the compatibility. Look in the batch file by using the edit mode to fine the target. Now I don't see CFS3 ETO Expansion Update Rev 1.50 File Remover.bat in my set up, now win 11, but the same idea applies that it's not the actual batch file's compatibility that's the issue.

But with win 10 as with win 11, change all the exe files compatibilities to XP (Service Pack 3), inc. the cfg and other exe files. Works for me!
I just checked and I've been running in Win 11 for years without any of my installs being in compatibility mode. Go figure...
aw man :(
the file removers for the other updates were all .exe and they were straightforward but this one seems not to work..


  • CFS3 ETO Expansion Update Rev 1.50 File
    9.5 KB · Views: 7
welp, so I removed (with backups of course) the directories indicated in the .bat. funny thing with the engine sound one, it didn't match the name in the file. there was a .cfg which specified some kind of alias and nothing else but I wasn't sure if that was enough for the command to find what it needed, bc in the .bat it says "\BR_Engine_Napier_Sabre_24_cylinder_open_pit\Sound\sound\" while in my 1.4 install it was called "\BR_Engine_Napier_Sabre_24_cylinder_open_pit\BR_Engine_Napier_Sabre_24_cylinder_open_pit\sound\". In the others it's just "\Sound\" and then the sound files immediately and a .cfg with a bunch of stuff that's not the the alias. I removed everything inside the BR_Engine_Napier_Sabre_24_cylinder_open_pit folder but not the folder itself, including the aliasmaking .cfg. now in it's place there is a BR_Engine_Napier_Sabre_24_cylinder_open_pit folder with the expected Sound subfolder so that seems to have worked out.
BDP zapper didn't work (as expected) so removed all .bdp and .zx manually

But the ETO Start shortcut says the game isn't there??? but it is?? and it runs when I run it from the .exe directly. so far quick combat seems to work allright. normal amount of exploding!
celebrations!! I have succesfully crashed back at base after a bombing misson against a lighthouse in the 1943 campaign!