Bingo !!
I just took off and flown the Boeing 247D for a while ! But certainly not as predicted, i didn't even have to walk my dog....
I'd say very funny, odd and remarkable that has happend here. I loaded up MSFS (one thing i notice lately is that the default funeral music has stopped playing during the loading... i see we have a choice now between 'legacy, 1 or 2'.... ) and selected the 247 which still shows in the hangar because of my earlier trials. Selected my usual testflight airport and hit the 'Fly-Now' button. All set to go and walk my dog i noticed the blue loading slider moving surprisingly fast, not seen that before during the 247 loading. Before i knew it, out of th blue, there's the Boeing at the runway threshold with running engines ! I hear my dog say " well, that's it as far as my walk is concerned, right ?.... "
How about that, huh....
No idea what happend before, no idea what happend now..... It's a mysterious aeroplane, i think that much is true.
During flight i got a bit of feeling that it might be a tad too agile for a relatively 'big' aircraft and i think the engines sound is rather strange. There's deffinately at least phasing going, outside as well as inside, but the effect is surprisingly short, where in other soundsuites that suffer from this annoying effect the sequences are much longer.
Anyway, i think Wing42's Boeing 247 is quite an amazing product certainly worth to seriously go thru the manual ( the manual alone is a masterpiece already ! ) because i think that's where the true beauty of this product lies. A big thank you and applause to the developers !
Thanks much again, gents, happy Boeing247 camper now !