Wingman AI



Yes, i am still pissed that it took FIVE days for Avangate to ship my order after they received the order and my money but i got my copy on Friday and i was in a timewarp setting me back to the early 90ies playing Red Baron since then.

I know there is an issue with the wingman ai when i am not flight leader so i checked the box in the workshop that makes me flight leader all the time regardless of the rank & i choose the highest rank for my pilot.
Funny thing is my ai-wingman can´t keep up with me in every mission they are far below me and/or far behind me.
I just started a new campaign with Esc. Lafayette (after i got killed by groundfire going for an observation balloon in my first campaign) and to get to the frontlines i have to cross some high mountains. In my first mission i lost all my wingman, except for one by crashing into the mountains because they where cruising around far below me and didn´t form on my wing.
Is it me? Am i going to fast? Is there an issue with the ai? Or is it brilliant ai programming factoring in my wingies are noobs?
Hi, BadKarma
In P2, were I still am, you have to follow these rules, to have them with you:

1. after take off, don't fly fast (best: 85 %) and fly a round around the airfield, to collect them. Fly to next waypoint only, when they are ALL there with you.

2. don't climb too steep (best: climb rate max 10 - there's an instrument for it). When I climbed more, they often got lost. Sometimes, only my direct wingman was left.

In air combat, you can do what you must. Just order "A" attack, and they'll do fine. Maybe though, that you can't collect them later, cause they wouldn't see you or your hand signs. Then fly home alone - they'll do the same.
Cheers. Olham

PS: the posts for P3 are now in a separate forum - just check the main page.
I have been letting the AI lead the flight and they do well about 90 to 95% of the time, so I wouldn't worry about using that setting.

If you lead the flight you should do as Olham says and fly very gently with big slow turns and a nice gradual climb.

I don't circle the field (turns seem to confuse the AI), and just head straight out and they catch up after a few miles.
If you don't want to wide circle a few times and allow them to catch up and form up (especially the slower early craft they need more time to form up catch up etc), then press Warp and immediately turn it off, your flight will be with you.

As 77Scout says slow climb out and let them form on you will help the slow craft too.

V1.2 will help with AI forming up when flying By Rank
Warp problems

HI all,

i want to know if i am the only one who's got problems with the warp. All my AI friends build a line behind me an when i'm warping they fly in my back all the time. It makes no different if i check the box "Alway fly as leader". It's all the same. Warp means death to me.....

Anybody else ?

best vschoell
Turn engine low immediately after warp, then get back into position.
Warp..Works fine to get ye wingmen with u...Wot I like about them is- if u attack other targets out of the mission they follow u and help...MINT...
And by the way...Mine took 8 days to come...Better than years...Which is how long We 1st world war flight enthusiasts have had to wait for someone to come up with any decent games on the ERA...Congrats on a fantastic game OBD and all that were involved...
I have to agree with the OP, I've noticed the same thing, most of the AI wingmen form up 800-900 feet below me. Repeated "R" sometimes gets them up to flight level, sometimes not. In P2, they were always right there behind me after we formed up and they seemed to stay at my altitude better. And yes, I do circle the field and slow down until they catch up, and no, I don't climb too fast. They are all flying the same type of AC as me, they should be able to keep up once formed up.
I fly crappy old planes most of the time so naturally I've experienced the "AI wingmen in slow planes spiral into the ground while circling" syndrome that will hopefully be fixed in 1.2.

Otherwise, I think they do pretty well. There are a few other nits, though.

1. Panic
I fly the FE2 a lot, which for some reason cannot come near its advertised ceiling. As a result, enemy planes are always way higher. As soon as my AI buddies see them, they dive away leaving me the choice of showing the white feather myself or fighting on alone. I usually choose the latter, so I have yet to reach the 17hr mark :).

2. Ignoring Angry Clouds
In my experience so far, all the warnings by ODB staff about the dangers of clouds have been understatements :faint:. STAY AWAY from clouds if you value your life. The AI flight leaders, however, don't listen to OBD. They never detour around or under stratocumuli but plunge straight in. I've seen entire flights wiped out because of this.

3. Nobody Wants to Wing With Me
My assigned AI wingman went missing while I was off on a lone wolf patrol, his crash site was discovered the next day, and he was presumed dead. The day after that, he was officially declared KIA. That was several days ago. But so far no other AI pilot has been assigned as my wingman. Every time I sortie, I'm listed 2nd to last in the flight. Below me is a spot for my wingman, but it says "KIA" instead of a pilot's name. Thus, the flight goes off 1 man short (despite having a bunch of other pilots doing nothing) and I've got nobody to cover my back. I've heard of "missing man formations", but IMHO the period of mourning should last no longer than a bottle of whiskey the night after the death notice comes in. Will I ever get another wingman?

In my experiences you can get one instantly or it can take up to a week or so...Also when your wingman goes on Holiday you don't get a stand in.
In my experiences you can get one instantly or it can take up to a week or so...Also when your wingman goes on Holiday you don't get a stand in.

They make me fly 3 sorties every day while 60% of the squad sits around drinking non-stop, and not 1 of them can get off his duff to fly with me?!?!?!? Each of them would only have to go once every couple of days, and the fresh air would do them good. Just wait until my MP hears about this!

Next time, I'm gonna be the Major and put every swingin' Richard in the air 24/7, rain or shine. Buncha lazy bastids! I'll show 'em!
They make me fly 3 sorties every day while 60% of the squad sits around drinking non-stop, and not 1 of them can get off his duff to fly with me?!?!?!? Each of them would only have to go once every couple of days, and the fresh air would do them good. Just wait until my MP hears about this!

Next time, I'm gonna be the Major and put every swingin' Richard in the air 24/7, rain or shine. Buncha lazy bastids! I'll show 'em!

Try taking a bath more then once a month. You realizie what you smell like having to fly your wing.
Try taking a bath more then once a month. You realizie what you smell like having to fly your wing.

I smell a bit better than my gin-soaked colleauges who wallow in their own filth over there at the Officiers' Mess. This sergeant at least get hosed down every morning by rain on my solo Met Recons out over the Channel :).

I need to get out of 20 Squadron. They're all both cowardly and incompetent. Every time they see a distant speck that MIGHT be an enemy, they run away before anybody can tell what it is. They fly through thunderstorms and wreck half the squadron just so the Major can get back in time to catch his ride to Blighty. They can't maintain even the marginal altitude the Fee is capable of, but end up in the treetops 1/2way to the lines on the way out. Meanwhile, I have to start every day with a Met Recon nearly to Beachy Head. I think tomorrow I'll just land in Blighty and see if I can get another posting :).
Just think. It could be worse. You could be flying a BE 2!
One of the features I was really looking forward to was being able to fly as other than the leader. With the problems with the AI leader it was very frustrating, however I think I have found a work around. This seems to help with the rest of the flight maintaining station well below you when you fly as lead also. The x key will cause you to warp to the next action point cntl + x will stop you warping. I mapped the c key to stop warping. Now when the leader or other flight starts wandering off or if I'm leading and my flight won't keep up a quick x then c gets everyone back to where they are supposed to be. Even when forming up over the field it gets everyone in place quickly while moving less than a mile from the field.

As far as wingmen go, mine seem to only follow commands well if the "All" radar screen is up for some reason. I was on a balloon busting mission and had "Vehicles" up so the Spotter was ID'd (at least I assume it was the balloon on the radar.. maybe not?). Anyway they followed me round and round but never attacked. On the way home we came across another one and this time I cycled to it in the "ALL" radar mode and hit A. They went right for it and took it down. Coincidence?
With the problems with the AI leader it was very frustrating, however I think I have found a work around.

Yeah, I've been forced to resort to that myself. A very quick blip of warp can gather everybody up. However, it has its limitations.

1. Warping teleports you up to the assigned altitude, even if your plane is incapable of flying that high. In the Fee, this can be a difference of up to 10k'. And when you exit warp, your plane is still trimmed and throttled for the alt you were to start with. As a result, everybody immediately falls out of the sky when they exit warp.

2. If your flight leader has decided to abandon the mission and run away from some barely visible, unidentified dot in the distance, warping doesn't put everybody back on course. Instead, it warps you WAY off course in the direction your leader was going. The longer you leave the warp on, the further you get from the front, and leaving it on only a second doesn't solve the problem that your flight is running away.

Hey, Bullethead - ever tried a Hannover or Roland "Walfisch"?

Can you fly these as fighters? And do German AI 2-seat fighter pilots have any aggression in them?

The problem I'm having is that all Brit AI 2-seater pilots are cowards of the worst sort. This applies to both 2-seat fighters and bombers. At the 1st sighting of an unidentified speck in the far distance, they all immediately abandon the mission, dive to the deck, and run away as fast as they can. Such behavior is historically accurate for lone BE2s and RE8s on observation missions. However, it's not approrpriate at all for 2-seat bombers that are supposed to be part of a large, self-supporting formation, let alone a mob of 2-seat fighters. Especially when the combined numbers of 2-seat fighters and 2-seat bombers is about double the number of unidentified specks in the distance. And this is even with "good" squadrons with offensive postures.

What happened to "press on regardless"?

I've been flying 2-seaters because that's something I couldn't do in RB2/3D. But it doesn't seem to be worth the bother. Even if you're a fighter pilot, you'll never get in a fight unless you're ambushed in some position where your AI buddies can't escape, or you don't mind odds of 5-1 against.

I suspect German 2-seat fighter pilots would act the same way. So I guess I'll have to go back to flying scouts.....
Hi Mark,

no that doesn't help. Engine off doesn't help too. Always the same. AI bulids a line behind me, sometimes i see the planes over another planes. Still after i stop the warp the AI chrash in my back.

best Mike