Work on the 67th

I kinda ran into a little problem: I have no idea what to do next!:redf:

As most of you know, I havn't had the opertunity to play online myself... So i have a question for someone who knows how:
How do I set it all up so that German Stukas are in the air over a base with 109's flying escort to the side with Russian Yak's and MiG's over a city? Do I somehow use CFO weather to save the flights and upload them for the apropriate teams to download?:isadizzy:
Good Question

~S~ W,

That is a very good question, wish I had a good answer for you. I am a bit confused about the multi-player part. Brunhost may be your answer. You can set everything up the way you want it and when you enter the game everything starts. I do not know for sure, but I do not think they will attack anything. It sounds like a "Mission" only thing.

OK.. 'Cause for a multiplayer game I wanted any players flying for the Germans to enter the game in Stukas so they can fly from their airbase over the city, bomb it, and try to fly back. As where if you were on the russian team, your objective would be to start the muliplayer game over the city, fly towards the airbase and intercept the Stukas. Sounded like fun to me but I didn't know if that was possible or if all players start off in one area..
Pilots Start your engines

~S~ W,

We start at an out of the way place and the teams CFO to the base they are assigned. When everyone is ready the leader usually types "Gooooooooooooooo" or Go Go Go, or something like that.
