World update V now available (

Thx Zsolt! Ju-52 looks nice! :)
(btw. will it be for free or payware addon? This is something for me)
A worthy type for roaming the three regions is the Ju-52
I think it will be included in the update
I would say the Ju-52 will most definitely require a payment (while the World Update scenery will of course be free as it will always be). According to the interview about the Ju-52 project, they want to ensure that this is the most definitive Ju-52 ever made for flight sim, with everything accurate and with every switch/lever/dial functioning. They even mentioned a little about how they are making different variants as well, with both BMW and P&W engines (each with their own sound recordings).
I would say the Ju-52 will most definitely require a payment (while the World Update scenery will of course be free as it will always be). According to the interview about the Ju-52 project, they want to ensure that this is the most definitive Ju-52 ever made for flight sim, with everything accurate and with every switch/lever/dial functioning. They even mentioned a little about how they are making different variants as well, with both BMW and P&W engines (each with their own sound recordings).

Pity that not free in this August update ... but its on my TOP list regardless of whether it's free or paid :biggrin-new:.
I am really looking forward to the Ju-52 as well, and expect it to be stunning when completed. It is just one of course many aircraft (and helicopters) we have been told to expect from Asobo over the coming years. We already have the recently-released ultralight (for $9.99), the soon to be released Aviat Husky (which will also require payment), and the ATR 42/72-600 coming in 2022 (which will also of course require payment).

At this time, there are only three Ju-52s currently airworthy/active, those being; F-AZJU in France (powered by ENMA Beta-B4 engines - Spanish license built BMW-132's), ZS-AFA in South Africa (powered by P&W R-1820's), and N352JU in the United States (powered by geared P&W R-1340's).

I'm curious as to where JU-AIR is with the major overhauls of their Ju-52 fleet in Switzerland. It was announced back in 2019, that following major overhaul, the first of their Ju-52s was to return to flight operations in the spring of 2021, but I'm sure COVID set things back a bit. Following the tragic crash of JU-AIR's Ju-52 HB-HOT in 2018, the company's other three remaining Ju-52's (HB-HOP, HB-HOS, and HB-HOY) were all pulled from operation for total overhauls, including replacing 90% or more of the wings with all newly-manufactured components. In addition, all of the BMW-132 engines were to be replaced with geared P&W R-1340 engines. Following that 2018 crash, Lufthansa also retired their Ju-52, D-CDLH.