World Update XVII: United Kingdom and Ireland has been released.

Kenneth, I have a very straight MSFS install, with no addon sceneries in the immediate vicinity, and all of the world and city updates, and I noticed too that there is a small area immediately south of Edinburgh Castle, between the castle hill and George Heriot's School, which is not displaying properly - mostly flattened.
Ah, so it is not just me. Thanks for the feedback. - Kenneth

Hi Kenneth,

Give this one a try: clear your photogrammetry, delete your rolling cache and let it rebuild, close the sim and fire it up again.


All new install (two days ago), fully updated, and it looks the same here. It's an issue with the scenery on Microsoft's end. It will have something to do with the custom-made hill/castle scenery object, with the exclude added to the photogrammetry model extending where it shouldn't be. Everything else looks excellent.

I noticed a number of the files in that small update yesterday for World Update XVII were for Farnborough Airport, which I saw a number of folks were not happy with on the initial release version.
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Really, Micro$oft needs to get their sh*t together.

The porblems that Javis is having, this issue... Doesn't look good as an announcement for MSFS2024...

Sorry if I am duplicating another post but has anyone done a comparison with the ORBX Central, North & South Regional UK packages. I have those installed but not sure if they will corrupt the MSFS update or whether the two are complimentary or whether I should uninstall the ORBX stuff and go with solely the new default UK.
This great little addon removes the hand-made Edinburgh castle and restores it to the original photogrammetry version of the castle, while in doing so also correcting the exclude issue that was discussed a few posts previously. It's a wonderful improvement, with the photogrammetry castle looking better and with more detail than the hand-crafted example.

Sorry if I am duplicating another post but has anyone done a comparison with the ORBX Central, North & South Regional UK packages. I have those installed but not sure if they will corrupt the MSFS update or whether the two are complimentary or whether I should uninstall the ORBX stuff and go with solely the new default UK.
I'm running Orbx Central, it seems to run fine although Liverpool has been my only proper comparison so far. It replaces certain buildings and they compliment well. The Liverpool dock buildings look better from Orbx, the default ones look a little rough.