Would Anyone Else like to see an X-Plane Discussion Board here

Can we please have an X-Plane section and then move this thread out of the FSX area?
FSX and FS9 are not dead. The future of FS has not stopped. It has just been more clearly defined.
We are there now. It is back in our control. It is up to us what we do with it.
Just my two cents......

As I've said before, I'd like to see an X-Plane forum here at SOH in addition to the CFS, FS9 & FSX forums.

Kevin :rapture:
Someday, when I get caught up (heh heh) I want to convert one of my planes to XP9. I think that would be a blast. Sure would be cool to figure out a very easy, clear cut way of doing a conversion with a check list so that we could distribute it to all the Devs and then everyone would be 'even keel' with how its done and we can get some nice birds in there. (There are already of course. We would just add some to the lists :d ).

I too would like to see an X-plane forum at SOH - there are good reasons for me to not even want to bother any further with the alternative. In so many threads the condecending tone held "over there" towards newcommers / FS veterans makes me imagine violent acts - trying to calm down a bit in my life.

The People here are good uns, and reading through each days new posts relaxes me. I would much prefer a pleasant and INTELLIGENT forum than a bunch of opinionated....<insert your favourite derogerative term here>.

Odd though that the unthinking loyalty to variations in persuits essentially so similar would be so dichotomous !

Flightgear is shaping up to be something special though - if it ever comes to that I believe i will rather plegde my unthinking and unquestioning love, worship and devotion to the gods of GNU :karate:
Yeah there are a few pompous :censored: there.

I have seen some posts here that suggest that this is a MS FS site only. IMO thats totally wrong. SOH a community of aviation enthusiasts irrespective of preffered sim.
What make SOH so popular is the environment created & attitude of its members. Thats why an X-Plane forum would do especially well here. Once word of said forum filtered to the XP sites I wouldnt be surprised if we got some converts :)
Took my first complete flight in X-Plane tonight. Flew a Piper Comanche from Fulton County, NY (NY0) to Glens Falls, NY (KGFL) by VOR. I'm starting to get used to X-Plane.

View attachment 78792


Nice Commanche Jim.

In case you didnt know, you can adjust the distance of visual out farther. I have mine set pretty far. Supposedly it effects framerates (as I get a warning message that it will), but not enough for the sim to get jittery.

I have noticed that I can set up the eye candy Maxed out for the most part, then start flying and the game looks and runs amazing for the first 5 minutes and then I get the dreaded fog effect that shuts down my visiblity to a couple miles or so. What the frak? I have 6gigs of ram (no page file set) Q9450@3.6, and a 8800gt vid card.

This is on version 9.3b, any know any tricks to get the most out of my system? I also noticed that this game uses more ram than FSX while running, but only 2 cores are really being used on my processor.
I'm spending more time with X-Plane and getting accustomed to it. I tried real world weather last night and it's way better than FSX. The rain and snow effects are fantastic.

The biggest downfall I see so far is that the ATC is terrible. As bad as FSX ATC is, it's far and above what X-Plane has at the moment. The other downfalls are lack of AI and detailed airports.

The biggest downfall I see so far is that the ATC is terrible. As bad as FSX ATC is, it's far and above what X-Plane has at the moment. The other downfalls are lack of AI and detailed airports.


I agree. They (XP) need to do some real voices. It would really add some realism there.

I found out (after buying my iMac) that Apple is big on electronic voices. Apple has auto-reading features for all texts, such as internet, PDF, Docs, etc. You even have a choice of voices for the computer, perhaps 12 of them, lol.. I think thats where XP got that part from.

Lets hope it changes soon.

I tried it. I like it. My Sim computer is defunct, so when I get the scratch to buy my new system, I will be installing XP9 as well as FS9 and FSX.