Off Watch
I am looking for vintage maps of the era that will work with OFF. Are there any good maps that I can print off to use for Navigation?
We used to have some maps that Rabu scanned - they were a download, on Polovski's page I think, but they seem to have disappeared now. I use them, particularly the large one 'The Western Front' which shows the location of all the British airfields 1915/16. Scale is about 1 inch to 5 miles, which is about right for navigation as it shows features such as main roads, railways, towns, rivers. It is a period map, out of copyright from the 1920s, 'prepared by the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence'.
"aren't they on Pol's site anymore?"
I had a look, Rabu, and I couldn't see them. I have a feeling he had to take them off a while back because of bandwidth issues. If I am wrong, and they are there, I apologise (going boss-eyed, maybe)