X-Plane Screenshots

XP12 Qantas Rising

Manky Dash 8 (100,200,300 and 400) now all upgraded for XP12. Very nicely done they are!


And of course the Shensee B720 - again not payware but payware quality.

Bad Weather - Returning to RAF Valley


Standard or default C172, weather engine and clouds. Love the rain on the windscreen. Realism in XP at a whole new level with XP12
Now here is a Hot Rod the Aerostar Jet

Ted Smith who designed the Aerostar always intended it to be developed and when the right engines became available a pure jet. Well many many years later the company that now owns all the Aerostar designs etc did just that converted the Aerostart 700P into a pure Jet with PW 615 engines. Simple to fly and does it go - rotates at 90 kts, intial climb at 140 kts then it gets going to climb at 200 kts with 15 degrees of pitch up and a ROC of 3500-5000 fpm. It can go all the way to F410 and cruises at 440 kts. This one released in XP12 (free ware) is a pure delight. Great fun.


Live traffic in xplane

There is a really neat plugin LIVETRAFFIC that takes real time traffic data from a variety of sources about the planet and then translates that into traffic for you in the sim - so if there is lots of traffic you get lots if there is none then there is none. You even get contrails displayed for high level traffic. Simply amazing you could just sit at your favourite airport and go planespotting. The program correctly finds the right aircraft and livery from an extensive library of AI models.

Anyway I was doing a flight in the 707 and here I am stuck in the queue at Sydney Airport - awaiting my turn:


Still waiting


Finally on my way check out the contrails of moving traffic

Just Released the Albatros DVa

Just Released for X-Planes 11 and 12 (two different versions) - Albatros DVa
Albatros_DVa - 2023-02-12 14.39.46.jpgAlbatros_DVa - 2023-02-12 15.07.42.jpgAlbatros_DVa - 2023-06-03 12.25.57.jpgAlbatros_DVa - 2023-06-02 17.03.14.jpgAlbatros_DVa - 2023-06-03 12.24.50.jpgAlbatros_DVa - 2023-06-03 12.21.25.jpg

Many thanks to “Captain Kurk” for permission to use his Microsoft FS2004 model as a starting point to create the X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12 models. Although, many items have been updated, redone, or created from scratch, “Captain Kurk’s model is the basis and starting point for this model.

Many thanks to Dan Hopgood for the use of the correct airfoils, and the excellent FMOD sounds specially created for this aircraft. The FMOD sounds are based on the flying exact replica with an original Mercedes D.IIIaü piston engine owned by Mr. Kermit Weeks at Fantasy of Flight in Florida. ((1) Albatros D.Va - WWI Event Flight - Bing video)
F-4B for X-Plane 12

Working on modifying the Laminar Research F-4J to be an F-4B. It is coming along nicely.

F-4 - 2023-10-09 22.32.05.png
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