Ac3d was very UI focussed. Or it seemed to be, where as I'm more of a keyboard fellow. That said I didnt really try the keyboard shortcuts and the possibilities of writing your own In AC3d. I'd fire up the demo and check it if I were you. I think AC3d was about 90 odd dollars or something similar. I suspect it was one of those cases of " I dont understand this therefore it is #$%" which is something I try not to suffer from but sometimes I do. ( I should really give that kardashian TV series another go, I might not understand it but it also might not actually be $%^# )
I wouldnt stop with developing for x-plane. I hope to see a far more active development like the ESP based sims have. Everyone benefits from more devs. More competition , more competitive pricing , more users being attracted to the sim cos of a smaller entry to the hobby , more eventual sales and the sim has a far more stable future. That's purely from a commercial point of view but I suspect freeware devs would agree?
However the purpose of this thread is screenshots of xplane. so here's my planemaker not entirely xplane but it is to do with x-plane. Not shown is the calculator trying to convert ft into metres and back again.
Well, more devs are always good. It has become hard to do something notable all by oneself.
And I'm all in favor for more competitive pricing. I know that any regular amount of money does not compensate for the work hours invested into a project at all, but the (regular) pricing of a good part of XP add-ons tends to border on the insane.
Being able to run XP11 on a 2016 model laptop is great, but man, sitting in bed, staring onto the 15" screen without glasses and trying to land with an XBox 360 pad as the only controller is really tough.
Well, I've been switching gears here. The last few days have seen a complete overhaul on all my aircraft with updates where possible and a planned re-organization of my aircraft folder order. I can certainly relate to Bjoerns idea of a home base. I just wish i didnt feel so lost in the world. I've got nowhere to call home. Heh, typical. With a five month long overhaul of my computer starting oct. 3rd, new planes are going to be rare for a while. I'm really glad so many dev's upgraded their products to XP11..
Matt, can you maybe trade some quantity in screenshots for quality please?
Like getting interesting perspectives by pausing the sim and using the free camera ("C" key). Or maybe tie some stories or more information to the captions instead of just the airplane type.
I didn't know there were rules and regulations to posting screenshots other than file size.
I don't mind Matt posting his screenies, as I often just like looking at screenshots. Also, if I do want to know more about a specific screenshot, then I will post my question.
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