

Charter Member
I probably should have started a thread for these to begin with instead of posting about them in screenshots. Anyway, here's the next round already packaged & uploaded and will be available when the admins OK'em. For those interested, keep watching this thread for more to come.
If you are using AnKor's latest shaders, and you're not seeing enough gloss or specular reflections on the Yak-15 models you can make a couple of edits to customize them.

In the m3d file the first line in the section that assigns the textures to the model can be changed to look like this.
(You'll need a hex editor like XVI32 http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/xvi32/xvi32.htm)

00 00 FF 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 FF 33 33 33 FF 00 00 7A 43 00 00 FF FF 01 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

An explanation for each of these values can be found here.

The lightness or darkness of the _s.dds will now control the look of the finish with darker shades being more matte.
To simplify the edit you can just make the _s.dds an overall dark grey typically ranging from 8% to 16% brightness as best suits the effect you're after. (Just for fun you might also try >50% brightness and see what happens)
If you have more time just follow the texture map from the _t.dds, and make some areas lighter or darker depending on if the corresponding surface should be reflective or not.
Beautiful... Thanks laddie! :ernaehrung004: It looks almost as if the Ruskies called on an old enemy to
influence some of the camo (?)
Thanks for uploading these! I'm looking forward to what what other skins you have in store (Eastern Bloc countries perhaps?).

Did Dancat pass on to you his He-280 or Neman R-10? Those would be great!
If you are using AnKor's latest shaders, and you're not seeing enough gloss or specular reflections on the Yak-15 models you can make a couple of edits to customize them.

In the m3d file the first line in the section that assigns the textures to the model can be changed to look like this.
(You'll need a hex editor like XVI32 http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/xvi32/xvi32.htm)

00 00 FF 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 FF 33 33 33 FF 00 00 7A 43 00 00 FF FF 01 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

An explanation for each of these values can be found here.

The lightness or darkness of the _s.dds will now control the look of the finish with darker shades being more matte.
To simplify the edit you can just make the _s.dds an overall dark grey typically ranging from 8% to 16% brightness as best suits the effect you're after. (Just for fun you might also try >50% brightness and see what happens)
If you have more time just follow the texture map from the _t.dds, and make some areas lighter or darker depending on if the corresponding surface should be reflective or not.
Thank you Major for these explanations :encouragement:;
how can I make the cockpit glass a bit less transparent?
On my machine, with Ankors mod on, the glass is so transparent that you do not see the shape of the cockpit as it appears on the first slide of this thread.
Ironically, a few of these started out as bare metal until I remembered that the Yak-15's skin (being based on the Yak-3 airframe) is mostly made of wood. The VVS skin above has an r.dds activated for the metal engine parts. With my settings it has a very slight glossy appearance when the sun hits it just right, even though the r.dds is almost 100% black. The others have an s.dds and I lightened those a bit more for gloss but may have to lighten even more or go with an all grey uniform sheet as the Major suggested.

@westview - Eastern block? Sure, you got a profile in mind? I'm uploading another batch soon that will include more PLAAF, VVS and DPRK. I have the He-280 (it should be available in the download section) and R-10. The R-10 was ai only but I made it flyable, only it has no gear and no cockpit. I have been working on it off/on to make it a little more pilot friendly. Many thanks to Dancat for all of these models.:ernaehrung004:
Thank you Major for these explanations :encouragement:;
how can I make the cockpit glass a bit less transparent?
On my machine, with Ankors mod on, the glass is so transparent that you do not see the shape of the cockpit as it appears on the first slide of this thread.

There a line near the bottom of the texture assignment section that starts with

00 00 33 00 E6 E7 C4 3F

To make it less transparent change the 3F to a higher value, for more transparent use something lower.

To remove the tint change E6 E7 C4 (the BGR values) to something neutral like 22 22 22.

The 33 in the first group of four values sets the glint off the glass. Using 00 will completely remove the glint.
@westview - Eastern block? Sure, you got a profile in mind? I'm uploading another batch soon that will include more PLAAF, VVS and DPRK. I have the He-280 (it should be available in the download section) and R-10. The R-10 was ai only but I made it flyable, only it has no gear and no cockpit. I have been working on it off/on to make it a little more pilot friendly. Many thanks to Dancat for all of these models.:ernaehrung004:

Thanks FOO Fighter! I don't think any of the Eastern Bloc countries actually operated the Yak-15, but I found a few YAK-17/23 profiles that make a decent proxy including:



cockpit glass issue:
wtith shaders on

with shaders off


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Aha! Did you apply Major's M3D mod above? What you have there are reflective (metal) textures. I uploaded the Yaks with specular (no metal reflection) textures. The second batch I uploaded had specular textures that were alot lighter. If you converted those models for reflective textures, then the reflection will be overkill. In regards to the canopy, I assume that you altered the M3D somewhere that affected those as well. Try using one of the original Yaks that were uploaded without mod'ing it. If the problem still persists, then we'll have to look in the shader mod for the answer as the problem only appears with it on.

One further thought: In post #4 the Major is referencing the aircraft model. In post #9 I believe he is referring to the cockpit model. Two different M3Ds in play here.

@Westview - Hang on, more are on the way.
Ok so I removed Major's M3D mod above and used the m3d files posted in the second set.
shader on

shader off

when the shader is on ; trying to get the cockpit glass to show like in the picture with shader off


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What version of Ankor's shaders do you have installed? Is it the latest uploaded by the Major (AnKors_Shaders_29_Mar_16) or an earlier version?
I stand corrected on the M3d comment earlier. That line is repeated in both models.

More silly questions: Did you make any adjustments to the new shaders? Did you install Gecko's environment mods for Korean Skies?
I understand that you trying to make the canopy look like the Czech profile picture (semi-transparent hazy white).

Did you try FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 FF 00 CC CC CC 33 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 7A 43 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF in the line for the canopy?