
Ok, here's five more. This batch has higher res textures. You guys are probably getting bored with these now (14 stand alones) so, maybe I'll do another round and call it quits.
One can hope for a new cockpit for this wonderful little fighter. If only one of the masters could finish the job it would be great.
I understand that you trying to make the canopy look like the Czech profile picture (semi-transparent hazy white).

Did you try FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 FF 00 CC CC CC 33 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 7A 43 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF in the line for the canopy?

Tried the .m3d line mod with no success.

Found it! when using Gecko's ,environment mods change the Texture0 value from 1 to 0 in:

<ModelEnvironmentMap Desc="Vertex Lighting + Vertex Environment Map blended by TFactor" Lighting="True" SpecularEnable="False"
SrcBlend="SrcAlpha" DestBlend="InvSrcAlpha"
ZEnable="True" ZFunc="[ZFunc]" ZWriteEnable="True" ZBias="0" FogEnable="False"
AlphaBlendEnable="[AlphaFlag]" AlphaTestEnable="[AlphaFlag]" AlphaRef="8" MultiSample="True"
ColorArg10="Texture" ColorOp0="Modulate" ColorArg20="Diffuse"
AlphaArg10="Texture" AlphaOp0="Modulate" AlphaArg20="Diffuse"
ColorArg11="Texture" ColorOp1="BlendFactorAlpha" ColorArg21="Current"
AlphaArg11="Current" AlphaOp1="SelectArg1" AlphaArg21="Current"
Texture1="1" TexTransformFlags1="[EnvMap]"
I say never say die!

Hey Foo if you're on a roll, I say go with it :encouragement:
I'm sure your artwork is much appreciated!
Glad the canopy issue was fixed.

@popsaka - Will be three, maybe four more and then that will be it for a while. The market is too flooded with Yak-15s right now.:bee:
If you want, you can substitute the DPC Mig-15 cockpit, and it will work perfectly well. It sits a bit too far forward, at the leading edge of the wing instead of the back, but the difference in visibility is really quite minor. The framing is not an exact match, but it's better that what we'd have otherwise.

Just make a copy of the Mig-15 Cockpit m3d and rename it to match the specific Yak-15 folder you're dropping it in with.
Last edited:
This it what the DPC Mig-15 cockpit looks like in the Yak-15.


I've enabled the Dynamic Reticle for use with TrackIR by adding

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="RU_USSR_LA5_gunsight" PosX="-0.025" PosZ="1.15" PosY="0.9295" Pitch="90" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>

to the Effects list in the Yak-15's xpd file.

I also have reticle_ussr_la5.dds=1.0|0.75|0.5 in the ReticleDynamic section of the TextureMagic.ini file in AnKor's Shader30 folder so you can adjust the reticle size to match the target aircraft. This shot was with the display switched to the medium size one and I was leaning into the turn so it's shifted to the right a bit on the reflector sight.

Details for adding Dynamic Reticles to your aircraft can be found in this thread (Link to files in Post #141).


p.s. I sometimes wonder if anyone else actually leans into the turn when they're flying of if it's just me...
Rudder pedals look German!!!

Check some Russian aircraft photos... the ones here are typical Luftwaffe stuff....
I'm trying to assemble all of the different files associated with Dancat's Fw-P1. I beta tested it but never actually downloaded the one that he originally uploaded here at SOH. So, all of those files (models, textures, effects and so on) are scattered across my external drive. He also had uploaded his Junkers GA first and intended that to be the source for the FwP-1's cockpit textures and effects. I also tested that but never downloaded it. I'm having some flight model issues with them at the moment and I'm assuming those are very pre-uploaded versions. Niether is currently available in the download section. If anyone had downloaded those when they were originally uploaded and still have the original files, could you re-upload or PM me please?

The Fw-P1 cockpit is by no means a perfect fit and has some pecuilarities. It does function pretty good as long as you look straight ahead.:mixed-smiley-010:

Here's the last round up:
I literally did nothing more than copy ch079_Cockpit0.m3d to the Yak_15_feather model folder and change the name to yak_15_feather_Cockpit0.m3d.

Is the Mig-15 working okay?
I'm trying to assemble all of the different files associated with Dancat's Fw-P1. I beta tested it but never actually downloaded the one that he originally uploaded here at SOH. So, all of those files (models, textures, effects and so on) are scattered across my external drive. He also had uploaded his Junkers GA first and intended that to be the source for the FwP-1's cockpit textures and effects. I also tested that but never downloaded it. I'm having some flight model issues with them at the moment and I'm assuming those are very pre-uploaded versions. Niether is currently available in the download section. If anyone had downloaded those when they were originally uploaded and still have the original files, could you re-upload or PM me please?

The Fw-P1 cockpit is by no means a perfect fit and has some pecuilarities. It does function pretty good as long as you look straight ahead.:mixed-smiley-010:

Here's the last round up:

I noticed that vvs_yak_15_038,m3d references a vvs_yak_15_038_r.dds that was not provided, and does not use the vvs_yak_15_038_s.dds that is in the package.
The only effect is that the paint is completely flat, unless you toggle AnKor's shaders off, and then it looks very weird.
The easy fix is to copy and rename the _s.dds as _r.dds, but if you had a different file in mind for the model to use you might consider updating the package you uploaded.
:dizzy:Got my models mixed up while making the stand alone. Thanks for catching that Major. I'm on it.

Update just Uploaded!
Made this small adjustment to the Yak aircraft.cfg file :static_pitch= 9 static_cg_height= 3.2
The plane sits better on the ground when promted.