I just uploaded a new paint for the Yak-18. This paint came from Swingman. He asked me to upload it on his behalf.
I also have the layered Photoshop paint kit he sent me...but can't upload it to due to some error in the upload size limits. For some reason, size limits for uploads is set at 260K....not sure if that is a universal thing or simply due to the fact that I am hogging up a bunch of the library space with all my previous uploads.
Once the size limit thing is straightened out, I will upload the paint kit and a set of UV maps for the Yak-18.
OH.....and Swingman clued me in on another development for the Yak-18...but I won't tell ya what it is until he is done with it and ready to present it to the world....but ya'll are going to LOVE it.