...don't ya??
I think somebody started to build a Fokker D-XVII
Yes, it means that musicians have a talent that transcends music equipment; that they are creative people who love to bring beauty into the world, and not just in the form of sounds, but visual beauty as well. They are not just creatively talented, they are also detail minded and determined individuals who must succeed and who must share.
We thank you for your contributions, in whatever form they arrive.
You are welcome, but remember the words as spoken by great men:
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
When you are expected to exceed expectations, expect the unexpected. — Oleg Vishnepolsky
Mediocrity is forgiven more easily than talent. — Emil Krotky
that is looking promising, some other Fokker in the making.
Cees, you've made a lot of progress in a short period of time. I hope I can do as well when I finally take the plunge and try to build some winged creature.