Ummmm When I ran out of fuel in a 737-400 at night during the round the world race, at night in Africa, 20 miles from the field and deadsticked it to land in the first 300 ft of the runway.....
This makes me remember an odd yet hair raising accident I had. It was the first times I flew the SGA MD80. Decided for a simple LIML - LICR. My Flight plan brought me over Rome, and overflew LIRA...
How do I still remember this? Simply because when I got just over this airport, at FL300, I had a sudden double flameout.
At today I still can't fathom what the heck happened. I had fuel, everything was in perfect working order, the panel was a simple one with simple gauges with no failure codes, and still the turbines simply whined to a stop in flight.
Nothing I did, not even repeated instances of the CTRL-E maneuver, was able to start them up again, so I closed the default ATC IFR flight plan, offed the autopilot, and began to dead stick the plane on one of the nearby LIRF's long runways, while all the way cursing and trying to restart the engines.
It was when I was about to line up to the 34R, always trying the CTRL-E maneuver in the by then farther and farther hope for the engines to restart, that after engine 1 failed to start up yet again, engine 2 decided to roar up back to life.
Long story short, with one engine available the landing was a lot less stressful than a dead-stick one, and with a lesser emergency degree as well. I taxied the plane to a parking and, before calling it a day, tried a last time the CTRL-E maneuver... and this time, when it was not needed anymore, engine 1 too started up.