This Site is Dedicated
             to my Father
         David B Mulcahy
   Oct 8 1934-Jan 13 2000
           MSGT USAF


        it's all FREEWARE

              Panels 1 2 3

      CFS1 Aircraft 1 2 3 4 5

      smilos Place for CFS1

    The Ivan CFS1 Collection     

       Hubbabubbas Corner

CFS2 Aircraft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  The Knifemakers Collection

   Captain Kurt's CFS2 Page

       DV Slats CFS2 Page

          Allen's CFS2 Stuff

       Aircraft 2004 page2

        CFS1 Scenery 1 2 3

             CFS2 Scenery 

 The Cees Donker Collection

FS2004 Scenery 1, 2

     Golden Wings 2004  2

           WW1 for CFS1

           WW1 for CFS2

      J Fortins WW1 - WWII
         Korea and Vietnam

   FS Rail for CFS1,2, fs2k

       Utilities 1 2 FS2004


  Missions CFS1 and CFS2

        This Site is Dedicated
            to my Father
         David B Mulcahy
   Oct 8 1934-Jan 13 2000
           MSGT USAF

      CFS2 Magazine (free)

            My Projects

                CFS1 Released

       See some Screenshots
Sardinia 1941 released
Sicily, N.Tunisia released

     Alaska  Bush Flying for CFS2
        Phase 1 released
       See some Screenshots

         Vietnam CFS2     
     released and added to daily

          screen shots here

            FS Design

       This site is maintained by:
            Dave aka NO DICE


          Contact Us
     On Line Squadrons




    "to those we have lost"


     This Site is Dedicated
            to my Father
         David B Mulcahy
   Oct 8 1934-Jan 13 2000
           MSGT USAF




               Dedicated to all of our flightsim friends that have moved on to the skies above us all

                                                              "Go to Sleep, Go To Sleep"

                                                    Thanks and Praise
                                                                      For all your Days
                                                             'neath the sun, neath the stars'
                                                                        'neath the sky'
                                                                 As we go,this we know

                                             Fade the light, Stars shine bright
                                                               Go to sleep, peaceful sleep
                                                                May the soldier or sailor
                                                                            God Keep
  On the land or the deep
                                                                 May you always rest
                                                                         Safe in sleep

                                            "We will Never Forget You"
                              Bound thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea

Name   Veteran TAPS FLT-Sim
David B Mulcahy Sr  USAF Retired 1934-2000 Fs98/2000
This site is dedicated to my father, USAF SAC, USA ,Germany and Moracco
Harry S Barse  US Army Korea 1927-2001 Fs2000
My Father in Law, forward communications, Army Air Corp, infantry , Korea 
50 year member of the American Legion Post 25
Barry Blaisdell  US Army/US AirForce Vietnam ****-2012 FS5 thru FSX
Founder of Premier Aircraft Design , shot down over Vietnam by a SAM missle and lived to tell us about it.
Name 911 Hero TAPS FLT-Sim
Al   (Talon) World Trade Center 1952-2015 CFS2
known for his great mission creations, passed of lung disease incurred rescueing others from the terrorist attack of the World Trade Center
Please see his memorial thread here:

Name   Enthusiast TAPS FLT-Sim
Ron "Ickie" Larson   SOH Admin ****-2016 All
please see his memorial thread here: A great friend of mine, He kept the SOH Forums alive for many years.
Ian Thatcher   scenery designer ****-2010 Fs2004/FSX
known for his great work under different names, such as Gerrish....a true scenery artist
Akemi Mizoguchi (Akemi) Aircraft designer ****-2013 CFS2/FS2004
Owner of Hagochu's CFS2 Aircraft Factory, an outstanding artist that shall be missed by all.
Barry Blaisdell Aircraft designer ****-2012 FS5 thru FSX
Founder of Premier Aircraft Design with over 1100 freeware models bearing his name, A US Veteran of the Vietnam War.
Paul Clawson Aircraft designer 1932-2014 FS5 thru FSX
World renowned aircraft and ship designer who offered us hundreds of his great freeware creations, passed us at age 82, RIP my friend
Please see his memorial thread here:
Stefano Denti   Designer 1956-2018 CFS2
Will be missed greatly by all of his very close friends at the SOH, please see here:

   Please submit the loss of a fellow flight sim follower to Dave at to be included in TAPS


                                           We Shall Never Forget our True Heros
                                                                           Sgt Joedell Baskin


                        First Sergant Joedell Baskin,  Served in New Guinea and ended up taking command of
                    his battalion when all the officers were wounded or killed during an intense Japanese attack     
                            After reorganizing his defense, the enemy was not only repulsed but annihilated.
                Once back in Guam, he was awarded the Bronze star of which many people are petitioning to have
                                                          upgraded  to at least a Silver Star  
 His Son, ShadowWolf 07 can be contacted through the SOH forums

     The Last of the Navajo Code Talkers, true American Heros
       Cpl. Chester Nez is now with his faithful comrades and will always have our respect.
       Thank you for your service Sir.