"Don't run out of airspeed'
ideas, and altitude all at the
same time"

unknown author



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 The Cees Donker Collection

FS2004 Scenery  

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           WW1 for CFS2

      J Fortins WW1 - WWII
         Korea and Vietnam

       Utilities 1 2 FS2004



            My Projects

                CFS1 Released

       See some Screenshots
Sardinia 1941 released
Sicily, N.Tunisia released

     Alaska  Bush Flying for CFS2
        Phase 1 released
       See some Screenshots        

   Al Simms Vietnam CFS2
     released and added to daily

          screen shots here

            FS Design

       This site is maintained by:
            Dave aka NO DICE


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On Line Squadrons


    "to those we have lost"


                                                             Welcome to our WW1 section for CFS1                                    
                                                             Introductory Packages
      Note: If at all possible you may consider a seperate install of CFS1into C:/Combat Flight Simulator WWI
       Then in windows explorer rename your Combatfs.exe file to CombatfsWWI then make shortcut to desktop.
       This will not take up as much room as you may think after deleting all the non-required A/C and Files not
       required for the WWI area of operations. This is not required but takes the fear out of messing up your
       present setup. That's what I did, more on this simple add/remove process later. You are safe either way.

WWI Starter Kit
By Chris Benson
Repaints your stock Camel
Makes the Camel rather than the Spit your default A/C
Shows the camel rather than the Spit in multiplayer
Auto install, Watch directory if you have seperate installations
Download ****

     Installation Note:

If you did my suggested seperate install, Now we start cleaning it up.
In Windows Explorer go to your CFS1 WW1 aircraft folder and delete
all the planes: leaving the C182, extra300, fsfsconv,Schweizer, Sopcamel,
overlay menu and default dp files. You should now have 7 files in the folder.

     Installation Note2: If you did my suggested seperate install, Continue cleaning up.
In Windows Explorer go to your CFS1 WW1 missions folder and delete
all the files in that folder. Should now be empty.
    No Bullet Holes This texture will remove the Bullet holes in your screen ****
       Q/C Camel This File allows you to select the Camel in Quick Combat ****
   GothV Sound pack Sound Files for the Goth V series by Mike Hambly ***

Screen Shot Starter Pack
By Norman Turner
Screen shots of the Starter Aircraft and Sceneries
Along with credits and info
A nice overall introduction to WW1 CFS1

Download ****

Scenery Starter Pack
By Norman Turner
Featuring 9 detailed airfields and various mission related areas
A great starter package for the A/C and missions below

Download1 ****
Download2 ****
adds the airfields to your menu by No Dice
Download3 **** fixes the ugly gray and purple on someairfields, No Dice

Aircraft Starter Pack
Compiled by Norman Turner
Please see each aircraft file for credits
Includes the 21 aircraft required for the missions below
many have selectable skins so your A/C directory will show more

Download ****         see more WWI AC

Additional Aircraft for WWI CFS1
find the best add on aircraft
by the best aircraft makers

WWI aircraft page here

Panel Starter Pack
Compiled by Norman Turner
6 panels that the above A/C will alias to
Includes gauge package
easy install, just drop into your main A/C folder

Download ****         see more WWI panels

Missions and Campaign Starter Pack
by Norman Turner
25 missions or 3 campaigns
most missions include variations
includes British, French and German view points

Download ****

    Create your Missions Mission Template Starter Pack
6 templates and instructions on how to create " Your" missions
Download ****
    More WW1 Missions  

1915 Central Powers Missions and Campaign
by Andrew Swetye
7 missions or 1 campaign

Download1....Missions and Campiagn
Download2 ...Required Kamel Kings Scenery
Download3 ...Required Aircraft
Download4 ...Ivans Eindecker
Download.... Scenery and mission updates by Andrew Swetye


1916 British Missions and Campaign
by Andrew Swetye
8 missions or 1 campaign
Requires 1915 scenery above



1916 Allied Solo Missions or campaign
by Andrew Swetye
7 missions or 1 campaign
Requires 1915 scenery above



1917 Allied Solo Missions or campaign
by Andrew Swetye
7 missions or 1 campaign
Requires 1915 scenery above


        More WW1 Scenery    More WW1 Aircraft
       CFS1      CFS2
      More WW1 Panels


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