"Born in the USA"
"Southern by the Grace
Of God"

my grandfather



        it's all FREEWARE


              Panels 1 2 3

       CFS1 Aircraft 1 2 3 4 5

      smilos Place for CFS1

    The Ivan CFS1 Collection     

       Hubbabubbas Corner

 CFS2 Aircraft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

      CFS2 Viet Aircraft 7 8 9

  The Knifemakers Collection

   Captain Kurt's CFS2 Page

       DV Slats CFS2 Page

          Allen's CFS2 Stuff

          Aircraft 2004 2

         CFS1 Scenery 1 2 3

             CFS2 Scenery

 The Cees Donker Collection

FS2004 Scenery 1, 2            

    Golden Wings 2004 2

           WW1 for CFS1

           WW1 for CFS2

      J Fortins WW1 - WWII
         Korea and Vietnam

  FS Rail for CFS1,2,FS2K

       Utilities 1 2 FS2004

      CFS2 Magazine (free)


  Missions CFS1 and CFS2

            My Projects

                CFS1 Released
       See some Screenshots
Sardinia 1941 released
Sicily, N.Tunisia released

     Alaska  Bush Flying for CFS2
        Phase 1 released
       See some Screenshots

           Vietnam CFS2          
     released and added to daily

          screen shots here

            FS  Design

       This site is maintained by:
            Dave aka NO DICE


          Contact Us

      On Line Squadrons


    "to those we have lost"




     This Site is Dedicated
            to my Father
         David B Mulcahy
   Oct 8 1934-Jan 13 2000
           MSGT USAF


                        Design Section for the CFS1, 2, 3 and Fs2000, 2002, 2004 apprentice designer
                      For more design software or aides please see our Utilities and/or Tutorials sections

     Aircraft Panels You can make your own Aircraft Panels or edit and improve others
         This file contains all of the programs you will ever need to create
modify or adjust your panels, follow each read me for installation
CFGedit, gaubmp2, mkpink, scalemaker all in one bundle
Click image to download****
        Panmake by Michel Polski
A very rare program, featured for the ultimate collector
Click image to download not rated
         Gauges Aides for Gauge and panel Creation
      Tick Mark Generator for Gmax1.2 and 3DStudiomax.
Includes tutorial, by Mick Posch  not rated
   German 1928-38 Gauges for the FS 9 panel creators :by Karl Bauger***
      German 1920 Gauges for the FS 9 panel creators :by Bastian Hundt***
      CFO Gauges Add refuel and fuel dump gauges to panels, By Bill Potvin ****
    Back Lit Gauges All the CFS1 Stock gauges back lit for night flying, by Smilo****
        Bug Fix By Paul Opizzato: Fixes the can not load gauge problem on some AC in FS9 ****
     Aircraft design Design and produce your own aircraft
       MDLC_v.2 Convert .mdl files from FS9 to CFS2 or .mdl to.bgl by Ivan Hsu ***
      MK_MDLC Frontend Interface utility for above MDLC by Morten ****
   DOSbox MDLC Convert .mdl files from FS9 to CFS2 using Win7 and Up by Allen ****
  Aircraft Factory 99 by Abacus Publishing for CFS1
is still available on a special order basis from Abacus
includes the CD and printed users manual for about $20 US + shipping
contact Adam at abacussoftwareinc@gmail.com
see below for the freeware plugins package
              Dped Blue Print style Dp Editor for CFS1 and CFS2 by Yusaku Homma ****
         Air-Ed Edit Aircraft Air.cfg files in CFS1,CFS 2 by William Roth ****
          FDE Edit Aircraft Air.cfg files in CFS1,CFS 2, FS2002 by Abacus Publishing****
   AirFileManager Edit Aircraft Air.cfg files in ,CFS 2, FS2004, FSX by Klotz Karl-Heinz****
Learn How To Use AF99 with this AFX pkg
by starting out with a pre-made AFX File, make your changes.
This FW190A will more than get you started. (complete plane)
By Patrick Didier, Click image to download****
     Aircraft Animator by Abacus Publishing
is still available on a special order basis from Abacus
as a download that includes users manual for about $20 US
contact Adam at abacussoftwareinc@gmail.com
  AD2000 for CFS1 and FS2000
Create and distribute your own aircraft, this is the only Freeware
aircraft creation software that really works, includes a complete
tutorial, password is FREE-WARE ****
Click image to download****    also see the tutorials section
see support forums below...
AD2002 for CFS2 ,FS2000,2002
Create and distribute your own aircraft, this is the only Freeware
aircraft creation software that really works, includes a complete
tutorial, password is FREE-WARE ****
Many of the planes on this site have been created using this.
Click image to download****   also see ACT Data Fix below.
see support forums below...
    ACT data FIX For AD2002 above, fixes compiling problems. By ACT
        Discreet no longer supports Gmax for CFS2
After downloading, see GMAX Reg below for an easy
to use registration code, plus the Game Packs below it.

Click image to download ***
      GMAX Reg Easy to install registration code for Gmax (above)****
     GMAX GAME           PACKS Easy to install game packs that include FS8, FS9 and FSX
all required files are included ****
     FSDS to Gmax Convert FSDS2 files into Gmax and back again
by Kevin Ryan ( not tested as of yet) no rating
     FSDS to AF99 FSDSv.1 to AF99 file converter plug in by Scott Jelinek ( not tested)
     AF99 Plugins 7 plugins for AF99 by various authors, a must have ***
     AF99 serv pk1 Add-on Service pack for AF99 by Abacus ****
      AFX PACK 4 pack AFX Files for AF99 and AD2000 by John Cooper
Hurricane, F4U-1d, B17F and a Spitfire ****
       AFX files 2 pack AFX for AF99 and AD2000. A Ju87 and Lysander, go for it.
      P40 FSDS Build a P-40 in FSDS with this fsc file, by VB Planes, get it done.
         Air-Ed Edit Aircraft Air.cfg files in CFS1,CFS 2 by William Roth ****
       AAM V.22 Edit Aircraft Air.cfg files in CFS2, FS2004 and FSX by K. Karl-Heinz ****
        mptut01 CFS1-2 mini tutorial on how to modify the scasm code of plane .mdl files
to have add-on plane animations to work properly. By Corrado La Posta ****
       Scasmtut CFS2 Tutorial on how to modify the plane .Mdl to have full AI plane animations,
crashing and native CFS2 keys. By Corrado La Posta ****
     Scenery Design Design and produce your own scenery and macros
Airport 2.10 full install for CFs1, FS2000
by Pascal Meziat and Tom Hiscox
create airports, cities, towns and all CFS1api macros included
I like this one for CFS1, Includes many apt. files for Corsica and Italy 1941
Click image to download**** ( only tested upto windows XP)
     Airport Tips Tips for using Airport with CFS1 by Martin Wright ****
Airport 2.60 full install for CFs1, 2 and FS2000 or higher?
by Pascal Meziat and Tom Hiscox
create airports, cities, towns and more
Gota have it, plain and simple.
Click image to download**** ( only tested upto windows XP)
   Airport 3.0 upgrade Airport upgrade 3.0 (for 2.60 above) ****
FS Architech, very hard to find great program for FS2002, 2004 and up
by Douglas Pouk
create airports, cities, towns, elevated mesh and more
Includes the help files, plugins, macros and more
Click image to download**** ( only tested upto windows XP)
ACK10_CFS-Map combo for CFS1, FS2000
by Martin Wright and Ralf-J Triebel
create new flat terrain and then airfields, roads and railroads
in a simple easy to use puzzle style format. Great for the beginning designer.
Click image to download**** ( only tested upto windows XP)
        Airport and Scenery Designer for CFS1, CFS2 and FS2002
is still available on a special order basis from Abacus
contact Adam at abacussoftwareinc@gmail.com****
see below for the freeware plugins package
I use this for all of my CFS1 Elevated mesh scenery
Used for Corsica and Italy 1941 for CFS1 see here
FSDSV2 scm macros to ASD FIX
By A. M. Loyola and John de Langristin
Fixes the ASD2.1 problem with compiling FSDS v.2 macros
Easy process
Click image to download**** (only tested upto windows XP)
   Ground Maker for CFS1, FS2000, CFS2 ?, Fs2002 ?
by Vincent Koch
Create custom airports, tree lines, place api macros
allows for use of custom textures and more
Click image to download ***
FSSC, Flightsim Scenery Creator for CFs1,2, FS2000,2002
Create airports and other sceneries, all updates included
Click image to download***
   Sbuilder for FS2004
by Luis Sa and Luis Feliz-Tirado
A stand alone scenery design tool, includes free registration code
A tutorial and design macros ****
        Easy Object Designer 2.0.50 for CFS1, fs2000
Create and use your own objects in your scenery
easy to use with a simple learning curve. Produce
your own macros and make your scenery original.    Sardinia 1941
Click image to download****
        Easy Object Designer 2.2.85 for CFS2, fs2002
Create and use your own objects in your scenery
easy to use with a simple learning curve. Produce
your own macros and make your scenery original.    Sardinia 1941
Click image to download****
     FSRail by Burkhard Renk for CFs1, CFs2, Fs2000 and 2002
Add moving rail stock, autos and more to your sceney ****
A Free Flight Site Exclusive
          Mesh Brief Tutorial: using FSRail to create micro-mesh in Fs2000 and CFS2***
          DP-3dv a very handy yet simple api or scasm macro viewer in 3D
Great for sorting out the collection, by Masakazu Irie ****
       FSeffects Create .api macros from the effects in Fs2002 and FS2004
Can be used by most scenery design programs that use .api macros
by Matthias Bruckner ***
      City Builder City Builder allows you to combine several macros (such as trees)
and create one single macro... untested as of yet, no rating
Click image to download
       M98toBGL Convert FS98, CFS1 aircraft into static scenery objects
Click image to download ***
        Convert api macros to scm macros for use in ASD
Click image to download ***                    
         Aquarius Macro Extractor, extract macros from bgl files and
Convert Scasm macros to api macros for use in airport 2.1 and above
Click image to download     
          BGL Analyze, break down and extract, correct or change .BGL files
By Winfried Orthmann
Click image to download **** 
          Busy objects is a framework that allows for the addition of
moving objects in your FS 2K+ scenery, Not tested, no rating
Click image to download , includes tutorial
     Excbuilder V.2 complete package for Fs2004
remove stock buildings, trees ect. ****
By Paavo Pihelgas .. simple easy to use program
Includes required FS Connect .dll by Russel Dirks
Includes Msstdfmf.dll error fix
Requires BGLcomp by microsoft here
        Mats Scasm Editor, by Ralf-J Triebel
A program and tutorial on using and manipulating scasm
to create your own macros and more. Not Tested yet !
         Dynamic Object Designer
By Rafael Garcia Sanchez
Add moving objects to your scenery, All libraries, textures ect. included ****
        Dyn maker: for creating dynamic objects in scenery
I have never used or tested this program
Click image to download
         DYN KIT
By Konstantin Kukushkin
Create and add dynamic objects to your scenery (not tested)
FS DYN v10
by Ariel Cimino
Create and add dynamic traffic to your FS2004 scenery
I have never used or tested this program
Click image to download
   FS DYN Tutorial Tutorial for FS DYN v10 above : by Nikola Jovanovic
      FLTREC9 Flight Data Recorder for FS2004
For use with the Dyn makers above, I have not tested either
       FLTREC7 Flight Data Recorder for CFS1, Fs2000
For use with the Dyn makers above, I have not tested either
    FSRegen with 031 update and Middleman
By George Ioannu ..Middleman by Chris file
Create lights, effects, Library objects and more
For FS2002, 2004, libraries work in CFS1 and up
Click image to link to download ****
    Mesh, Terrain Design and produce your own mesh and terrain
   SRTM to BGL for CFS2, FS2002, FS2004....
By Matthew Styles
Convert and interpolate 1 and 3 arc second srtm files
Used to create the Vietnam mesh for CFS2, Fs2002, FS2004 here
Click image to download****
  TerraScene for Fly, CFS2, FS2004
By Todd C Klaus
Very, Very hard to find, only 2 sites on the web that I know of, we are #1
Look for more tutorials soon
Click image to download****
FSTerrain for CFS2, Fs2002
By the "Great" Martin Wright
Add and Correct the elevated mesh in CFS2
Easy to use, great product, see an example here
All required files included
Click image to download****

Terra Builder Lite
Create elevated mesh terrain in CFS1, Fs2000
Some of the "Eastern Front Scenery" for CFS1 was created with this
Includes tutorials by various designers
by Misho Katulic
Click image to download***
Required for ASD, FSterrain and Terra Builder
Available here for FREE, Click image to download Link**** Sorry this is now a dead link
Photo Scenery Maker
by Takuya Murakami
Scenery creation tool for Fs2002/Fs2004. like terrabuilder
Click image to download
PSM Tutorial.......download ***
FSDEM 1.1 For Fs2004
by Emerson de Oliveira
Create, fix, manipulate terrain mesh using DEM files
Stand alone or team with Ground 2K4
Click image to download****
        Ground 2K4 v.56 for FS2004
by C.Fumey
A scenery design tool written in french and english
Stand alone or team with FSDEM1.1 above
Click image to download *** updated 1-21-12
        Ground 2K v.4 for CFS2
by C.Fumey
A scenery design tool written in french and english
Click image to download , slight learning curve ***
     G2K Tutorial Using Ground2K4 tutorial ****
by Steve Greenwood
Add flatten .bgl files not limited to 4 corners, any mesh
easy to use, requires FSUIPC below ****
    AutoAsm for FS2004
by Chris Wright....very hard to find
Create terrain, landclass, Stationary and Dynamic objects ( moving trains ect.)
Click picture to Download, Download 65 page PDF manual here
    Cell Grid for CFS2, fs2004; Richard Ludowise ****
An absolute must have for CFS2, fs2004 design programs
Includes Cell Grid, TDF CALC2, LandCalc
Very useful for scenery and mission design ect.
   Map2BGL for FS2004
by Gunnar Dahling
Use Google world maps and more to create scenery
Click image to link to Gunnars site __ Sorry this is now a dead link
also see translated introduction in the tutorials section

an older program used to make beaches or coastlines in FS98
Someone may still have or even find a use for it ?no rating
Click image download, auto and self install

    Scenery Macros  
         Macros2 By Martin Wright, all the cfs2 objects in .api format for use with Airport 2.6 ****
     Vol 1    Vol 2 British Airfield Buildings and stuctures in API Format, By Cees Donker ****
     Vol 3    Vol 4 Original macros and textures for use with most of the scenery design
          Vol 5 programs featured on this site; for CFS2 , FS2002 and FS2004
    Scenery Objects For CFS2 scenery or mission designers
    GSL Personnel CFS2 library objects for use by GSL scenery or mission designers
    GSL Objects
   Viet and Korea
Objects for the Vietnam and Korea War projects
CFS2 library objects for use by GSL scenery or mission designers
  Create Exploding
  objects for CFS2
Create exploding objects for CFS2, choose from 4 programs
By the great Allen Downey
     Design DLL's Many design Programs call for DLL modules
      FsConnect FSConnect Version 3 by Russel Dirks ****
        FSUIPC By Peter Dowson: an interfacing module for FS9 used for controling advanced
weather, Ai traffic and interfacing outside programs ****
    VB Run Times VB Run Times 3, 5 and 6 required for many programs ****
  VB Run Times V6 VB Run Times SP6 for Win XPpro, thru Win10 required for many programs ****
     Design SDKs Many design Programs call for SDK's
    FS2 scenery SDK FS2000 Scenery SDK is required by many design programs.
   FS2 Terrain SDK FS2000 Terrain SDK is required by many design programs.
    FS2002 Scenery FS2002 scenery SDK is required by some design programs
  FS9Gmax Game Pak Fs2004 SDK including the Gmax Game Pack
     FS9 to Gmax FS2004 to Gmax setup, you may need this ?
  CFS1 Panel SDK CFS1 Panel and Gauge SDK by Microsoft
Traffic tool box SDK Fs2004 Create AI traffic SDK by Microsoft
  2004 terrain SDK Fs2004 terrain SDK by Microsoft
   2004 Panel SDK Fs2004 Panel and Gauge SDK by Microsoft
   BGL Comp SDK Fs2004 BGL Compile SDK by Microsoft
  Gmax Game Packs FS8, FS9, FSX , All files included ,compliled by F. Marques
   Aircraft Skinners Producing your own skins       
      Plane Copy Make dupilcates of CFS1 aircraft before you mess with'm by Jerry Beckwith ***
        FS-Pal CFS1 paint pallet for PSP
      AF5-Paint A very rare program, well before its time, allowing overlays and more
by Stefan D'bereiner, Thanks to Ivan for sending it in.
    FS tex convert A great texture convertor by: Elrond Elvish ***
     Tools and Info Designer Tools, Advice and more
      Fs Developer  Free tools and help forums****
     Freeflightdesign Free tools and help forums****
      M W Graphics Free tools and utilities ****

      * Using CFS1's built in scenery editor...did you know it had one ?
      * Build a P38 with Gmax
      * Tips on setting up Airport 2.6 airport designer
      * Converting Aircraft from Fs2004 to CFS2
      * and much more




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