"Don't run out of airspeed'
ideas, and altitude all at the
same time"

unknown author



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 The Cees Donker Collection

 FS2004 Scenery         

        Golden Wings 2004

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Sardinia 1941 released
Sicily, N.Tunisia released

     Alaska  Bush Flying for CFS2
        Phase 1 released
       See some Screenshots

            Vietnam CFS2         
     released and added to daily

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    "to those we have lost"






  What makes CFS1 and 2 so great is how much you can add to them under the open format !
  This is the CFS2 Utility page             Find the CFS1 Utility page here         Find the FS9 Utility page here
Create Exploding
Using gMax or FSDS tutorial and 4 programs included
by: Allen Downey ****
CFS2 tips A PDF file on set up and other questions ****
A Combination of patches for CFS2 by Brandon ***
No CD Patch Run a legal copy of CFS2 without the disks ****
Dped Blue Print style Dp Editor for CFS1 and CFS2 by Yusaku Homma ****
AIRED Edit Air Configuration Files by William Roth ***
Aim_It Aim_It , Align your Guns to Converge in the middle By Jerry Beckwith ****
Mk_MDL.V2.1.0 Aircraft MDL convertion utility, 2004,2002 to CFS2 by Ivan Hsu (not tested)
Tailhook CFS2 - adds a tail hook to all stock aircraft "including the bombers" ***
for CFS2 Conversion file for above FSClouds and weather for CFS2 ****
Combat Clouds Flight1 combat clouds self install version ****
       CFO Weather_7.5 by the great Bill Potvin, later hosted by the CFS wizard Martin Wright (see link page)
a utility required by all, controls to much to mention in such a small space. ****
FlakSnds Enhanced flak sounds for CFS2 ***
CFS2 Utilities a program to adjust CFS settings and more by Paul Hauschildt ***
     Hud a nice replacement Hud for CFS2 by Raf Props ***
   ACMAN Manager you aircraft into seperate hangers allowing you to get around
90 aircraft limit in CFS2 by Martin Wright ***
Quick Combat Allows for add-on aircraft in quick combat CFS1 and 2 ****
Brit Radio Calls Add British Radio Chatter in missions and Q/C without having to add it
thru the mission builder. by Michael Brookshire **
Luft Radio Calls Add German Radio Chatter in missions and Q/C without having to add it
thru the mission builder. by Michael Brookshire **
Ital Radio Calls Add Italian Radio Chatter in missions and Q/C without having to add it
thru the mission builder. by Rufle (not tested)
Spanish Calls Add Spanish Chatter in missions and Q/C without having to add it
thru the mission builder. by Rufle (not tested)
Sound Selector Allows you to switch between Piston, Jet or Helicopter sounds as the aircraft fly
around you rather than just the default piston sound. by 6GRCAF_Aileronic ( not tested)
AI_promoter Advance your wingmans skill level as they progress thru a campaign
by Paul Hauschildt ***
 XPMDLFIX MDL repair utility for Windows XP. Fixes the "Flight Model can not be displayed"
encountered in many aircraft in CFS1 and CFS2 using Windows XP. ****
CFS1toCFS2DP Adds CFS2 DP's, effects and loadouts to all the CFS1 aircraft when added to CFS2
by Allen Hutchenson ***
    StripMDL Removes the CFS1 payloads from CFS1 aircraft when loaded into CFS2
Stand alone or use with above CFS1 to CFS2DP. By Martin Wright ****
  Object placer Add Library objects to your CFS2 scenery; By Bill Potvin  (Not tested yet)
requires FS2002 effects SDK below
  2K2 FX SDK Required for Object Placer above: By Microsoft
  CFS2 GUNS By Serge Tremblay, Replacement gun sounds **
  Rear Gun Fix By Nibbo, AI fix for the rear guns of the Dauntless and Devastator ***
 CFS2 Spanish Translate CFS2 into Spanish, by Scorpio_BRZ **
Pilot Figuires British,US,German and Japaneese Pilot Figures by Mauro Giacomazzi ****
    Gunner Raf Gunner, rotates the RAF pilot to fit the gunner position. By Martin Wright ****
 US Modern   Weapons US Modern Weapons pack, required for many A/C downloads ***
 Ult. Weapons Ultimate weapons pack, required for many A/C downloads ***
    FDG_US      weapons US weapons package: By the Fightertown Design Group***
required for many aircraft downloads
  Britweapons British weapons package: By Ground Crew Designs***
required for many aircraft downloads
 Germweapons German weapons package: By Ground Crew Designs***
required for many aircraft downloads
 US Weapons
Enhanced US weapons V1 and V2 to be used in place of stock by Sergio Dolcemascolo ***
required for many aircraft downloads
  Weapons plus Includes Napalm, multi-rocket pods and more with extensive instructions by Martin Wright ***
required for many aircraft downloads
Cell Grid for CFS2; Richard Ludowise ****
An absolute must have for CFS2 design programs
Includes Cell Grid, TDF CALC2, LandCalc
Very useful for scenery and mission design ect.
   MK_CFS2 CFS2 Aircraft and mission swap utility
Allows you to seperate your a/c in to seperate theaters, by M. Krogstad****
  CFS2 Snow Let it snow in CFS2, Thanks to Tango ****
   RealityX RealityX module required for RealityX Planes, By the 714th 1% group ****
     714FX effects file required by many of the 714th 1% aircraft ****
  Effects V.2 Blades CFS2 Effects Collection V.2
by Nanni, Nibbio, GhostPony, Blade  All in one great collection ****
How to add a catapult launch to CFS2 By Tango ****
all required files included
FSRail by Burkhard Renk
Add moving rail stock, autos and more to your sceney ****
Objects for Mission Writers or Scenery designers
For Mission or Scenery Designers , add American USAF, US Marines, Italian RA,
Viet US Army, US Navy and more By Captain Kurt ****
    Troops For Mission Writers, add American and Japanese ground troops that move, shoot
and scream
. By Nibbio ( not tested)
  Troops WWI For Mission Writers: Belgian, French, British and German ground troops
Static and animated. By Simonu ( not tested)
    Tanks German Tanks package: By Ground Crew Designs***
   GC Ships Ships and boats Collection by Ground Crew Designs ****
  Viet Objects Hundreds of oblects for the Vietnam War Project for CFS2
By various artists, bringing CFS2 to a totally new level ****
 Back To Home  See more Utilities in our FS Design Section


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