Vultee XP-54 - Texture Artist Needed

Mike Kelly has stepped up last night via Email to do the detailed textures and paint kit.

If others are interested as well, I will make the package available to you too.

I have updated teh package so both FSX and FS9 components are included.

Once I get back from dinner out, I will upload that package and send a link to those of you who asked.

Thanks for your interest; it's really appreciated.
Wow, the Swoose Goose is one of my favorite fighters (or would have been if it went into production). Milton, your "filler" projects are better than most other's "top shelf" products!

Really looking forward to this!:applause:
Wow, the Swoose Goose is one of my favorite fighters (or would have been if it went into production). Milton, your "filler" projects are better than most other's "top shelf" products!

Really looking forward to this!:applause:

Ah, thanks Bill; you are too kind. :) Hopefully you will like what we put together.
Sounds for a Lycoming H-2470

Okay, great; we have several focusing on textures now so I will get back to finalizing the cockpit/pilot animations, getting gauge faces changed, and working on the flight model. Thanks to all of you who have expressed interest in the project and for joining the effort to see it to fruition.

Not sure what an H-2470 Lycoming sounds like with 103 cu. in. per cylinder but I know it sounded good. Hopefully we can find something like that or have someone step up to creating such an orchestra. :)
I have no idea what that Lycoming or the 54 sounded like(does anybody?:biggrin-new:)and I'm no sound expert but I use Nigel's sounds from the XP-47H in Jeff Nissen's XP-54 and that works for me.
Just an idea.
Hey! Its flightsim.Anything is possible.
I have no idea what that Lycoming or the 54 sounded like(does anybody?:biggrin-new:)and I'm no sound expert but I use Nigel's sounds from the XP-47H in Jeff Nissen's XP-54 and that works for me.
Just an idea.
Hey! Its flightsim.Anything is possible.

LOL HorusJ. It never even occurred to me that I have that excellent sound set in hand already. Thanks for that "slap in the face". I needed that! :) LOL
For some oddball reason, I thought the engine, (Lycoming) used in the real prototype was a "V" type and not a radial, so I went with the big Chrysler in Jeff Nissen's XP-54 too. I also re-vamped the FDE a little so as to reflect the performance curve that added horsepower would give the plane, given the limited documentation I have. No heroics here, but she's a little more stable and closer to specs. But if it was a big radial, and since the "Swoose Goose" was eventually to be an interceptor, Nigel's XP-72 Superbolt sounds work very well too.

For some oddball reason, I thought the engine, (Lycoming) used in the real prototype was a "V" type and not a radial, so I went with the big Chrysler in Jeff Nissen's XP-54 too. I also re-vamped the FDE a little so as to reflect the performance curve that added horsepower would give the plane, given the limited documentation I have. No heroics here, but she's a little more stable and closer to specs. But if it was a big radial, and since the "Swoose Goose" was eventually to be an interceptor, Nigel's XP-72 Superbolt sounds work very well too.


Negative, it was an "H" type, not a "V" or radial. There's info in the package, and I have more about it if needed.

I have only about 4-5 hours or so in the FM; I am working on it with all the data I have from various sources to hit numbers at all altitudes. One must get the basics right before moving forward. Once I get the numbers right, I will tweak the handling characteristics.
Are we going off in different directions here with different projects?

I am now using the XP-47H Chrysler sounds which was a water cooled 16 cylinder unit that I think is a better match.
Negative, it was an "H" type, not a "V" or radial. There's info in the package, and I have more about it if needed.

I have only about 4-5 hours or so in the FM; I am working on it with all the data I have from various sources to hit numbers at all altitudes. One must get the basics right before moving forward. Once I get the numbers right, I will tweak the handling characteristics.
Are we going off in different directions here with different projects?

I am now using the XP-47H Chrysler sounds which was a water cooled 16 cylinder unit that I think is a better match.

I gathered up some info on the "H" block engines, after reading about sleeve valve configured power plants and was surprised to learn that the P&W X-1800 was in fact a sleeve valve engine. I've had Jeff Nissen's XP-54 for some time now and just got re-interested in that one after seeing Mick's paints for the XP-56 and XP-55. I'm not concentrating on any different projects at the mo. Also, Rolls Royce had an "H" block sleeve valve engine, the "Eagle". It was a beast!

Seeing the Swoose Goose project underway here has me looking at nearly all of the related info available that was pertinent to the XP-54 as well as what was similar or related to that aircraft, but not proposed. Funny how the XP-54 got it's name "Swoose Goose", half swan, half goose, said to be a popular song for that time period.

If it is of any help, The Napier Sabre (in different variants) Was also an H block, 24 cylinders and sleeve valves, used in the hawker Typhoon and Tempest V, maybe a way forward on the sound side.

Milton, I do have the original downloaded files for the XP-54 by J. Nissen, if needed, just shout.

Wonderful job by the way :applause:, can't wait to fly her :jump:
If it is of any help, The Napier Sabre (in different variants) Was also an H block, 24 cylinders and sleeve valves, used in the hawker Typhoon and Tempest V, maybe a way forward on the sound side.

Milton, I do have the original downloaded files for the XP-54 by J. Nissen, if needed, just shout.

Wonderful job by the way :applause:, can't wait to fly her :jump:

Thanks for the info.

I suspect what I'll do to keep this simple is just release it with the sounds I have since they belong to the team . Interested fliers can go seek the sound set they like if they prefer something different. Those may be good alternatives. Thank you for that.

Someone sent me a link to Jeff's 54; thank you.

I am working on the flight model now trying to slug out some progress. Got some porpoising at critical altitude that I have not figured out so I sent the FM to Tom "Fliger" Falley to look at it. Tom to the rescue as usual. :)
Also had a few mapping issues to resolve; thank you Mike for that heads-up.
Also got the pilot to enter/exit without smashing his head but his legs are a bit shorter now. :)

Mike Kelley is working hard on textures for the project with a basic kit planned.
Three others are texturing and will likely share their work.

EDIT: I just wanted to say that had I been able to find Jeff's xp-54, I would not have done this project. Although it has no VC, it's still a nice model and nice flight model.
Also got the pilot to enter/exit without smashing his head but his legs are a bit shorter now. :)

:biggrin-new::encouragement: Thought that was funny. Poor bloke must have quite a few lumps on his noggin' after all that.

Sounds like you're making some good progress Chief. I'm eager to see what paints that folks come up will look like on this beauty.

What about XP-54 Cockpit???

As a filler project, and intended for a quick finish, I wanted something basic and quick, but fortunately I found one in my inventory that matched perfectly.
I borrowed the cockpit from the xp-72. The VC is textured by Nigel. It's not representative of the real world Vultee xp-54. I know this not because there are any pictures or drawings available for the aircraft but because we do know it had an inverted U control arm upon which the "steering wheel" was mounted.

Such is life. If I had pictures and drawings of the XP-54 cockpit, I would have tried to be more realistic. So, this is what you get.


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I know this not because there are any pictures or drawings available for the aircraft but because we do know it had an inverted U control arm upon which the "steering wheel" was mounted.

I gave it my best shot to find reference photos but in the end just ran across what everyone else did. Your XP-72 VC seems to fit well though.


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  • Vultee+XP-54-010+AFM+labeled.jpg
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