Bring Glenview NAS To Life Again

casey jones

Charter Member
I have seen Mask Rider's Glenview NAS which he has brought it to life in FS9, It is for CFS2,
but with some modification it will work if you know what you are doing and for me I am very
lacking in making a scenery like Glenview NAS.I think Maskrider's Glenview NAS is just the
right way of bringing it to life. I hope someone can tell me how to place Mask Rider's
Glenview NAS in the right place in FS9 instead of always ending up in the middle of a bunch
of buildings near Chigago. The instructions say the Glenview NAS scenery has to be adjusted
or the planes will float above the ground,

Thank You for Any Help

Casey Jones 7-11
Say, I keep getting a disappearing taxiway and runway as I get close to them on the ground but at altitude they appear normal. Is there a fix for that?
In my FS1954, which has an old USA landclass from FS Genesis, there are buildings pretty close to the airfield, but not really impinging on it. This probably isn't completely accurate, but it might not be too far off either. Glenview was pretty close to Chicago (it was known, at least at some time period, as NRAB Chicago) and I don't suppose it had a lot of open space around it. Maybe someone who lives in the area or who did some service time at Glenview can tell us just how built up (or not) the surrounding area really was.

As for the runways and taxiways, that can't be helped. It's an old FS2002 issue that's been long forgotten by most of us. It affected many stock airports in FS2002, and someone (who can no longer be contacted - we tried) released a couple of big packages of fixes. Since Glenview is a CFS-2 scenery, and CFS-2 was apparently much more closely related to FS2002 than to FS9, it's not much of a surprise that the issue has reappeared there. Despite much weeping and gnashing of teeth back when Glenview was first transferred into FS9, those of us who were involved at the time came to the conclusion that there's nothing we can do about it. (If only that FS2002 person was still around! Drat!)
Thanks Mick, I'll take what I can get even if it's not perfect. I think I'm the first guy to load the CFS2 Glenview into my GW3 install and was surprised it would show at all. Others came along and really improved it, which I am very thankful.
Circa 1954 and for quite a few years later there was plenty of open space around NAS Glenview. I grew up in Northbrook, just north of the base. Except for some housing the NAS was pretty much all there was between Pfingsten Rd. to the west and the Milwaukee Road RR tracks to the east. Also nothing but weeds north of Rwy 17/35 to Willow Rd. The town of Glenview first started expanding south of 17/35 but no subdivisions flush up against the field. For NAS Glenview in FS9 you'd probably be better off making your own rather than trying to adapt the CFS2 version. If I were a scenery wizard I'd make one myself but I can barely place a runway let alone an entire NAS.
Well, thanks to EZ Landclass, I know how to make a landclass file, so I could make one for Glenview.

I presume that the area surrounding and under Glenview should be open, grassy fields...??? (If not that, then what? Woods maybe?)

If you would go into top-down view from a high enough elevation, take a screenshot and indicate about how far away the closest built-up areas should be, I'll see what I can do.
Mick, I saw your comments yesterday. Give me a day or so to come up with something for you to work with. :encouragement:
No rush!

I would suppose that the airport itself is grass where there's no pavement. Is that right?

Then there's some distance between the airport and the nearby built-up areas. I'll need to know if that was grassy fields, scrub land or woods, and about how far from the field that should extend.

I don't think I can get very detailed with this stuff, as EZ Landclass doesn't seem capable of real detail, but I hope I can get it roughly correct.

I suppose an exclude file will also be needed to clear out any autogen buildings, but maybe the LC file takes care of that. I'll find out, and learn something useful either way.

I asked for a top down screenshot with indications drawn on it because I'm utterly unfamiliar with the area, so references to landmarks don't tell me anything useful.

Take your time, I'm in no hurry.
Thank You All For Answering About Glenview NAS!

There are a lot of pictures on the internet of Glenview NAS. Again my thanks to all of
you for bringing Glenview NAS to life.

Thank You

Sorry for my slow response. I shot a top-down screenshot of Mask Rider's NAS Glenview and overlaid an aerial photo of Glenview from the 1950's (see attachments). The horizontal red line at the top of the overlay pic is the approximate location of Willow Rd. in real life. Everything south of Willow was part of the NAS and all open field. The diagonal red line is the Milwaukee Road RR tracks. Same deal as Willow Rd., everything west of the RR tracks was NAS property and all open field, basically unused farm land so just grass and scattered bushes, maybe a few trees along the perimeter. South and west of the NAS was mainly still farms and vacant property in the 1950's with the beginnings of postwar subdivisions. Default autogen scenery is just about right for south and west.

Mask Rider did a nice job laying out the runways and buildings, except the upper left runway (02/20) appears to be a little out of place. Also, I don't understand why his runway numbers were all 180° out from what they should be. Those big concrete circles you see on the old photos of the base remained until the base was torn up around 1999-2000. I hope this helps with any scenery or landclass work you may want to do for Glenview. :encouragement:
OK, so it's grassy fields with some scrub brush to the south and west. About how far from the airfield should that go, roughly?

What about to the north and east - should that stay as built-up areas like it is in the sim?

Maybe a wider top view shot with a few more notes on it, when you have a chance?
North of Willow Rd. is Northbrook (my hometown). That area is light industry, business, and residential... pretty much same as it was in the 1950's. Same with the area east of the Milwaukee Road RR tracks. I think the area that Mask Rider took in with his ground cover .bmp is the main area you need to work with except for a little more up to the Willow Rd. red line.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, check out these screenies of what Glenview and it's near environs look like in my Golden Wings and classic era sim. They sure look different from your FS9, but I'll post them anyway in case you might find them useful.

This is my Golden Wings:


This is my FS1954:


My sims sure look different from yours! You can see why I never noticed the urban development encroaching on Glenview. In my sims it isn't! Well, not nearly so much anyway.

My FS1954 has the old FSGenesis USA landclass. My GW has the stock GW landclass file, which has, oddly enough, the same file name, which indicates its FSG provenance, but with a much different modified date that sems to roughly coincide with when Bill & Lynn were making GW, if memory serves. I suppose that means they started with the FSG LC and modified it to back-date the FS world. Anyway, my GW and my FS54 Glenview environs sure look a lot alike! So much so that I wondered if I might have booted up the wrong sim and looked at the same one twice. I had to double-check.

Anyway, I need to know what to leave alone and what to change to make your sim look right, and mine too if indicated. That patch of development to the south in both of my sims doesn't match your comments, so I suppose that should go.

If it's really simple you could probably just tell me, but it might be easier to just copy one (or more) of the screenies and make marks and notes on it.

Maybe in the process I can get rid of that off-color square of grass under NAS Glenview and make it match the surroundings.
Both your GW and FS1954 installs look pretty good for the Glenview-Northbrook area in the 1950's. Maybe get rid of the first row of urban development scenery units that repeat themselves just to the south of the NAS. My FS9 landscape around the Chicago area is all default except for Meigs Field. I believe that green grass square under NAS Glenview is "glenviewnaswa.bmp", a 256x256 bmp that is part of the Glenview add-on scenery package. However I'm not sure I have the same version of the Glenview add-on installed as you have.
Well, I think there's only the one version of Glenview, as far as I know, so we must have the same one installed.

What I think Ill try is to delete that glenviewnaswa file as see if tha lets the underlying ground texture show through without messing up anything else. If so I can put grassy field under the airfield and disappear that cluster of urban development on the south edge at the same time.

That would fix me up in both sims, but not you guys. I could extend the grass fields in the other directions, but maybe what you really need is a copy of the landclass file I'm using in FS1954. That would be an improvement over the stock landclass for the whole continental USA. (Of course I would still share my mods for my own sims.)

What do you think?
I tried removing that texture file and it just turned the ground under the airfield featureless white. I tried removing each of the two bgl files other than the one with the actual airport, and neither experiment let the underlying ground texture show through. So I guess we're stuck with that green surround. My guess is that it doesn't clash too badly with summertime ground textures. Alas, it's always autumn in my FS world...

I meant to mention a while ago that the reverse runway numbering was noticed back when we first put Glenview into FS9. Nobody could figure out why it was that way and nobody could figure out a way to fix it. Things that seemed like they should've worked, didn't. So we're stuck with the green ground texture and the reverse runway numbers.

Anyway, here's what I came up with for a landclass mod for my GW and FS54 sims. I can easily disappear the urban development in the other directions for you guys with the stock FS9 landclass file. In fact, I might have it posted as an attachment here by the time you read this.

Here's how I have Glenview's surroundings looking in my sims. It's not a perfect match with the surrounding terrain, but it's fairly close, and it's a lot closer than the concentrated urban development that was there before.
OK, here's a landclass file for FS9 with the stock landclass.

I can't post a screenie because I don't have a stock FS9 to try it in, so one of you guys will have to post a screenie to show how it looks in your sims.

EZ Landclass works on a grid of rectangles oriented with north at the top, s I couldn't follow that diagonal rail line. I think it will be a lot better than what you have, but if you think the open areas should extend further, let me know.
Looks pretty good to me Mick all surrounding buildings are gone in my GW3 install. Thanks for the great work!