I can't keep up with Steve, but managed to finish Ridin High.... She is in the hangar waiting for you to take her to the virtual skies...........
Still waiting for that FSX native "G"...
I'm away for a couple of weeks starting early tomorrow morning. I'll get back into my paint shack upon my return and finish off the schemes I have underway.
Today I have been finalising some bits on this one.
Have a good trip Steve
And this is what I have been doing..................
Not yet finished and due to real life issues/obligations it can take a few day before its available.
Edit: hold on for a moment - one question is answered, need to try something.
Didn't quite catch your original unedited question but if there is anything we can do to help, just "holler".![]()
Thanks Milton. Above is the newly phrased question. I'd originally said that I couldn't find the P-70 paint kits and had to try the A-20C one, but I found the P-70 ones. Still can't use 'em though. My question was aimed at the painters, but if you know the answer I'll be happy to hear it.
With more skilled painters than I working on the A-20, I thought I'd skip ahead and try something for the P-70, so I broke out the P-70 paint kits only to find that I can't use them.
I opened a file in Adobe PhotoDelux, the program I usually use to open multi-layered paint kits, and got a prompt telling me that because the file has more than 99 layers it would merge them all into one when opening the file. Bah!
Then I tried to open it in PSP7 and it wouldn't open at all.
So... are you guys using the paint kits? If so, what software are you using them in?
Mick, check out post #590 for a brief description from Steve about how he Used GIMP to convert the masters into files he could use in PSP7. He had posted his converted files in dropbox and they no longer seem to be available. I made the original masters in CS6 with the intent to have the various grouping of rivets and panel lines as "individualized" as possible, giving painters as many options as possible for manipulating them after their own preferences, hence the large number of layers. Unfortunately this has left a number of folks in the lurch. Combining the many layers will reduce some of that flexibility, but as is obvious from Steve and Huub's work that has not been detrimental. So, with that in mind, I am going to go back and do some combining to get the number of layers down to something less than 99 (I think I read in one of his posts that Steve had gotten them down into the 70 something range). Can't promise to get it down that far but at least below the PSP7 threshold is my goal. It may take a few days as I have obligations yet on the efforts for the next release.
In the interim, if you review the series of posts between Steve and Huub beginning about #609 regarding this it might help. These will be posted as new versions of the kits and I will start with the P-70s, though there is some interchangeability between the models.
Thanks for the reply. Wow, you guys are so far over my head technically that I can't even follow the discussion! I never even heard of GIMP, much less know what it is or have it. Same for CS6.
Maybe Steve or Huub will post or share with me what they're using. And it won't kill me to wait for your revised version. But I hope you aren't doing it just for me! The A-20 versions are so well covered already that I don't suppose I'll paint them, and there weren't very many P-70's, and they tended to look a lot alike, so there won't be need for very many P-70 skins. So please don't rework the kit just for me!
There are still a lot of unpainted A-20s out there Mick.you are right about the P-70's though there are still a few that need to be added. (and its not a problem on the paint kits, I was thinking about doing it anyway).
Yes on the A-20, but at the rate they're going, you and Huub and Steve, all painters far more talented than I, will get to all of them pretty soon! There ar ealready more A-20 skins than I need, but I keep grabbing them, and eagerly awaiting the ones that haven't been posted yet, because they're so good.
Meanwhile, yesterday and today I've been researching the P-70. I've found some very interesting, and sometimes conflicting information. But things are so interesting and exciting about the A-20 that I don't want to change the subject, so for the time being I'll back burner any comments about the P-70 while I dig deeper into the research material.
The first so-called Night Fighters were field conversions but the A1 and A2 were produced...