Bring Glenview NAS To Life Again

Looks pretty good to me Mick all surrounding buildings are gone in my GW3 install. Thanks for the great work!

OK, all set for GW. Next we'll have to see how it looks in a stock FS9.

If it works out for FS9, maybe I should put in up in the library in case anyone else might want it.
Spot on I think. Now wouldn't it be great if there was a USS Sable or a USS Wolverine for FS2004 out in the lake to fly out too? I used to do that in CFS2 and had a ball.
I'd love to see either or both of those paddle-wheel carriers as movable ships in FSX and scenery objects in FS9. There are a couple good wake effects you can use in FS9 that make the ship look like it's moving, put 15-20 knots of wind down the deck and you're good to go. :encouragement:
A long time ago I once tried to use a CFS-2 ship as an FS9 scenery object. I don't remember what I did, but got it to show up for just a second or two before the sim crashed. Never got beyond that point and finally gave up.
Thanks for posting the screenies. I think I'll load the file to the library in case others might want it.
Dear Mick and Tarpsbird

I have been following your very welcome efforts for Glenview NAS, would it be feasible to just make
Glenview NAS for FS9?

Thank you all for your efforts

I have been following your very welcome efforts for Glenview NAS, would it be feasible to just make
Glenview NAS for FS9?
Thank you all for your efforts

I'm sure it would be, just like any other airport. And it would presumably get rid of that annoying ramp effect and allow the runways to be numbered correctly.

Alas, nobody who knows how to make scenery seems to have any interest in such a project. I wish someone did!

I can make AFCADs and I've learned how to make simple landclass files, and I can place generic buildings from scenery libraries. But custom buildings and other things that would be needed for a reasonably realistic Glenview are utterly beyond my knowledge and skills.
Also, I went over to FS-SHIPYARDS to see if any who knew how to model ships (uss sable and uss wolverine) but I can no longer log in.
A long time ago I once tried to use a CFS-2 ship as an FS9 scenery object.

At least you might place it as AI with a fake ADE and traffic (once a week in the middle of the night).


CFS2 USS Coral Sea


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At least you might place it as AI with a fake ADE and traffic (once a week in the middle of the night).
CFS2 USS Coral Sea

That would work. A wake effect could be placed, the way we do with ship scenery objects.

But would it be landable?

It's been so many years since I fiddled with a CFS2 ship that I don't remember much about it. It seems like I must have thought of it. Back then I didn't know how to make scenery objects from aircraft models (FS9 only, not CFS2 - drat!) so I often placed airplanes as "static AI."

Anyway, for whatever reason, I never did that. Maybe it was because they weren't landable, or maybe I just didn't think of it. Maybe I should set one up and try to land on it. Have you tried that?

I would dearly love to have some straight-deck Essex and Midway class CVs in my classic era sim. And a Ranger in GW.
OK, I did some fiddling about. I found that CFS-2 carriers can be loaded as FS9 aircraft. They come without FS9 aircraft.cfg files or AIR files, but those can be taken from other FS9 ships.

What I haven't had time to do yet is set one up as "static AI" and see if it has a hard deck that I can take off from or land on.

FS Shipyards has a straight deck Essex that was converted from a CFS-2 ship to an FS9 aircraft. Maybe if one doesn't have a hard deck, the other might. That FS9 conversion provides a good Aircraft.cfg file and AIR file. The ship floats just about like it should with no contact point adjustments required.

In the library here there are CFS-2 ships for CV-4 Ranger, a CV-5 Yorktown, a few straight deck CV-9 Essex class carriers, a CV_22 Independence light carrier, and a few different classes of escort carriers. Not to mention any number of Japanese, British and other carriers.

If this works I should be able to set up plenty of flyable period-correct carriers in Golden Wings, where it's peacetime east of Hawaii and the Pacific War is in progress to the west.

If only there was a straight-deck Midway for my classic era sim...
The Wolverine works OK as an AI, bow wave is A bit off! Still I'd like to land on her, rather than drive about..


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No, because it's in fact a moving object.

Yeah, that's about what I figured. (sigh)

We could see 'em but couldn't land on them.

Come to think of it, there were probably a lot of newly fledged pilots who could see Sable and Wolverine but couldn't land on 'em...

"As real as it gets!" :biggrin-new:
Question re USS Wolverine

OK, with the help of some information from Alan I've learned how to make static AI aircraft out of CFS2 ships and harden their decks for takeoffs and landings. Not all CFS2 carriers work for this, but one that does is the Virtual Navy's USS Wolverine. I floats nicely in FS9 water and tomorrow's project will be to put it in the lake near Glenview, make he hard deck and add a wake and maybe some stack smoke.

Here's the thing that's got me scratching my head. The model has the flight deck painted blue, like fleet carriers in the war zones, and I wonder of they'd camouflage a training carrier on inland waters over a thousand miles from either coast. It's plausible, of course, and I tend to think tha the VN guys know about such things, yet it doesn't seem to quite ring true.

Does anyone know whether the Wolverine's deck was camouflaged? I could very easily strip the paint and make the deck unpainted wood.

If someone actually knows, please tell! And if nobody knows for sure, I'd be happy to have informed guesses, and educated (or even semi-educated) opinions.

What do you think? Blue or natural wood?
Since last evening's post I've asked Capt. Google for images of the Wolverine. Of course there were no color photos; that would be too easy! I got a lot of black & white photos showing a dark deck wit light markings, and a lot of artwork and color photos of models. So I know what some artists, modelers and kit makers think - and they do not agree!

The flight deck is rendered as either dark blue, dark gray, medium gray or natural wood. The markings are white, yellow, or some of each color. There is one black & white photo that shows wood grain clearly enough that it doesn't appear to be painted in any opaque color, but if course one can never be sure of interpretations of black & white photos.

Of course, it's possible that the deck was painted in more than one color at various times. I may wind up going with what I like best, which is unpainted wood, but I sure wish I had something at least somewhat firm to go by.

Still hoping for some information from others here.

If I'd thought of this project back in the early days of FS9 we might have someone here who had actually seen the Wolverine, but at this late date I fear that here aren't many left who saw the ship, and probably not anyone here at SOH..
Mick, I like the looks of the flight deck on this guy's Wolverine model.


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Mick, I like the looks of the flight deck on this guy's Wolverine model.

Me too! A dark wood grain. There's a B&W photo that sure looks like dark wood grain; it seems a bit too variable to be paint, but maybe not - paint would've started looking all beat up in no time. So it's weak evidence, though it might wind up being something of an excuse.

I just reviewed the pics I collected earlier and in my previous post I didn't even list all the opinions of the various artists and modelers who've depicted the ship in color. They disagree that the flight deck was black, dark blue, dark blue-gray, dark gray, medium blue-gray, medium gray or wood grain. No two agree!

There's less disagreement about the deck markings, I suppose because there are only two possible colors. They were white, yellow, or some of each. The modeler isn't the only one who thinks both colors, and I think they're probably right.

Dark wood grain is my favorite, so if nothing else comes in, that's probably what I'll go for. Or maybe I'll make alternate textures to be used as whim dictates.

Meanwhile, I hope we'll hear from more voices.
I don't know if you've seem this article and there aren't any real clear pics of Wolverine from above or on-deck but if you scroll about halfway down there is one aerial shot that seems to show Wolverine as significantly lighter than Sable. Sable's deck was dark - and irregular, as it was used to test various anti-slip coatings on the metal surface, whereas Wolverine was wood.