Installation guides for ETO and Rising Sun

P T O Rising Sun compatability

Running Windows 7 64 bit in what compatability mode is the correct one as ETO is run in XP 2 Mode.:cheerful:
I have Italian language version and my installation path is D:\Programmi\microsoft games\Combat flight simulator 3 and have windows 10 64 bit .
Need to edited in the MASTERETOSTARTUP only ?
Thank you for yours help.
PTO Rising Sun

Never have i had such hassles installing anything this has to be the most skittish install of all time,i get it to work for a while then it goes walkabout and gets it`s self stuck in some unearthly era what`s going on!
I have a lot of experience with computers and multiple installs of CFS3, and I have never been able to get the PTO theater swaping system to work correctly. I finally turned three of the theaters into dedicated installs, and gave up on the rest.
I have transfered my ETO game from the C drive to E drive.
Even afther making the required changes in MASTERETOSTARTUP.bat and in the ETOGLSwapper.bat
the game does not change to the required global_layer.csv.
Should I do a ORIFs Re-install ?
When installing PTO Rising Sun on a different drive: D
Do I have to modify the Rising_Sun Theatre_Selector.bat as the following :
CD "C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\CFS3 PTO RisingSun_________"

or should it be
CD "C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\CFS3 PTO RisingSun_________"

What about the 2sino_uisel.bat in the AppData>Roaming>Microsoft>Rising Sun_______ ?
CD "D:\ Program Files\Rising Sun"

shoud it also be as shown in red ?
When installing PTO Rising Sun on a different drive: D
Do I have to modify the Rising_Sun Theatre_Selector.bat as the following :
CD "C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\CFS3 PTO RisingSun_________"

or should it be
CD "C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\CFS3 PTO RisingSun_________"

What about the 2sino_uisel.bat in the AppData>Roaming>Microsoft>Rising Sun_______ ?
CD "D:\ Program Files\Rising Sun"

shoud it also be as shown in red ?

Hi gosd, don't change the appdata pathway, that is still on your C drive! Only change the pathways relevant to your install, which looks like it is D:\Program Files\Rising Sun
Got it working perfectly on my D drive :applause::biggrin-new:.
Thank you hairyspin and Daiwilletti for your help and patience :encouragement: :encouragement: .
Is it possible to transfer the rising sun game from one driver to another without having to do a complete reinstall ?
Yes, one can transfer any install to another drive but you have to redo the Appdata (win10) by running the MultiCFS3 app and cfs3config. As PTO doesn't have eras, it should be easier than ETO which requires batch file editing.
Installing ETO and PTO-RS is easy if instructions are followed closely. Have no problem running them with Win. 7 64 bit as my OS.
When installing 1.50, after putting the file remover bat into the main ETO Expantion folder, it says "If using Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1, you will then need to right-click on the CFS3 ETO Expansion Update Rev 1.50 File Remover.bat and set Compatibility under Properties to XP (Service Pack 3)." However, cant find that in properties. The tabs only have "General, Security, Details, and Previous versions."

Is this necessary for Win 10? Because when I run the .bat, (running as admin) in the dos box that pops up, a few lines says "The system cannot find the path specified" then it shuts down real quick.
Good news ! Glad you got it working. Just love the ETO expansion. One of the best ! Well worth the effort to install. Now for the rest of the expansions ! Regards,Scott
Thanks, but now I'm really excited as I just spent the last couple hours trying to once again get my head tracking to work in CFS3 ETO, and Lo and Behold it finaly works! :biggrin-new:
Can't believe it!! Whoohoo!!

Now time to really get this sim tweaked out and fine tuned. My computer can definitely make it awesome looking!!!!
Bump for Flamingskull5000, maybe something in here will help you find the answer to your CTD.
The first thing I would do is check all the bat files for the era swapping routine are using the same names as you have in your game folder.

When installing 1.50, after putting the file remover bat into the main ETO Expantion folder, it says "If using Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1, you will then need to right-click on the CFS3 ETO Expansion Update Rev 1.50 File Remover.bat and set Compatibility under Properties to XP (Service Pack 3)." However, cant find that in properties. The tabs only have "General, Security, Details, and Previous versions."

Is this necessary for Win 10? Because when I run the .bat, (running as admin) in the dos box that pops up, a few lines says "The system cannot find the path specified" then it shuts down real quick.
I have the same issue, what was your solution?
AFAIK one doesn't do the compatibility settings on the batch file, but on it's target; for instance, the masterstartup batch file refers to the cfs3.exe file, and that's the one to change the compatibility. Look in the baatch file by using the edit mode to fine the target. Now I don't see CFS3 ETO Expansion Update Rev 1.50 File Remover.bat in my set up, now win 11, but the same idea applies that it's not the actual batch file's compatibility that's the issue.
AFAIK one doesn't do the compatibility settings on the batch file, but on it's target; for instance, the masterstartup batch file refers to the cfs3.exe file, and that's the one to change the compatibility. Look in the baatch file by using the edit mode to fine the target. Now I don't see CFS3 ETO Expansion Update Rev 1.50 File Remover.bat in my set up, now win 11, but the same idea applies that it's not the actual batch file's compatibility that's the issue.
yes that's the impression I'm getting as well.. I'm not confident about what exactly to put in the .bat yet though
yes that's the impression I'm getting as well.. I'm not confident about what exactly to put in the .bat yet though
You don't put anything in the bat; just change the target file. For example


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