Installation guides for ETO and Rising Sun

CFS3 ETO in WIn10

Got CFS3 working with help from here. Much thanks.

So then tried ETO.

Reinstalled ETO 1.0 from the download, at "C" drive, in a new folder "C\Program (x86)\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion". ( my original install was on "F" drive dedicated to Win XP programs.)

Got up to the MDL Patcher, and it wouldn't accept "CFS3 ETO Expansion..." as a name. (Do I need to label this for the other copy, not the ETO use?)

After several failed tries, I concluded ETO 1.0 (an XP program) might be less compatible with Win 10 than ETO 1.50

Soooo..., I copied the complete ETO 1.50 program files to the C drive; edited the MASTERETOSTARTUP,dat to the correct "C" drive addresses, edited the Swapper file to "C" drive target, and the popup when it runs is the command window asking for "any key" to change layer files. No choice of layers first. Then it runs Layer 1 window, and after 2 windows of "UnitData Model name "bob_do17z2_Sk+ba" alrady used!" and another for "h75a3, then I get a CFS3 screen " The configuration override file is either corrupted or missing. Please rerun CFS3. CFS3 will now exit."

Can I paste in the uncorrupted "configuration override file", and if so where form and its name please?

Otherwise, I'm stuck for ideas. The clean instal fails at MUlti CFS3 (the MDL patcher); and shifting and editing the swapper & Startup fails too.

Any suggestions gratefully received.
CFS3 PTO ExpansionInstaller

Good day,i see there are 9 files for the installation of PTO but the site ''World of Simulations''shows 9 installers but i can only find 7 one of which is PTO build 1.4 Main Base Install are the rest in the other downloadable files? i`ve downloaded PTO Update 1 and it installed correctly now do i download the rest as they are update`s. RCAF`S VIDEO shows the files as CFS_PTO_Rising_Sun_Rev-Beta-1.0 Installer part 1 to part 8 with 1 additional file am i right that the update files contain these part files,need some help here with the sequence.
Good day,i see there are 9 files for the installation of PTO but the site ''World of Simulations''shows 9 installers but i can only find 7 one of which is PTO build 1.4 Main Base Install are the rest in the other downloadable files? i`ve downloaded PTO Update 1 and it installed correctly now do i download the rest as they are update`s. RCAF`S VIDEO shows the files as CFS_PTO_Rising_Sun_Rev-Beta-1.0 Installer part 1 to part 8 with 1 additional file am i right that the update files contain these part files,need some help here with the sequence.

First of all, PTO_Solomons and PTO Rising Sun are two entirely different installs.

PTO_ Solomons Install:
PTO Build 1.4 Main Base In stall
PTO Update 1.0
PTO Update 1.13
PTO Update 1.22
PTO Update 1.30
PTO Update 1.40
PTO Update 1,54

PTO Rising Sun Install (PTO Rising Sun Installation Guide applies to this Install ONLY!)

Any attempt to mix these two installs will result in a terrible mess.

Also, ALL of these files are available at Aussieix.

Hope this helps.

Installation sequence for each install is as listed above.
PTO Rising Sun

Griz thank you for the heads up i guess i got it wrong,any way i get a ERROR Code 1048 when attempting PTO Solomons 1.13 i`ll go to the Aussie site today.
PTO Rising Sun

Well Griz i don`t want to be a pain but iv`e searched that site and not one of the other files can be found,are they hidden somewhere?
Well Griz i don`t want to be a pain but iv`e searched that site and not one of the other files can be found,are they hidden somewhere?


For Rising Sun:

At, you need to register and log in.

At home page, click Menu at upper left-hand corner, and select Downloads from the list.

Look at right side of Downloads page, and click on 3rd Party Downloads.

On 3rd Party Downloads page, look at right-hand side again and select ETO/PTO / Sim-Outhouse.

On ETO/PTO / Sim-Outhouse page, scroll down to find CFS3 PTO Rising Sun. then click on it.

On CFS3 PTO Rising Sun 1.0, click Download this File button.

Then click Agree & Download button, and there is the list.

Just get the separate parts, and not the All-in-one pack if you're having internet problems.

I recommend not doing anything else on your computer while downloading.
I have Italian language version and my installation path is D:\Programmi\microsoft games\Combat flight simulator 3 and have windows 10 64 bit .
Need to edited in the MASTERETOSTARTUP only ?
Thank you for your help.
Top Man Griz!

Thanks found them!


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BDP Zapper

I've been reinstalling ETO, and got Rev 1.40 to work OK, but when I run BDP Zapper in 1.50, apparently nothing happens. Rev 1.50 runs OK, but cfs3 doesnt shut down correctly using ctl shift Q as suggested here, and I get a warning "Unitdata model h75a3 in use", on next start up. Startup pauses and then proceeds OK.
Can I just delete all the bdp files in ETO Expansion installed files? I suspect Zonealarm has modified BDP Zapper in some way.
I'm hoping there is a shorter answer than going back to ETO REv1 instal, its been a 2 day task so far.

Grateful for any advice.
Yes, you can do a search for *.bdp in the ETO folder and sub-folders and then delete the results. I think the problem is to do with permissions in recent Windows versions.
ETO instal in Win10- Steady progress with much help -Thanks

Thanks for the advice on bdp & zx files. Did that successfully (sort of). I still get the "UnitdataModel h75a3 in use" warning, but startup proceeds, and ETO flies. I'd already made all the installed FTO files in App Data Administrator rights, and XP SP3 compatible to get the initial instal done.

My remaining problem is control settings for Joystick, Throttle & rudder pedals.

I've created a new Personal .xca file, using the CFS3 Control options, but it won't reliably change axis settings on the throttle and rudders. So I have carefully edited the personal copy of the .xca file. This works OK in my "Personal cfs3" instal. So I copied it into the CFS3 ETO folder. However I still have throttle & pitch affecting aerodynamic pitch and roll axes; and the joystick z axis affecting the rudder in ETO. So is there a trick in getting ETO to recognise a new .xca file? I just copied and pasted the file., and then closed the file window, and restarted ETOCFS3.
xca settings

Thanks Daiwilletti.
Can someone explain the syntax of these commands to me. For example:-

<Device Type="Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant">
<GameMode Name="Player">
<Axis ID="X" Action="AXIS_MIXTURE_SET" Scale="64" Nullzone="1"/>

The original setting for Nullzone was 36, and the mixture control had no effect. But making it 1 had no effect on that.

Similarly for
<Axis ID="Y" Action="AXIS_THROTTLE_SET" Scale="127" Nullzone="1"/>

I can't get the P 47 throttle setting below 25", after changing the 36 nullzone to 1., and resaving the personal xca file, and reloading cfs3. So landing is tricky at 25" boost minimum.

And I observe when I calibrate in game, the numerical range is 0 to 255.

So my question is what do the scale & nullzone numbers set. Clearly my brain isn't functioning full range 0-255 either.
Hi John,

Have you tried using the Help function in the main screen drop down menu, where you can find display settings, sound settings and also joystick settings? There may be a useful help page when looking via the drop down menu.

Can't check it myself at the mo'.

BTW, I tried to send you a PM and you don't seem to be set up to receive them.

Also, why not make this a new thread? We are getting off the topic for the sticky.

I still get the "UnitdataModel h75a3 in use" warning, but startup proceeds, and ETO flies. .

Hi John,

this means there is two h75a3.M3D files (with the same name) in your main game aircraft folder. you just need to remove the duplicate file. the game still runs as it ignores the newest dated file and runs the oldest dated file in game.

regards Rob.
Do I understand one of the posts above to mean that one can do a search of any CFS3 installation for *.bdp and delete the hundreds/thousands of results?

What about *.zx files?
No problem zapping BDPs and ZXs in all of my installations save ETO. Constant CTDs with that now. I'll figure it out. I have only my own anal retentiveness to blame as I was not actually having problems!

UPDATE: Now it's working. Go figure.