A Lockheed "Rounder"

After applying the update all is well except Good Time Gal has no textures. The only difference in this skin is it's all .DDS and one BMP of landinglight.bmp. All the other skins are straight BMP.
After applying the update all is well except Good Time Gal has no textures. The only difference in this skin is it's all .DDS and one BMP of landinglight.bmp. All the other skins are straight BMP.

Are you running it in FSX or FS9? The upgrade supplied no textures other than the one landinglight.bmp.

Only the FSX original download version has DDS textures, and all liveries are DDS.
Are you running it in FSX or FS9? The upgrade supplied no textures other than the one landinglight.bmp.

Only the FSX original download version has DDS textures, and all liveries are DDS.

That was FS9, and I added the single landinglight texture to everything as per the instructions. Oh well, it was working before. I'll find it eventually.
That was FS9, and I added the single landinglight texture to everything as per the instructions. Oh well, it was working before. I'll find it eventually.

Is it possible you installed Martial Feron's GoodTime Gal in FS9? That would explain the DDS textures as I think his release was only for FSX.
Is it possible you installed Martial Feron's GoodTime Gal in FS9? That would explain the DDS textures as I think his release was only for FSX.

The DDS texture are easy to convert to 32 bit or if needed DXT3 using Martin Wright's DXTBmp programme. That's what I did.

Thank you Milton for the extra time and effort you had spent on the V1.2!
Also a big thanks to Martial Feron for the link and very clear PDF explanation of MDLmat.
I didn't even know this little program existed. Fantastic - Not only for the L-18!

Cheers, Stuart :applause:
Thank for the update. I am using the FSX portover.

I noticed in the updated aircraft.cfg a duplicate [contact_points] section at the end of the file.

The original one is at line 583.
The new one (line 1053) contains only


Which list of points should we keep ?

You can safely delete the set at the bottom of the list. These are parameters used by Airwrench and this set is ignored by the sim.
Thank you Milton for the extra time and effort you had spent on the V1.2!
Also a big thanks to Martial Feron for the link and very clear PDF explanation of MDLmat.
I didn't even know this little program existed. Fantastic - Not only for the L-18!

Cheers, Stuart :applause:

You are welcome Sir. Thank you for your awesome paint scheme. :wavey:
for the want of a nail

Milton ... Oh, I certainly understand. One need only look in your "hangar" to see the results of your prolific efforts over the years. I, we, certainly appreciate every rivet and every seam.

I do have a shot of what appears to be a cargo door ... certainly a one off as I have looked at hundreds of Lodestar pictures and have never seen another like this. I can't believe that such a modification didn't exist, but like UFO's ... evidence??? Got a picture? Nope? Too bad then.

I painted up a skin with "panel lines" for a set of doors. Forward door, forward hinges had a window and the aft door, with the passenger door, had aft hinges. Did everything but OPEN! LOL

I merely wanted to enquire about the possibility of you or with permission, one of our more clever members working up this option if there was sufficient interest. The visible/invisible cargo load, ala Beech D-18 was an after-thought.


Thanks for the bare military interior. currently I am using an old model of Milton's for it. It was one of his first Betas, before the benches were added. I had to accept that there were other issues with the exterior view that were not "quite right" and Milton corrected them in a later "fix" ... but that "fix" also had the benches. Your addition will let me have C-57 and C-60 People Haulers and matching C-57 and C-60 Cargo Haulers.

By the way ... I really like your new skin.

Here's a crappy skin which shows the mock up for the Dual Cargo Doors.


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Milton ... Oh, I certainly understand. One need only look in your "hangar" to see the results of your prolific efforts over the years. I, we, certainly appreciate every rivet and every seam.

I do have a shot of what appears to be a cargo door ... certainly a one off as I have looked at hundreds of Lodestar pictures and have never seen another like this. I can't believe that such a modification didn't exist, but like UFO's ... evidence??? Got a picture? Nope? Too bad then.

I painted up a skin with "panel lines" for a set of doors. Forward door, forward hinges had a window and the aft door, with the passenger door, had aft hinges. Did everything but OPEN! LOL

I merely wanted to enquire about the possibility of you or with permission, one of our more clever members working up this option if there was sufficient interest. The visible/invisible cargo load, ala Beech D-18 was an after-thought.


Thanks for the bare military interior. currently I am using an old model of Milton's for it. It was one of his first Betas, before the benches were added. I had to accept that there were other issues with the exterior view that were not "quite right" and Milton corrected them in a later "fix" ... but that "fix" also had the benches. Your addition will let me have C-57 and C-60 People Haulers and matching C-57 and C-60 Cargo Haulers.

By the way ... I really like your new skin.

Here's a crappy skin which shows the mock up for the Dual Cargo Doors.

Bill, wow, you are using an old model. You really should upgrade to the release version and apply the upgrade v1.2.
Your fuselage textures would transfer over just fine.

The "Flew the Coop" used Wright engines instead of the PW you show here.

I found the aircraft and its history you show there; very interesting history for sure, and appropriately named.
Also got some better pictures of several variations.

The cargo doors are the big issue on your proposal although the textures inside and out would have to be redone, and a casual pilot installed and textured.
Then of course, lots of cargo boxes and textures would have to be done. Pretty much a project unto itself.
Hi, Milton!

Yes, it's your first or if not, it's a VERY early model. I've actually "retired" this one completely and replaced it with your next to this last revision (which I will be doing soon). I only saved it because I have not yet done the "cargo doors" on the most recent skins and wanted a point of reference. Actually, I didn't go looking for a picture of a "cargo door" version until after I did the repaint test; that's why mine has P&Ws ... it's not any particular plane.

Since you took the time to roughly explain what's REALLY involved in making this "little modification", I better understand.
If you (or any readers here) have ever watched the old movie MR BLANDINGS BUILDS HIS DREAM HOUSE (highly recommended), it sounds more like the expensive trouble Myrna Loy causes when she sees some leftover pieces of flagstone lying around and says to the builder that she'd like to have them as the floor for a little room where she'd be repotting plants and where things might get wet and such. Thousands of dollars later, after major modifications to the plumbing in the basement, she has her flagstone floor ... much to her husband's (Cary Grant) consternation.

Fear not ... I'll just paint the outline of the doors in and continue to enjoy flying "the sisters"!:very_drunk:


Thank you so much Milton for this great bird and the update. I prefer v1.2 flight model and the added upper panel switches in the 2D panel are very useful.

As I still have an old 4:3 screen, I'm using a modified 1440x1080 panel bitmap : gauges are now perfectly round (instead of "oval").

I had a beautiful test flight in the Swiss Alps this afternoon, starting and ending at Sion LSGS...

Thanks again,





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Thank you so much Milton for this great bird and the update. I prefer v1.2 flight model and the added upper panel switches in the 2D panel are very useful.

As I still have an old 4:3 screen, I'm using a modified 1440x1080 panel bitmap : gauges are now perfectly round (instead of "oval").

I had a beautiful test flight in the Swiss Alps this afternoon, starting and ending at Sion LSGS...

Thanks again,

Thank you Raphael. I prefer the new flight model as well.
I especially like that the lower rpm and MAP settings deliver expected speeds and fuel economy better than the original FM.

Those are great screen shots; looks like fun to me. :)

I hope others with a 4:3 screen can make the adjustment as well.
Thank you Gérard; you just now thanked me most appropriately. :)

My thanks go out to all the contributors who really made this available to you through their artistry and efforts.
I could not have done it without them, so thanks to Rachael Whiteford, Andre Reimers, Tom Falley, Scott Thomas, Ken Mitchell, Stuart Cox, Mark Rogers, Nigel Richards and Jan Visser. Also cannot fail to mention srgalahad for his insight and research up front on this project, and to many who sent reference pictures, manuals, and other reference materials, and to all the SOH folks who chipped in to support the project here. :applause:
Just a reminder on the B34 Ventura (as though you need any more pix.....)


photos courtesy of Wings Over New Zealand fwx
Just a reminder on the B34 Ventura (as though you need any more pix.....)


photos courtesy of Wings Over New Zealand fwx

Thank you SPman; I'll take all the reference photos I can get. What I really need is one of the nose interior. The best I have are cut-away drawings too cluttered and distant to make out details. Got any? :)

Just spent the last 4 hours working on the flight model; looking pretty good right now. And today I put the last bit of parts in the nose section but it is looking pretty sparse at the moment.