Douglas A20 Havoc

Man, you don't waste any time.

That is looking great.:applause:

When was the last time you has some sleep? You must have been working on this beauty 24/7.
Now have the A-20G in the sim and sitting ready ... for more TLC.

All gear, props, trim tabs, control surfaces in general now operable and ready.

The distinctive whiff of high octane fuel and familiar aroma of top-notch awesomenesssss :)

Love the accuracy of the open hatch too, Sir :encouragement:
Wow, that's looking great Milton!
i guess I'd better start looking for interesting paintschemes for this aircraft.
btw, will this be fs9 only, or are you planning a fsx version as well?

and yes, I made that airfix model too!
Today's focus has been on improving the fuselage curves and mesh overall with particular focus on the windshield and hatch curvature areas as viewed from the side. Making progress on the basic lines and getting the look right is important before moving forward. Still not quite happy with the quarter glass so will invest more time there.


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It looks really good! Good work Milton.:applause:

I'm just wondering what the purpose of the bump under the tail was? Tailskid or was it for directional stability or other?
[Originally posted by MRogers

I'm just wondering what the purpose of the bump under the tail was? Tailskid or was it for directional stability or other?[/QUOTE]

My guess would be it was a form of a 'tail skid' - being 'hidden' from the belly along with not being very big, I don't think it would help much in the 'direction stability' arena...


EDIT: Milton: Looking great Sir !!!
From the location... directional stability. I've seen other similar ventral fins on aircraft of the era... its typically for that. The early A20s had yaw stability issues.
Today's focus has been on improving the fuselage curves and mesh overall with particular focus on the windshield and hatch curvature areas as viewed from the side. Making progress on the basic lines and getting the look right is important before moving forward. Still not quite happy with the quarter glass so will invest more time there.

Sounds very good Milton. Most repainters will be happy with as few as possible changes after the model has become "paintable". With all small differences, between all version you intend to create, it might already become quite complicated to sort out the common things......

Thanks for adding again such an interesting thread to follow on our dear forum!

[Originally posted by MRogers

I'm just wondering what the purpose of the bump under the tail was? Tailskid or was it for directional stability or other?

My guess would be it was a form of a 'tail skid' - being 'hidden' from the belly along with not being very big, I don't think it would help much in the 'direction stability' arena...

I'm pretty sure it was a tail bumper.
Tail Bumper is the only thing I see in the docs but whatever works.


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Looking great Milton! While I'm waiting on the Havoc, I've been rediscovering the Grizzly in FSX and doing some reworking of it for that sim along with looking at some new paint scheme possibilities.

As for the tail bumper, all I'll say is if it had a tail wheel back there, it wouldn't need that bumper. Ok, I'll grab me hat....
Sounds very good Milton. Most repainters will be happy with as few as possible changes after the model has become "paintable". With all small differences, between all version you intend to create, it might already become quite complicated to sort out the common things......

Thanks for adding again such an interesting thread to follow on our dear forum!


Don't worry, I get to experience the map changing headaches so you don't have to.
Some Aussie A-20s.



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... As for the tail bumper, all I'll say is if it had a tail wheel back there, it wouldn't need that bumper. Ok, I'll grab me hat....

Rgr on "nose draggers" (as Fliger747 would say)... :)

Indeed the A-20 is looking great Milton!
Limited time on this project the last 2 days but I did get the window frame corners rounded, the gun pod template cut out for reference, and the heavy metal pilot protection added.

Likely slow progress over the next week as we enjoy the holiday season.

EDIT: I realized recently that my 1024 pics are resized to 800 when uploaded and therefore the pics are fuzzy/not clear.

So, try this:
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