Now have the A-20G in the sim and sitting ready ... for more TLC.
All gear, props, trim tabs, control surfaces in general now operable and ready.
Today's focus has been on improving the fuselage curves and mesh overall with particular focus on the windshield and hatch curvature areas as viewed from the side. Making progress on the basic lines and getting the look right is important before moving forward. Still not quite happy with the quarter glass so will invest more time there.
[Originally posted by MRogers
I'm just wondering what the purpose of the bump under the tail was? Tailskid or was it for directional stability or other?
My guess would be it was a form of a 'tail skid' - being 'hidden' from the belly along with not being very big, I don't think it would help much in the 'direction stability' arena...
Sounds very good Milton. Most repainters will be happy with as few as possible changes after the model has become "paintable". With all small differences, between all version you intend to create, it might already become quite complicated to sort out the common things......
Thanks for adding again such an interesting thread to follow on our dear forum!
... As for the tail bumper, all I'll say is if it had a tail wheel back there, it wouldn't need that bumper. Ok, I'll grab me hat....