Douglas A20 Havoc

Thanks Wellis, et al. I am trying to take this up a notch for FSX native conversion potential.

Working on the upper cowl air intake and 2 flaps now.

I already think it's more than good enough for FSX. Just FYI, I think that the upper cowl flaps are controlled separately. I watched the official training for this plane many times, as it was a very fun one. And they always said to "keep the upper cowl flaps closed", except during taxi. I can find the link for you, if you want.
I already think it's more than good enough for FSX. Just FYI, I think that the upper cowl flaps are controlled separately. I watched the official training for this plane many times, as it was a very fun one. And they always said to "keep the upper cowl flaps closed", except during taxi. I can find the link for you, if you want.

Thanks for that reminder; I have that link as well. Will watch again when its time.
No problem. In fact, I had forgotten about the video entirely, until you mentioned upper cowl flaps. I'l rewatch it to better prepare to fly this one.
No problem. In fact, I had forgotten about the video entirely, until you mentioned upper cowl flaps. I'l rewatch it to better prepare to fly this one.

Well Maty, it's going to be a while yet; just getting started on this one. :)
Ahhhhh, finally got the engine cowlings, cowl flaps, exhaust ring, nacelles, turbo intakes, and gear doors done and animated. Now on to the gear. :jump:


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Anybody doing any work on this besides you ?? I could probably work up an aircraft.cfg and .air file for you if you need it.

Anybody doing any work on this besides you ?? I could probably work up an aircraft.cfg and .air file for you if you need it.

No, just me at the moment; that is typical until I get the exterior model done and mapped and in the sim properly.

I just created a test folder this afternoon and did my first export to check it in the sim. It looked pretty good and all but one animation worked correctly, now fixed.

I usually don't do a model specific flight model until I have all the appropriate parts in place; hopefully that will be in the next few days.

Then I usually take a break from modeling and start the flight model. I normally use either Airwrench or the FDWB to do the first few cuts on the FM and tweak from there. If I'm really busy and Tom Falley volunteers, I send it all to him after mapping for textures.

However, you you want to give it a go, I would be happy for you to jump in.


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Let me see what I can come up with here.

My first cut would be to take a Lodestar aircraft config file and modify as many parameters as I can find to fitthe A-20. If I can get the Lodestar to A-20 specs, I'll modify appropriate values in the .air file.

Here is one thing - I only have FSX Acceleration installed; no FS2004. Do you see any problems with that ??
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Now this is interesting:

"Cylinder Rust and Corrosion

The most vexing problem was rust and corrosion in the cylinders. The Corrosion
Committee, established by CTI-1325 (May 17, 1943) wrote, "We do not know the answer but
are beginning to suspect Gremlins." The FBI checked for sabotage. The "epidemic" of
December 1942 to March 1943 was corrosion, and that of June-July 1943, rust.


Pratt & Whitney blamed moisture applied to steel parts during engine assembly by
ungloved hands."
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Let me see what I can come up with here.

My first cut would be to take a Lodestar aircraft config file and modify as many parameters as I can find to fitthe A-20. If I can get the Lodestar to A-20 specs, I'll modify appropriate values in the .air file.

Here is one thing - I only have FSX Acceleration installed; no FS2004. Do you see any problems with that ??

Not at all; I can easily change it to FS9.
Now this is interesting:

"Cylinder Rust and Corrosion

The most vexing problem was rust and corrosion in the cylinders. The Corrosion
Committee, established by CTI-1325 (May 17, 1943) wrote, "We do not know the answer but
are beginning to suspect Gremlins." The FBI checked for sabotage. The "epidemic" of
December 1942 to March 1943 was corrosion, and that of June-July 1943, rust.


I seem to recall the same thing happening to Packard Merlin engines made in the USA, this occurred for a short period and the same causes (ungloved hands, added to it were other assemblers eating salted peanuts for lunch and not washing their hands afterward before gloving up) were found to be the culprit. My source for this was my aunt's friend - now long deceased - who was one of the engineers assigned the task of converting the Merlin for use in P-51s. One of my life's greatest regrets was never getting his story down in detail.

Nothing much was learned in the intervening years, as the beautiful little Alfasud was destroyed by rust/corrosion from untrained hands in their new factory in the south of Italy.

This one is already growing on me.

I just happen to love these vintage aircraft, and want to thank you Milton, for bringing them to the FSX (and FS9)virtual sky.

Looks to be another great project, be more than happy to assist in any way I can!

Regards: Tom

Looks to be another great project, be more than happy to assist in any way I can!

Regards: Tom

Hi Tom; great to see you here. :wavey:

I appreciate that.

Working on the nose gear now; about done, and moving on to main gear today. Once that is in place, we will have something to test in the sim. Progress, slowly by surely.
When you call this progress slow, I really wonder what you consider fast. I assume that's close to instant ready :biggrin-new:

The Airfix Boston was one of the more affordable larger model kits. I loved it and have built several..... Soonish I will fly one!

When you call this progress slow, I really wonder what you consider fast. I assume that's close to instant ready :biggrin-new:

The Airfix Boston was one of the more affordable larger model kits. I loved it and have built several..... Soonish I will fly one!


Huub, thank you; yes, I have had limited time, or rather lots of daily distractions, trying to get this exterior model assembled. I do my best work when I can stay focused on the task at hand and let it flow. :)

I too like the early models of the A-20 and will be doing the several variants.

I have the A20_draft_2.pdf file and the two drawings from the American Aircraft Modeller (L&R) November 1970 issue. I am now ready to start placing crew loads, engine locations, gear positions into an aircraft.cfg file.

What I need to know is where you have placed the C.G. reference point -- how many feet + inches behind the leading edge of the wing. I assume you have bisected the fuselage in side and top view for your other "0.0" coordinate points.

I have the A20_draft_2.pdf file and the two drawings from the American Aircraft Modeller (L&R) November 1970 issue. I am now ready to start placing crew loads, engine locations, gear positions into an aircraft.cfg file.

What I need to know is where you have placed the C.G. reference point -- how many feet + inches behind the leading edge of the wing. I assume you have bisected the fuselage in side and top view for your other "0.0" coordinate points.

GLH, check you PM's; I don't want to bog down the thread with this working data.

Now have the A-20G in the sim and sitting ready ... for more TLC.

All gear, props, trim tabs, control surfaces in general now operable and ready.


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