
  1. Mako8841

    Neoqb Fokker DR1 'Lola' Repaint 2024-04-27

    This is my repaint of the Fokker DR-1 as seen in the film The Great Waldo Pepper. I tried to get as close as possible to the aircraft shown. I don't believe the color is this bright. The film shows more of a goldish color. Thanks to Neoqb for a great model! Works and looks better than any pay...
  2. Mako8841

    Pfalz DIII 'Blue Max' Repaint by Mako8841 2024-04-27

    My repaint shows the Pfalz DIII as portrayed in the movie The Blue Max in 1966 Starring George Peppard as Lt. Bruno Stachel. Stewart Green's Pfalz DIII is for FS2004 but it works fine in FSX Acceleration minus the prop spin which is in the model and cannot be fixed. The model works nicely...
  3. S

    Dc3 airways plans berlin airlift recreation

    DC3 AIRWAYS PLANS RECREATION OF BERLIN AIRLIFT Beginning Tuesday February 1, 2022, and continuing for a total of 12 events, DC3 AIRWAYS (www. Dc3airways.net) will stage a virtual recreation of The Berlin Airlift. This will be the 6th time in the past several years for this popular air...
  4. T

    Bristol Type 188 for FSX Released

    Hi All, I have just uploaded my model of the Bristol Type 188 for FSX. Bristol Type 188, the 'Flaming Pencil' was a British highspeed research aircraft. Designed to meet operational requirement ER.134T for a testbed capable of speeds greater than Mach 2. Due to the anticipated effects of...
  5. Josh Patterson

    Does the Il-62 have a cloaking device?!.

    Hello all. I have a graphics quandary. I just installed Project Tupolev's Il-62 that I had been watching progress for a few years. I run my VC on a 60" monitor with a 35" off to the side for external and tower views. The problem I have is that while the exterior of the plane displays fine in any...
  6. Vitus

    The painfully timeconsuming path to creating something new

    So.... I was just warned and banned from avsim for a day for having the audacity of posting the following story in the hangar chat. I am still bewildered by this experience and still await a response from the moderators over there. I really like to share my experience and hopefully get some...
  7. A

    FSX/P3D (Freeware) - Abidjan DIAP Scenery

    FSX/P3D - Abidjan DIAP Scenery (Africa) Hello :wavey: I'm working on a large scenery since less than 1 year now and I just released the last beta version, the V0.9, it's a very important version because as I just said, it's the last one before the official release and all problems must be...
  8. pletheron

    Need British and Canadian Soldier Scenery Objects

    Hi All, Advanced Landing Ground B.3 is under construction. This is a British and Canadian Spitfire/Typhoon base in Normandy. I have access to US soldier scenery objects. However, It would not do to have Yanks strewn about a British base. Does anyone know of British troop scenery objects...
  9. pletheron

    New FSX/P3D Scenery Advanced Landig Ground A-11 uploaded

    This freeware scenery package attempts to represent Advanced Landing Ground A-11 of the US 9th AAF. ALG A-11 (Saint-Lambert, Normandy France) was one of 29 Advanced Landing Grounds that dotted the Cotentin Peninsula. The airfield consisted of a single 5000' (1500 m) Square-Mesh Track/Compressed...
  10. C


    Starting from a freeware 3d model, to create an ai model for FSX / P3D, pending some textures and all animations of radars and hangar doors, hero some images of the original model and the progress made
  11. R

    Commander 685 Native P3D conversion

    Native Prepar3d V3 MDL upgrade for the Commander 685 FSX Portover in the works. It should work in FSX SP2/Acc also. Milton will test it in FSX:applause:. Also a big "thanks" to arno, lazarus and hschuit, that made this possible in ModelconverterX. Rotorhub
  12. iflyfsx214

    Must Have Addons For FS2004/FSX/P3D

    There are certain addons both freeware and payware that change the look,the feel and above all what everyone is looking for in the sim "The realism of the sim" Feel free to post your favorite addon freeware and payware. Please provide picture,videos and links to the addon if available. Mines...
  13. iflyfsx214

    Must have Addons for FS2004/FSX/P3D

    There are certain addons both freeware and payware that change the look,the feel and above all what everyone is looking for in the sim "The realism of the sim" Feel free to post your favorite addon freeware and payware. Please provide picture,videos and links to the addon if available. Mines...
  14. iflyfsx214

    Must have Addons for FS2004/FSX/P3D

    There are certain addons both freeware and payware that change the look,the feel and above all what everyone is looking for in the sim "The realism of the sim" Feel free to post your favorite addon freeware and payware. Please provide picture,videos and links to the addon if available. Mines...
  15. C

    MiG-21MF Progress Snapshot and Video

    Hi everyone, A while back, I posted a thread here asking for help in getting started upgrading the Ivan Jurcaga MiG-21MF, and several folks responded with what I needed - the missing "update 1" model with access to the radar screen area. Many thanks, you made this possible! I haven't had as...
  16. D

    Convert FS2004 or FSX Planes to CFS3

    Just wonderin'. This was probably asked and answered years ago but, does anyone know of a tutorial on how to convert FS2004 or FSX of CFS2 planes to run in CFS3? I've seen lots of CFS3 planes on Sim-Outhouse that say "FS2004 conversion" or "CFS2 conversion" so I presume it can be done with...
  17. B

    New (old?) member checking in!

    I could have sworn I had an account here but its either been too long since I used it or I'm thinking of somewhere else. Anyway, to introduce myself: I'm from the UK and work for in aviation. My flight sim interest is mainly warbirds and interesting (old?) GA types. I also enjoy the...
  18. B

    ODG - WSL Project - WPI Series - Request for assistance

    Hi Folks Further to Milton & team's 'HMS Bounty' release, emphasising the lack of suitable 'Water Start Locations' in FSX/P3D. I'd like to resurrect a 'community' project I'd been working on. (Previously postponed due to developing twin early-onset cataracts, since fixed.) From original...
  19. d0mokun

    The greatest bomber?

    .. I sure think so! Here a just a few shots I wanted to share that I took for my portfolio pages. Apart from the HDR style effects, they aren't edited. ATB Dan.
  20. ce_zeta

    Boeing X-32 for FSX?

    Someone knows if a model of the Boeing X-32 for FSX exist? :santahat: