• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

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    Library How to

512 vs 1 gig cards

Not JUST an old fat guy but the ONLY one we have.
The "other" one is is a teenage still wearing old diapers adverstised as something Nasa uses which should have been changed along time ago.
I will stick with the old fat guy and keep giving him facelifts till he looks like Burt Reynolds and Joan Rivers had a child.
What am I doing wrong? New to Vista and I am trying to edit a panel.cfg. I make the changes, try to save it and I get a error box about not able to create the c?programfiles/microsoft/fsx.... Check the path and file name bla bla. Never seen this with XP and editing any file. Is there some special way to edit these files? I cannot even just exit and in XP it just ask if you want to save it. Sound,panel ect

As promised. Got in my Sapphire Toxic 4870 1 gig card and here are my initial impressions over the Sapphire 4870 512.
First off, I had the settings tweeked and overall happy with the 512 card.
Installed the card, NICE vapor-X heat sink. Anyways, stutter city and flashing white ground textures. Went to the Catalyst and let the prog set the clocks. Same result. Went back to stock. Same.
Reduced them to gpu 780 and 1000 on the memory. Better but still see some ground flashes. So far it runs worse than the 512 with the exception of loading. Changing views,internal ,external are instant. I am going to fool around some more with the hundreds of possible combinations of settings to try and eliminate the stutters. I tried adding bufferpools in various amounts but see no effect.TBM is at 70 and I may change it around.
It must be a setting like AA or AF...

Or a corrupt driver..Did you uninstall the CCC before you added the new card ? If not it might need to be done, then reinstalled...

Be sure to use a driver cleaner too..
Its usually almost always ocing or running the cards memory too high. FSX is real picky about fooling with memory. Ive lowered it to stock settings and its better but I still see the occasional white section of land flashing. Going to do a reinstall of the vid driver. Its basically the same card,same driver just with slightly higher timings and more memory so I cant imagine it being a driver issue but then again nothing surprises me.
I have been into sims since Microprose f119 stealth fighter on a Tandy 20 mgz computer that cost me $3 grand. All I gotta say is I look forward to the day when I can toss the computer in the trash and fly a good sim on a console. I enjoyed tweeking games but I am just sick of it. Neither ATI or Nvidia ever gave a rats ass about any of the MS sims and although there are some great guides out there, its still alot of blind luck involved in running the sim. Hell I guess I will dig out my old 8800gt and reload XP.
I think you must have traces of old Nvidia drivers still there..

I'm still running FSX on Vista 64 with a E5200 and a 3850 ATI card flawless..No set up at all ...

You got something going on there I believe...
Ive lowered it to stock settings and its better but I still see the occasional white section of land flashing. Going to do a reinstall of the vid driver.

Already tried different Bufferpools values?

It fixed my garbled graphics on the 4850 pretty well, so it might as well fix your flashing terrain.

As for that "gonna dig out the 8800GT" sentence, I'd really like to show you my "I told you so" dance, but I don't have a webcam. :icon_lol:

Firstly though, I'd try a complete reinstall like Harleyman suggested. If the situation doesn't improve after that, I'd sell that 4870 and swap it out for a NVidia card. ATI and FSX simply isn't a perfect combination.

Dream on! Windows 7 security is a nightmare!!!
Sersiously... i despise this "ownership" crap they got in Windows 7, makes me want to puke.

As long as it's disabled in admin mode...
Already tried different Bufferpools values?

As for that "gonna dig out the 8800GT" sentence, I'd really like to show you my "I told you so" dance, but I don't have a webcam. :icon_lol:

ATI and FSX simply isn't a perfect combination.


Your first statement is totally not called for....

As far as your second statement...NOTHING could be further from the truth... ATI works equally as well as nvidia for all games and Sims....

The truth is there is NO perfect combination for FSX...Some just work and others of the same config struggle....
After Acceleration was released, I like alot about gave up totally on FSX. My Asus/Nvidia/AMD system DID NOT like Accel. I had every problem there is so I removed it. With Nhancer/8800gt I was able to get FSX to at least run albeit I never got a good clean picture and had the dreaded menu crashes. Then the 4870 arrived with rave reviews. I installed it and gave Nvidia the finger. They were proof of what having NO competition can do to a company. At the time I was also playing Cyrsis, Bioshock,Swat and other pc titles and the ATI RULED. Except on FSX of course. Now that I have converted over to console with the exception of FSX,Ati had better pull a rabbit out of its hat cause I have no real reason to stick with them. I am still getting the occasion micro stutters and even on a slow plane doing less than 200, a external view a I can see blurries and watch them fill in. Shouldnt be happening on a I7,6 gigs,1 gig card. My last system was a amd fx-64 dual core ,XP with 2 gigs bloated with every addon known to man and my perfomance gain isnt night and day. I understand FSX is a fossil tech wise but I am not going to build another custom uber machine and watch its price 1/2 in 3 months. Ive got a Delorean and 2 girlfreinds to pay for. I will let you guys chase the Holy grail of FSX setups cause Im done chasing that carrot.
I still want to find out why I am getting these random chunks of ground flashing white. Looks simular to the common runway flashing but a large randomly sized chunk not squares.
Sorry I am so wordy but a cup of coffee and Lyrica with a Lortab will do that to ya.:jump:
Your first statement is totally not called for....


As far as your second statement...NOTHING could be further from the truth... ATI works equally as well as nvidia for all games and Sims....

...except FSX.

As good as the image quality delivered by ATI may be, a 60 to 70 per cent drop in frame rates in clouds is not acceptable in any way!

...except FSX.

As good as the image quality delivered by ATI may be, a 60 to 70 per cent drop in frame rates in clouds is not acceptable in any way!

I agree so why don't you, as an engineering student, learn how to set your ATI card up correctly because I have demonstrated over and over again that there is a negligible frame drop of one or two fps. I will gladly post again the pics over New York, in a raging storm, fps rate of 30 with an ATI HD 4850 taken in sequence all at the same time frame.

People in here depend on accurate, unbiased opinion. If you don't know how to set your ATI card up, just ask. I will be glad to help
OT/TO please, With Nvidia 9500GT 1 gig on my beta computer the last drivers released for W7 64, I beleive are 185 series released may 6th are causing me a micro stutter issues. Any ideas on how to rid these micro stutters and can I use the roll back function to roll back my driver to the one that worked before nividia fubared the latest drivers.

Look in your FSX config ...

Hunt for ...Texture_Bandwidth_Multiplier =40

Once found try changing the value of 40 to 60 thru 90 ..One at a time...Change the value and save then test it out...
I agree so why don't you, as an engineering student, learn how to set your ATI card up correctly because I have demonstrated over and over again that there is a negligible frame drop of one or two fps. I will gladly post again the pics over New York, in a raging storm, fps rate of 30 with an ATI HD 4850 taken in sequence all at the same time frame.

I traded the HD4850 in for a 9800GTX+, which runs pretty much everything way better than the 4850 ever did, so no need for the setup suggestion.

Despite that, I have tried to get a good setup for the ATI by every means possible, but to no avail.

People in here depend on accurate, unbiased opinion. If you don't know how to set your ATI card up, just ask. I will be glad to help.

It wasn't a setup problem. The card didn't play well with the other components or a fresh Windows or simply with FSX and my preferred settings for it. Period.

It is understood that your mileages surely vary, but mine was too low and so the card had to go.

I have recommended ATI cards to people before and still do. Those people, however, do not use FSX at all.