A Big Christmas surprise, a new aircraft


Charter Member
Crossram (Ted) a Master of great ability has given me permission to release some of his unreleased work..
God bless Him..
Here is a new Aircraft, from Crossram..
BV 222
I am asking our Masters here to help as thay can in this enterprise..
This ia a beta model. I am having a proper skin made and , dealing with finishing her..
A mission package will be released by me including this Big Bird..for alll
Come Christmas a new aircraft and mission package for this will be ready..

Enjoy all..
Many Thanks to the Masters who make all of this possible..

BV 222 Operations Over the Bay of Biscay and the Atlantic

Lufttransportstaffel (See) 222 V3

Formation and History. (Dec 41 - May 43)
Formed (new) 9 December 1941 at Travemünde with a single BV 222 flying boat, the V3. Between January and March 1942 it flew 21 supply flights between Taranto/S Italy and Tripoli/Libya. Still with this single flying boat, transferred to the seaplane anchorage at Biscarrosse on the southwest coast of France in May 1942. On arrival it was attached to 3./Küstenfliegergruppe 406 under Fliegerführer Atlantik for use in long-range maritime reconnaissance operations. The “Staffel” never had more than the one BV 222. A year later, in May 1943, in was joined by Aufklärungsfliegerstaffel (See) 222 and incorporated into it.

FpN: (L 49038)


Aufklärungsstaffel (See) 222
(Unit Code X4+)

Formation and History. (Mar 43 - Jul 43)
Ordered formed 10 March 1943 at Travemünde by reorganizing and renaming Lufttransportstaffel (See) 222. Equipped with BV 222 flying boats plus 5 attached BV 138 flying boats at Biscarrosse/SW France that belonged to 3./Küstenfliegergruppe 406. Work continued at Travemünde to outfit the BV 222s for the Staffel’s new role as a long-range maritime reconnaissance unit and additional crews were trained. The first two BV 222 flying boats (V3 and V5) were transferred from Travemünde to Biscarrosse on 17 May and 12 June, and the first operational sortie was flown on 9 June. Operating over the Atlantic in the long-range maritime reconnaissance and U-boat cooperation role, the Staffel was attached to 3./Küstenfliegergruppe 406 under Fliegerführer Atlantik. BV 138 (KL+MA) failed to return from a mission on 19 June and the crew of 5 was reported MIA. On 20 June it lost two of its four BV 222s during a dusk strafing attack on its moorings by 4 RAF Mosquitos, which also devastated the BV 138s of 3./Kü.Fl.Gr. 406. The same date, BV 138 (NA+PS) was believed shot down near Biscarrosse, probably by the same raiders that attacked the base, Oblt. Karl-Heinz Jammers plus 4 were all reported MIA. By early July replacements had been delivered to Travemünde to restore the Staffel to a strength of 5 BV 222s, and on 13 (15?) July 1943, as part of the general reorganization of maritime reconnaissance units, it was ordered renamed 1.(F)/Seeaufklärungsgruppe 129 at Travemünde.

FpN: (L 49038)

Hptm. Fritz? Führer (10 Mar 43 - 15 Jul 43)

[Sources: N.Kannapin-Feldpostübersicht; S.Neitzel-Der Einsatz der deutschen Luftwaffe über dem Atlantik und der Nordsee 1939-1940:165; G.Ott, “Blohm & Voss BV 222 V2”, in Jet & Prop magazine, Hefte (issues) 2/2003, 3/2003 and 4/2003; J-P.Défieux-Répertoire des Unités Aériennes de la Luftwaffe 1935-1945: Reconnaissance Aéronavale; W.Green-Warplanes of the Third Reich:96-97.]

Although I know of no incident whereby a BV 222 shot down an RAF Lancaster, it is possible that the gunners (Bordschützen) aboard a BV 222 may have claimed one, probably by mistaking an RAF Coastal Command PB4Y Liberator for a Lancaster or one flown by a USN VP squadron operating out of Cornwall or Wales. The Liberator could easily be mistaken for a Lancaster in poor visability in the heat of battle.

I found this in my notes under 1.(F)/Seeaufklärungsgruppe 129:

The transfer from Travemünde to Biscarrosse finally began on 16 September with V2 (X4+EH) and V4 (X4+DH) making the flight. Once at Biscarrosse, the Staffel remained there until July 1944, initially under Fliegerführer Atlantik to February 1944 and then under X. Fliegerkorps from March

22 Oct 43: BV 222 V4 (Wk.Nr.004) shot up by a USN PB4Y over the sea, 1 KIA. However, the flying boat shot down the Liberator.
Great to see this one actually released! It's been in the works for a while. Thanks Ted and Owen!
Yay! Thank you crossram, this one's been in the back of my mind a long time, good to see her get some airtime! :icon29: :icon29: :icon29:
Many Thanks to Ted for this permission..
I am recruiting help in this endeavor, from any Master that may have the time to help polish this for release..
She has a nice air file, and a basic VC..
need help in this if possible..

Will be released as a beta model as it stands..
For now..
This may change as this is polished up by others..
great news, indede!

:jump:didnt know they had flying boats in cfs3:kilroy:good to see:applause::applause:H
we have several flying Boats now in our CFS3 and Expansions..
I am Grateful to say..
This will help fill in where we need a BIG German flying boat..
Thanks to all in this endeavor..
Nice to see ya here..BRAVO!!
Owen, I'll send you a PM and see what I can do to help you out! Least I can do after all you've done for me with my mission building!
One question: 'big' aircrafts explode in the menue because they are too close to the hanger.

There is a way to correct this in the airfield facility xml file by changing the player aircraft position in the menue. Does anybody remember what is the parameter to modify?
It looks like I have led everyone down a dead end road..
I received this from Master "Major Magee"

"As far as I can tell from looking at the hex code for the m3d file the model never had a skin wrap dds file associated with it. That needs to be done in the source 3d model before it get's compiled into the m3d file, so there's nothing I can do with the software I have to create one for it. If there was even just the simple uv wrap outline I could detail it, but for now there's nothing that can be done."

I am not a g-maxer, and since the only skill I have is limited to building missions..
I took it for granted this could be set up and a skin applied..
As I now know perhaps not..

I wish to honestly apologize to all for this..
I was very hopeful I could perhaps honor Ted, and his kind work for many years..
And get this set up in a beta for all to use in missions..
It seems this will not happen..

I wish to Thank ALL who have be kind and offered to Help..

I was premature in my attempt.and hopefulness. God Bless you all..


Okay, I was at least able to make the green doors, and the rest of the skin all the same color. It's now an overall RLM 67 Dunkelolivegrun 1939-1942 Tropical Camouflage. I can do other colors if you don't care for that one, but it has to be an overall single shade until we can get a texture mapped to the skin.

I was also able to give it a modest gloss if you have the SpecularEnable Flag turned on for Windows 7, so it doesn't look too flat and lifeless.

View attachment 77346
Okay, I was at least able to make the green doors, and the rest of the skin all the same color. It's now an overall RLM 67 Dunkelolivegrun 1939-1942 Tropical Camouflage. I can do other colors if you don't care for that one, but it has to be an overall single shade until we can get a texture mapped to the skin.

I was also able to give it a modest gloss if you have the SpecularEnable Flag turned on for Windows 7, so it doesn't look too flat and lifeless.

Thank you :applause: I hope you can continue to work your magic
Thank you very much Andy..

:salute: :salute: :salute:
Now I can continue with this mission package.. And the beta Bv222, is on track again..
And get this to our Sim Brothers for Christmas..
And there is MUCH Rejoicing!!
:santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Time to kick the Hobbit mission factory into High gear!!
That is if I can get all these Elves out of the lobby, been there partying and dancing for days now??? :icon_eek:
In case you missed it, if you put the gear down the wing pontoons will deploy for water take-off and landings.