A.F. Scrub's Fairey Firefly


SOH Staff
Paired with Morton's skins, and proper sounds looks great in my FS9, just need a proper prop blurr, any help here ?

Mike :monkies:
These fireflys look really great, i did'nt much care for the original when it first came out but it just go's to show what can be done in the hands of a skilled re-painter, 2010 should see the release of a dedicated Firefly for FS9 but this is great for CFS2.
cheers ian
Guys, just a note. I'm a bit unsure about my textures compatibility with the current available FS9/FSX MK5 version. Because while working on this CFS2 version, Scrub did several updates on the MDL on my requests. I think he plans to upload an updated FS9-MK5 later with my tex.
If you can use the CFS2 MDL version in my upload you are of course ok.

(And I am very curious about the FS9 Firefly in work here..looks very promising!)

Mort :santahat:
Wow Morton, stunning paintjobs. I always really liked your work. Can anyone direct me to the model so I can check these out?
Hello Morten

I was running about the archives here yesterday and found your upload for the CFS2 version. Never even checked anywhere if it was available for fs2004. After seeing the progress Doug is getting into with his model, when I saw yours, I immediately downloaded it and started tweaking settings to get it to work in FS2004. At first it was tail heavy. I corrected the CG, and things were little better. Then I changed the .air file and most of the settings in the config with those found on the Hawker Hurricane IId. It livened it up and made it a lot more manageable. Then I went looking for some sounds. I found that Lawdog did a soundset for the Gnome inline 12 cylinder. I tossed that in....and your plane came to life. Much better!!

I flew it around for quite some time. Thank you

Here's the funny...

I was looking round at flightsim.com. Guess what I found...lol. I was a bit fired to be honest. I found A.F.Scrub released the MK5 for FS2004..... HAHA!!!!!
I was looking round at flightsim.com. Guess what I found...lol. I was a bit fired to be honest. I found A.F.Scrub released the MK5 for FS2004..... HAHA!!!!!

That's right :icon_lol:. But as I said above, be aware of earlier FS9/FSX MDL's which might give you some odd results with these textures.

Flyboy208 and Cees, those looks great, but if you look closely, you will see what I ment by using the "older" FS9 MK5 MDL. The Pilot figure is not the same. The textures is not correct on certain wingparts and guns. The same with the right exhaust stacks and wingroots. And there are more.

If you cannot use the CFS2 MDL in my upload, you will have to wait for Scrub's release of the equivalent updated FS9 MDL to fix these issues. It will give a much better result.

Morton :ernae:
Updated MK5 now available!

At Simviation.com Scrub has now uploaded the updated FS9 version of the Firefly MK5.

Mort :salute:
For some reason the rear gunner/observer's window lays open, don't know why? Mike :isadizzy:


Use the waterrudder key!




There is no Dutch skin! :kilroy: Maybe I can make one? Have you got a paintkit?


There was another panel (a darker one) I liked better! Was that on another version of the Firefly?
FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004/FSX Fairey Firefly MkV Fix
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: fireflymkvfix.zip Size: 3,170,912 Date: 11-23-2009 Downloads: 677
FS2004/FSX Fairey Firefly MkV Fix. New model file with corrected radar pod positions, fixed ground handling with good brake and turning properties and slightly modified panel. Fits both Dutch and Canadian versions. Fix by A.F. Scrub.
[/SIZE] FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004/FSX Fairey Firefly MkV
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: fireflymkv.zip Size: 18,257,672 Date: 11-20-2009 Downloads: 1,595
FS2004/FSX Fairey Firefly MkV. The Firefly 5 was produced in three forms, as the NF, FR and AS, all similar externally to the 4. Some models were flown with a fuel tank instead of the radar. The FR.5 carried the radar in the starboard wing nacelle and was equipped with beam approach, IFF and communications radio. You get two variants. Sound file by RB Design. Gmax model by A.F. Scrub.[/SIZE]
That Firefly is too old OleBoy and Lightning. Look for a new MK5-6 uploaded by Scrub one or two days ago at Simviation.com. (FSX downloads).
Or at Flightsom.com. Here is a link:


There is no Dutch skin! :kilroy: Maybe I can make one? Have you got a paintkit?
If you can use a blank texture set i have, be my guest Cees. Check your e-mail.

About the panel, my CFS2 package uses a different panel setup than Scrub's FS9/FSX.

Latest ...


This latest model(s) is great...
Just needed for me a little correction for main gear contact point ... and a reduce of the effectiveness of the toe brake (or it's for me impossible to brake as the plane noze go in ground :) )
A other strange thing is to have the gunner - observer canopy open by default ...
Why not also in this case the pilot canopy not open by default ?
