A.F. Scrub's Fairey Firefly

Fly well ...






Use the waterrudder key!




There is no Dutch skin! :kilroy: Maybe I can make one? Have you got a paintkit?


There was another panel (a darker one) I liked better! Was that on another version of the Firefly?

Cees, thanks for your help here! Mike :applause:

This latest model(s) is great...
Just needed for me a little correction for main gear contact point ... and a reduce of the effectiveness of the toe brake (or it's for me impossible to brake as the plane noze go in ground :) )
A other strange thing is to have the gunner - observer canopy open by default ...
Why not also in this case the pilot canopy not open by default ?


Do you have the corrected points for us please?



Corrected points:
It's just some correction on the main gear relative position to the ground .. so the wheels touch the ground (and so the shadow is also better located)
It's also a little tweak needed in the air file cause this plane when full speed (full power) is to be trimed too much noze down
Will try to fix when time allow :)

point.1 = 1, 1.666667, -3.916667, -7.2, 2165.354331, 1, 0.554788, 0, 0.409018, 2.5, 0.886242, 7.5, 7.5, 2, 0, 0
point.2 = 1, 1.666667, 3.916667, -7.2, 2165.354331, 2, 0.554788, 0, 0.409018, 2.5, 0.886242, 7, 7, 3, 0, 0

I put also the value 0.4 for toe brakes for avoid noze in ground when braking on landing.
It's way enough for stop the plane on a reasonable distance.

By the way .. for all those "small planes" .. I was annoyed by all this dust when touchdown on concrete or hard runways ... so for touchdown effect I use instead my own effect in attachement. (remove .txt of course)
Feel free to use it anywhere.
Put in the FS2004 effects folder.
This eliminate the dust.

In the Firefly I added this strings as it was nothing about effects ....

wake = fx_wake
water = fx_spray
dirt = fx_tchdrt
concrete = fx_sparks
touchdown = fx_nothing, 1

Thank you Claudius for the contact points, and to everyone else for the help.

Here are 2 more pix of the prop mods I made, not perfect, but much better.

Trying to upload the new prop, hope it works.

Cheers! Mike :salute:

Thank's for the prop disk .. will test it.
It's kind of mod I'm unable to perform myself .. not enough artistic blood I suppose :)


Prop disk work perfect.

A other comment about this plane is about the undercariage.
When gear down in flight the plane is litterally sucked by the ground :) (Noze go hard down and many positive trim correction needed)
It's so more of a drag effect .. wonder if it's so realistic ?
Like I writed above .. it's some corrections needed to the air file.

Latests modifications


This is the lasts modifications performed....

The speed for close-opening of the rear observer canopy was way too fast and unrealistic ...
The speed is now slowed
Modification of this contact point for speed ajusted:

point.7 = 5, 7.14, 0, -0.5, 1600, 0, 0, 10, 0.4, 2.5, 1, 3, 3, 4, 0, 0

Modified air file (in attachement .. please remove .txt)
Now the plane noze don't sunk suddenly when gear is lowered
Also a little correction for the trim at cruise speed
Always save originals before modifs just in case !

All in all Mr. Scrub did a Fair(l)ey good job on this Firefly. :icon_lol: Nice that the community can lift this up to an even higher level.:salute: Gotta love the Outhouse for that!:jump:

This is a great model. I love the detail of the skins Morton. Excellent mousemanship. :icon_lol: ( I think I just invented a word)
To be honest, for a moment, I felt a little " beat to the finish line". But the work I've done, the things I have learned about modeling, all the hours I've spent reading and researching, vertex moving, won't have been done in vain. I'll continue to see my 1st model to the end, then we'll have lots of Fireflies to play with :jump:. This is not a competition, it's a hobby, a passion. So great work Mr.Scrub! Cheers fellas Happy New Year.
Fnerg, if you had started a Spitfire project I would have said, oh well, come on with it. But at the moment we only have one Firefly! And there's always room for improvements! I really look forward to following your project.

As I stated in the other Firefly thread:

Hey Doug,

That we've got Scrub's version doesn't mean you're off the hook now!:a1089:

Please continue the good work!:ernae::ernae::ernae:

A F Scrub's Fairey Firefly

With the very latest model, which uses Shift + W to open/close the observer's cockpit, how does one lower the tailhook?
I run FS9 only and I cannot get Shift+t to lower the tailhook in the latest A F Scrub Firefly model. Does anyone else have that problem?