A Lockheed "Rounder"


Soon available, still some finishes before release!


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Hi Marty,

Beautiful livery! :applause:
Just one little correction: it is not 258005 but 256005. ;)


Hello Maarten,
I have a question, I noticed that the model C60A rear wheel is black, the eng0w_t texture does not work, it's the eng0_t texture that is mapped to the C60A. have you noticed that !
THank regards
Hello Maarten,
I have a question, I noticed that the model C60A rear wheel is black, the eng0w_t texture does not work, it's the eng0_t texture that is mapped to the C60A. have you noticed that !
THank regards

Hello Marty,

I don't see any of the problems you mention. All is normal, including a black tailwheel tyre.

Not so. B-17s, yes, aft is Auto Rich and forward is Idle Cutoff, but Lodestars are actually standard; forward is Auto Rich, aft is ICO. Liberator? Don't know that one...
Read through the thread, you'll find some good pictures of the Lodestar's control panel. And yes, the Lib's mixture does work that way as well.
Pan Am 33666

I am hoping that someone might do a version of Pan Am NC 33666. It's a pretty skin and on a personal note ... I really need this for my Pan Am hangar. I have everything from a Curtiss Condor right up through the "billboard" jets ... but no Lodestar.

Just in case there were any painters looking for ideas!


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Got any more pics of the Pan Am one? I've done a 1930s Pan American DC-2 so a Lodestar shouldn't be an issue provided I have enough pics from different angles to make sure I can get it reasonably right. That Pacific Alaska one should easy enough as well with enough reference pics.

(TWA is in the hanger as well)
Sorry for another late bug report Milton, but I didn't make the connection 'til now. I thought it was simply painted black, but now I realise that this area is actually unmapped. I am talking about the area in the middle of the bottom of the vertical stabilizer (circled in green):

That area is mapped on the tail_t.bmp top center. All the textures available did not include painting that area. I was aware of this before release but had no way to get the updated textures from Nigel since he has been without a computer for months. Maybe Nigel will update these textures when he returns.
Back from vacation. Seeing lots of Lodestar package issues mentioned here and elsewhere. My apologies folks but this was the only way to get meaningful feedback.

I will be preparing an update release for next weekend so if you have issues, let's hear them whether already mentioned or not.

This will be the final update release so let's make the problems known.

I will provide a list of issues this weekend that I have addressed or am in the process of addressing.

I will not make any changes affecting textures or texture mapping.

Thanks for your help.
Back from vacation. Seeing lots of Lodestar package issues mentioned here and elsewhere. My apologies folks but this was the only way to get meaningful feedback.

I will be preparing an update release for next weekend so if you have issues, let's hear them whether already mentioned or not.

This will be the final update release so let's make the problems known.

I will provide a list of issues this weekend that I have addressed or am in the process of addressing.

I will not make any changes affecting textures or texture mapping.

Thanks for your help.


When feathering a prop inflight, after killing the engine with the mixture and going to feather the blades appear to feather until just before the rotation stops, then they turn flat again. They don't stay knife edge into the wind as a feathered prop should. The feather buttons don't seem to work. Don't have a clue why this is happening. I compared the Propeller section of the aircraft config file with that of the Harpoon(which works fine) and they are almost identical.

Not sure about the mixture lever operation. A Lodestar I worked on years ago (many years! ) had the Idle Cutoff full aft and Full Rich fully forward. But in looking at a bunch of cockpit pics, some (possibly unrestored or foreign) have the quadrant marked in reverse of that, from what I can make out. I have PDF's for the Flight manual and the Erection and repair manuals for the C-60A and they are no help at all . It is possible they were originally built as modeled and later were modified to meet newer standards. JbDC9 sounds like he has current info about a restored and flying Lodestar. I viewed a video on You Tube showing a restored Lodestar in flight and the mixture levers are forward in flight. So 6 of one and a half dozen of another! LOL! Maty12 is absolutely correct about the B-17 and B-24. Possibly the change over on the Lodestar was driven by commercial Federal Air Regulations for airliner/civil operation that don't apply to military aircraft.

I'm very happy with the aircraft and enjoy it a lot! Thanks Milton! Hope you had a great vacation!


When feathering a prop inflight, after killing the engine with the mixture and going to feather the blades appear to feather until just before the rotation stops, then they turn flat again. They don't stay knife edge into the wind as a feathered prop should. The feather buttons don't seem to work. Don't have a clue why this is happening. I compared the Propeller section of the aircraft config file with that of the Harpoon(which works fine) and they are almost identical.

Not sure about the mixture lever operation. A Lodestar I worked on years ago (many years! ) had the Idle Cutoff full aft and Full Rich fully forward. But in looking at a bunch of cockpit pics, some (possibly unrestored or foreign) have the quadrant marked in reverse of that, from what I can make out. I have PDF's for the Flight manual and the Erection and repair manuals for the C-60A and they are no help at all . It is possible they were originally built as modeled and later were modified to meet newer standards. JbDC9 sounds like he has current info about a restored and flying Lodestar. I viewed a video on You Tube showing a restored Lodestar in flight and the mixture levers are forward in flight. So 6 of one and a half dozen of another! LOL! Maty12 is absolutely correct about the B-17 and B-24. Possibly the change over on the Lodestar was driven by commercial Federal Air Regulations for airliner/civil operation that don't apply to military aircraft.

I'm very happy with the aircraft and enjoy it a lot! Thanks Milton! Hope you had a great vacation!


Thanks Dave; I'll look into the feathering issue; seems to work here but maybe I'm doing something wrong procedurally.

I had the levers the other way; I knew I would get questions after changing them ... such is life. :)
See attached comparison.
Hallo Mitlton, Hallo friends

I found in a german forum very poor picture of a captured Lodestar and pressed into service by the german Luftwafe.
It seems that it was coded DE + KI.
Does some one know more about german Lodestars or have pictures. It would tend me to try a repaint - if some one other
wouldn't do it.
According to the German "Flugzeugforum" this is most likely the former Air France Lockheed 18-07-01 Lodestar I, which flew with the civil registration F-ARTJ (c/n 18-2009). It was captured in France in May/June 1940, but crashed on takeoff 02 Jul 1942 Port-Étienne Airport (NDB/GQPP), Mauritania.

Thanks Dave; I'll look into the feathering issue; seems to work here but maybe I'm doing something wrong procedurally.

I had the levers the other way; I knew I would get questions after changing them ... such is life. :)
See attached comparison.


Good picture! I figured that it was due to civil type certification and FAR's that drove a modification. As the B-17 and B-24 never received a civil type certificate, they have never had to be changed.

Do the feather buttons work for you? How do you shut down and engine inflight? Maybe I'm doing something wrong? On the Harpoon, I'll use the feather button or Ctrl F1 then Ctrl F2 to feather the prop then idle cutoff mixture to kill the engine.


Good picture! I figured that it was due to civil type certification and FAR's that drove a modification. As the B-17 and B-24 never received a civil type certificate, they have never had to be changed.

Do the feather buttons work for you? How do you shut down and engine inflight? Maybe I'm doing something wrong? On the Harpoon, I'll use the feather button or Ctrl F1 then Ctrl F2 to feather the prop then idle cutoff mixture to kill the engine.


Hi Dave, well I guess I usually do the following for example if one engine has a fire:

1) Hit the feather switch - that kills the engine immediately
2) Pull back the throttle, prop, and move the mixture to cutoff for affected engine
3) Turn off the fuel pump for affected engine

I then set the running engine controls for safe speed and trim for desired flight.

She handles well with one engine in all phases of flight.

With that said, I will double check the Harpoon operation to check for differences.
I have the following items listed to do and will be included in the final update. If you have more to issues to be considered, please post them here.

1) Delete the SmokeSystem and deactivate the smoke switch on the lower overhead panel - Done
2) Adjust static pitch - Done
3) Revisit flight model - WIP
4) Check feather switch operation - WIP
5) Taxi lights - try again to get them to function correctly in FS9 and eliminate the taxi light effect (separate from Landing lights - they work fine in FSX - Changed, to be tested
6) Replace radio section to remove standby freq capability - Done
7) Adjust tail wheel scrape point upward - Done
8) Change how the avionics switch and switch cover works - Changed, to be tested
9) Correct cowl flaps and mag switch textures - they were mapped to the old parts.bmp that was later changed to parts_t.bmp - Done
10) Reduce slow prop blade opacity - Changed, to be tested
11) Fix see-thru leak around glare shield compass - Changed, to be tested

Anything else, let's get it posted


I should have the FS9 flight model ready for someone to test Sunday; it's looking great right now.

The FSX flight model is changed but needs more testing and validation.

I am reverting back to the June 28th version of the L-18; it's a much better FM very close to Tom Falley's original with some minor necessary enhancements.
Speeds are within +- 3mph at various cruise settings at various altitudes.